Gardens are always special places generally outdoors which are filled with flowers, herbs, plants and sometimes man-made materials. Garden helps in cleaning the environmental pollution by removing harmful gases generated in our metro life. We can create nature like environment at home by owning a garden. Garden helps in providing essential benefits that can have a significant impact on mental and physical well being.
Ten Lines on My Garden in English
We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on My Garden in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in the school competition. These lines will also help you to gain knowledge about this topic.
10 Lines on My Garden
1) Garden is very close to my heart as it adds beauty to my house and surrounding areas.
2) Our Garden is quite spacious as we live in the countryside which is on the outskirts of the city.
3) The garden is the best part of my house as it is filled with beautiful flowers.
4) One can spend hours in my garden without getting bored.
5) Many beautiful birds have built their nests in the backyard of my garden.
6) I have also built a small house for my pet dog in the garden.
7) We have rows of seasonal flowers like sunflowers, roses, and lilies which make garden colorful.
8) Our garden is also full of aromatic herbs like Aloe Vera, mint, lemon and coriander.
9) Besides beautiful flowers and aromas, we also grow organic vegetables and fruits in the garden.
10) Garden is the place to hang out with friends in the evening time after a long day at school.
10 Lines and Sentences on My Garden
1) Garden provides much needed fresh air in today’s pollution filled environment.
2) Garden makes us fit and healthy by providing us a place to practice deep breathing exercises during morning times.
3) Garden helps us in preserving nature and environment, by planting various flowers, fruits, and vegetables.
4) Garden is the place that helps in relieving the stress as, with the gardening our mood uplifts quickly.
5) Garden helps in increasing our compassion and love to nature as we grow and nurture various kinds of plants during gardening.
6) Garden with bougainvillea flowers is a visual treat as the flowers are pink in color and are great climber over a fence.
7) Garden helps in bringing sweet fragrance to the house because of the presence of flowers like roses and lilies.
8) Gardening is good for health; every individual should own a garden.
9) People generally hire a professional gardener who takes care of the garden on a regular basis.
10) Artificial gardens are prepared by garden designers at tourist places across the globe to attract people in large numbers.

5 Lines on My Garden
1) I have a small garden in my backyard.
2) My garden has so many flowers.
3) I also grow vegetables.
4) It has a swing at one corner.
5) Butterflies and birds beautify my garden.
20 Lines on My Garden
1) My garden is like an oasis (a green spot) in the middle of a concrete jungle called ‘city’.
2) My garden provides me a place to relax, rejuvenate, and be at peace with Mother Nature.
3) My garden always surprises me with a new bird’s nest, visiting rodents like squirrels, Mongoose, etc.
4) There isn’t a single dry patch in my garden, thanks to the efforts of our gardener and grandfather.
5) No matter how hot the climate is, my garden always has a surprising burst of cool air.
6) Even my friends, family and relatives like to spend time in my garden rather than in the house.
7) Around 60% of the water used in my garden comes from water collected from rain during the monsoon.
8) My garden has a huge underground tank and an appropriate mechanism to collect the rainwater in it.
9) My garden has electronic sprinklers for optimum utilization of water and minimizes its wastage.
10) The trees and all the plants in my garden, make it a couple of degrees cooler than the surroundings.
11) My garden has been the favorite relaxing spot for my family for decades.
12) My garden has risen plants and other flowers that have been there for over two decades now.
13) My garden is like a biodiversity hot spot with varieties of birds, reptiles, rodents, and insects.
14) My garden is 100% chemical-free and chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used in my garden.
15) We have recently installed a garden waste management system to prepare compost from waste.
16) A small part of my garden is used for growing natural herbs and vegetables.
17) My garden is bordered with beautiful Golden Shower Tree which is also used as medicine.
18) My garden has several birdhouses, bird feeders, and water pots to let the birds relax and feed.
19) During the dawn and dusk, my garden becomes alive with singing birds and hopping squirrels.
20) Still, I have a long list of to be included plants, flowers, and vegetables in my garden.
It’s always wonderful to have a garden at home. The entire family can sit together on weekends or holidays in sunny winter and can spend some quality time which really strengthens the relationship bond. It not only freshens the environment but it also provides a natural habitat to various animals and birds.
More Links:
10 Lines on Gardening
10 Lines on Plants
10 Lines on Indoor Plants
10 Lines on Importance of Trees
10 Lines on Benefits of Planting Trees