Our parents have told us a lot about the strength that unity possesses. Even many of us have heard some stories based on the concept of ‘unity is strength’. But this time, we have brought some useful information on ‘unity is strength. Through the sets of 10 lines below, I hope that these sets will benefit you a lot.
Ten Lines on Unity is Strength in English
Below are given 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Unity is Strength for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Also, people who want to know some facts on Unity is Strength in short as well as in less time can read these lines. So, let’s start:
10 Lines on Unity is Strength
1) When people from different walks of life come together for a cause, we call it unity.
2) Unity is always important for family, society and country.
3) It is easy to break a single stick but not a bunch of sticks.
4) Unity gives us the strength to face difficult situations without becoming weaker, mentally or physically.
5) Trust plays a vital role in forming unity; it is the element which helps to believe in others.
6) National festivals are the occasions when people from all sections of society unite together.
7) It is the teamwork of the players which help them to win matches and bring pride to their country.
8) Individual players do not win matches; it is the unity of the players, which helps them to defeat stronger teams.
9) Unity of a country is very much essential for its socio-economic development.
10) Countries or families which are not united eventually become weaker and lead to disintegration.
10 Lines and Sentences on Unity is Strength
1) ‘Unity is strength’ showcases the importance of togetherness.
2) It requires an army of thousands to fight with unity and win battles.
3) It is always easy to complete a task with a few more resources than a single one.
4) The strength of the freedom fighter’s unity shook the foundation of the British government during the Indian freedom struggle.
5) Britishers were so anxious by the Indian’s unity that they brought the divide and rule policy to break their unity.
6) A unified approach always leads to success.
7) If people unite together against any social evil, it becomes easy to uproot it.
8) If there is no bonding in the family, then the family disintegrates slowly.
9) The power of unity remains in mutual trust and faith.
10) Unity has that strength which can make impossible things to happen.
5 Lines on Unity is Strength
1) Unity is the biggest power in the world.
2) Unity is necessary for every field of work.
3) Unity helps in the progress of the nation.
4) Unity helps to fight every situation.
5) Unity gives courage, confidence, and hope.

20 Lines on Unity is Strength
1) Unity refers to being together for people in their thoughts, feelings and reactions.
2) People in unity share the same feelings and sympathy for each other.
3) ‘Unity is Strength’ is all about being together no matter what the circumstances are.
4) If we do work in unity, then we can achieve the goal.
5) The people in unity suffer less stress as they solve the problems together.
6) An individual can experience harm easily but not a united team.
7) A united family always succeeds in providing a better environment for their children.
8) ‘Unity is Strength’ emphasizes that the power rests in Unity only.
9) Unity at national level helps in developing the nation at its best.
10) The strength of unity puts a great impact on the development of the nation.
11) Unity is the most significant feature and the most important factor of human’s life.
12) Following the ideology of ‘Unity’ will always fill you with phenomenal strength.
13) A united family is always better than a nuclear family.
14) Living united makes you stronger and prepares you to face every problem.
15) A load which is hard to bear for an individual, a team with unity can drag it easily.
16) It is the strength of Unity that has made several nations very powerful and prosperous.
17) The lack of unity had made the Mughal and then Britishers enter India and rule it.
18) We can stand and survive only because of the virtue of Unity that we possess.
19) Unity will establish only when one will have trust in the people of his group.
20) Unity has the strength to conquer the world and to change the rules.
Unity is very much important to make us integrated and bonded. Unified steps taken for anything will always lead to great change. Let us unite together, forgetting our rivalry and work towards the development of our society and country.
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