10 Lines on Fuels

Everything in the Universe needs some energy to be in the state of motion. It is also applicable in the sense of living beings. We get energy from food. Similarly, our motor vehicles get the energy to move from the diesel, petrol, gas or the other medium. These are fuels. You can learn about fuels in the sets of 10 lines below.

Ten Lines on Fuels in English

Below are given 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Fuels for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Also, people who want to know some facts on Fuels in short as well as in less time can read these lines. So, let’s start:

10 Lines on Fuels 

1) Fuels are the substances which release heat energy when burnt or undergo a chemical reaction.

2) Fossil fuel is the fuel which has formed by the natural process of the buried organism and vegetation.

3) Coal, petroleum products, natural gas are a few forms of fossil fuels.

4) Wood was the first fuel that mankind used.

5) Animal fat was also fuel in ancient times.

6) Fuels can be Solid, Liquid and Gaseous.

7) Coal, Wood, Peat, Dung cakes etc. are solid fuels and Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene etc. are liquid fuels.

8) Natural gas, LPG, Methane, CNG comes under gaseous fuels.

9) Nuclear fuels like Uranium come under use for the fusion and fission reaction.

10) Burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases, eventually causing global warming.

10 Lines and Sentences on Fuels 

1) Fuels are the materials used to generate energy for various purposes.

2) The industrial revolution was never possible without the use of fuels.

3) Fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, natural gas etc. are the source for cooking, transportation, power plants etc.

4) Fuels provide energy through some chemical reaction in them.

5) Bio-gas or bio fuels generate from the biomass, food and animal waste.

6) Too much usage of fuels leads to pollution and other ecological threats like global warming.

7) Fossil fuels are non-renewable fuels, which are on the verge of exhaustion.

8) Burning of fossil fuels produces more than 20 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year globally.

9) Renewable fuels are the fuels which produce from renewable resources like ethanol, methanol and hydrogen, etc.

10) Fuels are the driving force of human civilization since its inception.

10 Lines on Fuels

5 Lines on Fuels 

1) Fuels are capable to release energy.

2) Fuels can be solid, liquid, or gas.

3) Fuels are mainly used in vehicles.

4) Wood, coal, petrol, etc are some examples of fuels.

5) Fuels also produce environmental pollution.

20 Lines on Fuels 

1) The substances that produce light and heat when burnt are fuels.

2) Solid fuels are in their solid forms, such as wood and coal.

3) Fluid fuels are a mixture of different kinds of hydrocarbons, such as Kerosene, Petrol, Diesel, Alcohol etc.

4) Gaseous fuels like CNG and LPG also produce heat on burning and are easy to transport and control.

5) Coal gas produces by the distillation of coal.

6) Natural gas is a good example of fuel that originates from oil wells.

7) Flammable methane gas also forms in wet dung rots, which burns easily in the presence of Oxygen.

8) The cheapest and easily available fuels are good fuels and have higher thermal value.

9) Rockets work with hydrogen fuels.

10) CNG is a vehicle fuel, and the first CNG station has set up at Nagapattinam in Tamilnadu.

11) Fuels are substances that combine with oxygen to produce a lot of heat.

12) ‘Fuel’ derives from the Sanskrit word ‘Indhan’ which means ‘to burn’.

13) Electric energy is also a source of heat, so it is also fuel sometimes.

14) The fuel can be in any form of the state of a matter.

15) The thermal value of a fuel is the amount of heat obtained after burning 1 gram of that fuel in the air.

16) Hydrogen has the highest thermal value of 39.4 k/j per gram.

17) A fuel that has high defoliation rate is not appropriate for use.

18) The quality of good fuel is that the ignition temperature should be at least.

19) The fuels that have a higher calorific value are also called good fuels.

20) Compressed Natural Gas is also an example of fuel that contains 80% to 90% of methane gas.

Fuels play an important role in our daily life, and without it, we would not be able to get the basic requirement of life. But the over usage of the fuels have affected our environment on a larger extent, leading to pollution and global warming.

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