A tiger is a wild animal that looks like a big cat. Tiger is the biggest flesh-eating animal in its cat family. It has a strong body and it is equally powerful as a Lion. It is found in different parts of Asia mainly India, Bhutan China, Siberia, Malaysia, etc. It is the national animal of India as well as Bangladesh. In ancient times kings used to hunt tigers in the jungle and kept their skin to display the prosperity of their palaces. While hunting, the stripes on the tiger’s body help the tiger hide from its prey.
They are considered the best hunters in the world. Among all of the species of tiger, the “Siberian Tiger” is considered as big and powerful. Generally, tigers have black stripes on their orange skin but there are some tigers that have black stripes on their white skin.
Ten Lines on Tiger in English
We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, a few lines, and sentences on tiger in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. If you have to write 10 lines on tiger for class 1 to class 4 these lines will be very useful for you. After reading these lines you will know about tigers in a better way. You can add these lines in your essay and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in competitive exams.
These lines will help you to answer all your questions regarding which is the strongest animal in the jungle, what are the characteristics of a tiger, where it is found, what a tiger eats, what a baby tiger is called, what is female tiger called, what is the lifespan of tigers, are stripes on tigers unique, can tigers swim, can they climb trees, what is the maximum speed of tigers, how many tigers are left in the world, what is tiger conservation, what are the species of tigers, etc.
10 Lines on Tiger
1) Tiger is the biggest wild animal in the cat family, it is one of the strongest animals in the jungle.
2) Tiger is a “Carnivorous” animal which means it is a flesh-eating animal; it hunts other animals for food.
3) Tiger has a long and strong body. It has four legs, strong paws with sharp nails, and one tail.
4) Generally, it is found in orange color with black stripes on it, but white tigers have black stripes on white skin.
5) Generally, their eyes are similar to a cat’s eyes but the white tiger has blue eyes.
6) Tigers produce the sound of “Roaring” which can be heard from 3 km away.
7) Tigers live up to 26 years when they live in the jungle but in zoos, they live only 16-18 years.
8) A tiger can eat approximately 25 to 27 kg of flesh in one day.
9) Female tigers are called “Tigress” and it gives birth to their offspring called “Cub”.
10) On average tigress gives birth to 3-4 cubs at a time.
10 Lines and Sentences on Tiger
1) Tigers mainly live alone and they prefer dense forests and dens to make their habitat.
2) While hunting, the black strips on their body help the tiger to hide from its prey.
3) Each and every tiger is unique in this world; no two tigers will have the same kind of stripes on their body.
4) Tigers are the best swimmers and they are able to hunt while swimming.
5) While hunting their prey, tigers can run at a maximum speed of 65 km/hr.
6) There are five subspecies of tigers in which the “Siberian Tiger” is the largest in size.
7) Three species of tigers have become extinct, namely- Caspian, Bali, and Javan.
8) Approximately, 4000 tigers are left in this world out of which only 2266 are left in India.
9) Excessive hunting of the tigers mainly for their bones and skin has reduced their population.
10) In order to save them from extinction, tigers are kept in the zoo, though they do not feel comfortable there.
5 Lines on Tiger
1) It is the strongest wild animal.
2) They live in jungles.
3) They are carnivores.
4) They have strong teeth and paws.
5) It is the national animal of India.
20 Lines on Tiger
1) The biological name of the tiger is Panthera Tigris and it is the largest among cat species.
2) A reddish-orange fur with vertical black stripes is a tiger’s distinct physical appearance.
3) Tiger is carnivorous and usually a solitary hunter except when in courtship.
4) Tigers usually hunt during the dawn or dusk except when disturbed by human activities at the night.
5) Tiger cubs are completely looked after by their mother, who teaches them skills for two years.
6) Once the tiger cub/s attain the age of 2-2.5 years, they leave the company of their mother forever.
7) Tigers ambush their prey and bring it down with sharp claws and canine teeth.
8) Like all other carnivores, tigers incapacitate their prey by biting throats with their powerful jaws.
9) While hunting smaller prey like monkeys, tigers break the spinal cord of the animals.
10) Tigers drag their prey to a secluded spot to devour it concealed from scavengers.
11) Tigers are the largest, ferocious, and beautiful beasts belonging to the cat family.
12) Tigers have extremely sharp claws and long curved canines to help them prey.
13) A tiger hides its kill and might return to feed for a couple of days if it is big enough.
14) A tiger likes to rest in dark shades like bamboo forests, caves, sugarcane fields, etc.
15) Tigers have the exceptional hearing ability but their sense of smell is not better than that of humans.
16) A tiger is a neat eater and it cleans the prey with its tongue before starting feeding on it.
17) Adult tiger kills nearly 50 deer-sized animals in a year and consumes up to 40 Kg of meat at one time.
18) Tigers communicate through a variety of vocalizations for long distances like roaring.
19) Tigers mark their territories by leaving scratches on trees or spraying their urine as a warning.
20) Unlike other cats, tigers love water and like to cool off in pools or even hunt if the situation arises.
Tigers have many contributions to balancing the ecosystem by hunting and eating their prey regularly. In order to make more money, some people hunt them frequently and excessively and due to this situation, they are now on the verge of extinction. Since the tiger is the national animal of India, killing the tiger is a criminal offense, and people who get involved in the killing of the tiger face the law of the land.
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Tiger
Ans. Panthera tigris is the scientific name for a tiger.
Ans. Tigers are capable of making a single leap of up to 33 feet in height.
Ans. Yes, tigers are excellent swimmers and can even swim long distances.
Ans. The largest tigers are Amur tigers, which are sometimes called Siberian tigers. Males can weigh up to 660 pounds and be up to 10 feet long from nose to tail tip.
Ans. The Sumatran variety of tigers is the most smallest of all the tiger species. They can get up to about 310 pounds and 8 feet long at their largest.
Ans. Sumatran tigers are critically endangered because they are the rarest and smallest type of tiger in the world.
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