10 Lines on Peacock

Peacocks are very beautiful birds of this world. They are mostly found in the jungle, in zoos, or in any agricultural land. They have long tail that consists of lots of beautiful feathers. Their tail consisting of feathers is big in comparison to their body size. Generally, in many species, the females are considered to be pretty but in peacocks, the male bird is beautiful in comparison to female peacocks as the latter looks ugly. This is because the male peacocks have feathers on their tail which is very beautiful and bright in color.

Peacock cannot fly very high and it is not sky-flying bird, they can fly a little up to some branches of a tree. Peacocks look attractive when they dance by spreading their feather during rainfall.

Ten Lines on Peacock in English

We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, a few lines, and sentences on peacock in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. After reading these lines you will know what is a peacock; in which color peacocks appear; where peacocks are found; which part makes peacock attractive; why peacocks cannot fly high; what peacocks do at night; what a female peacock is called and what is the lifespan of a peacock.

You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in the school competition. The lines will be especially helpful for kids of 1 to 5 standards. It will also enhance your knowledge of peacocks, the information can be used in putting on your notice board under the topic ‘peacocks’ or can be used in the assembly discussions.

10 Lines on Peacock

1) Peacock is one of the most beautiful birds on earth.

2) Peacock usually has a blue color and its feathers have a mixture of blue, green, and golden colors.

3) Peacocks are found in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Africa, etc.

4) Peacocks look attractive due to their colorful feathers.

5) Peacocks look beautiful when it dances in rain by spreading their feathers.

6) Peacocks can fly up to some heights of branches but cannot fly in the sky.

7) The big tail of peacocks and heavy body weight prevent them to fly high.

8) In night peacocks go on the tree to save themselves from attackers.

9) The male bird is called a peacock and the female bird is called a peahen.

10) Generally, the life of a peacock is up to 10 to 25 years.

10 Lines and Sentences on Peacock

1) Peacock is a very beautiful bird that is found in very few countries like India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, the African continent.

2) In India peacocks are found in greater numbers in Jammu- Kashmir, Assam, Mizoram, and parts of the eastern Indian peninsula.

3) The colorful tail of the peacock makes it very beautiful especially when it dances in the rain, the peacock looks very attractive.

4) Peacock is declared as the national bird of India in the year 1963 and also it is protected under the wildlife protection act 1972.

5) Peacock is also mentioned in mythology and is considered the vehicle of the lord “Karthikeya”. Lord Krishna wore peacock feathers on his head.

6) Peacock is considered very sacred in the Hindu religion as people use to hang peacock feathers to bring prosperity to their homes.

7) The feather of the peacock is also used in some designs and decorations, earrings; ornaments made with peacock feathers are also quite popular.

8) Peacocks are said to be shy in nature they avoid people and try to hide in bushes and in other places from the people who are looking at them.

9) There are some species of peacock that look totally white in color along with their feathers.

10) Peacocks are very alert in nature, on feeling any kind of danger they start shouting to alert other members of their peacock family.

10 Lines on Peacock

5 Lines on Peacock

1) Peacock looks very beautiful.

2) It has beautiful colorful wings.

3) They are omnivores.

4) Peacock dances in rain.

5) It is India’s national bird.

20 Lines on Peacock

1) Peacock is a magnificent bird commonly called Peafowl.

2) It mainly inhabits the region of southeast Asia and Central Africa.

3) There are three species of peacock found in the world.

4) The Indian peafowl and green peafowl species are mainly found in southeast Asia.

5) The Congo peafowl species of peacock is only found in Africa.

6) The male bird is a peacock while the female bird is called a peahen.

7) Peacock is an omnivorous bird that feeds on a variety of plants and insects.

8) It sings or produces sounds for attracting peahens before the mating process.

9) The peahen chooses its partner for mating after accessing the peacock’s plumage.

10) Peahen reproduces by laying eggs and provides good parental care to its offspring.

11) Peacocks are iconic creations of god on this earth.

12) It is referred to as the national bird of India since 1963.

13) The beautiful plumage and crown on its head make it an elegant bird.

14) The beautiful feathers in male peafowl are called ‘train’.

15) The peacocks are larger in weight and size than peahens.

16) Peacocks tend to live in groups that consist of 4-5 females and a male.

17) The blue peacock species are kept as pets by human beings.

18) A peacock has a lifespan of 10-15 years age.

19) Peacock performs dance by spreading its colorful feathers and attracting peahens.

20) The bird peacock is the symbol of royalty and is depicted in different cultures.

Peacock is a very beautiful bird amongst other birds in India, they are considered very sacred in some communities in Rajasthan, and they try to prevent other people to hunt peacocks. As a result, peacocks are protected under the wildlife protection act 1972. They are very helpful to nature as they eat snakes and protect people from them. People use to keep peacock feathers in their homes in order to bring prosperity to their homes and drive out the negative energy of their homes.

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