There is a saying that “A friend in need is a friend indeed” which means a person who helps you in your difficult time and tries to make you come out of your troubles is known as a friend. When we have our good time then lots of people come and try to be our friend, but when our bad time starts, those people start ignoring us.
This is the time when we get such a person who really helps us to come out of our bad situation and that person is called as our best friend. He is the one who is really concerned about us.
I also have a best friend and he is one in millions. He is very special to me because I always spend a quality time with him. He does not let me to get bored and he takes me for a complete ride of whole city.
Ten Lines on My Best Friend in English
We are providing 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on my best friend in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can use these these lines in your essay and paragraph writing in your exam or for the completion of the school’s assignment.
After reading these lines you will know like why it is important to have a best friend, what importance you give to him, what is his family background, how does he performs in the class, what are the other activities in which he is interested to etc.
10 Lines on My Best Friend
1) Good friends have become very rare in this fast-changing world where a person has no time to talk, even to his relatives.
2) I am lucky enough that I haven’t faced this situation because I have my best friend with me always.
3) With the grace of god, he is still my best friend since childhood and with the passing time our friendship has become stronger.
4) I do not consider him as my best friend, in fact I consider him as my brother.
5) He comes from a respected family, his father is a doctor and mother is a school teacher.
6) He is a good student and his performance in the class is also good, all the subject teachers like him very much.
7) He is very obedient and soft-spoken; he doesn’t talk to anybody in the school in a high voice.
8) He is very popular among all the students of my class, and due to his popularity, I am also popular for being his friend.
9) He takes interest in sports and other co-curricular activities which are conducted every Saturday in the school.
10) Due to his good performance in studies, sports and other co-curricular activities, our principal has made him the school captain.
10 Lines and Sentences on My Best Friend
1) Everybody needs a best friend in his life because we need someone on whom we can trust.
2) Luckily, I have got a person like this and he is my best friend and I trust him more than anyone else.
3) He also considers me as his best friend and in school we are known as a pair who is born to win.
4) He is very good in studies and always scores good marks in the class tests and examinations.
5) He loves challenges and feels proud when he wins the challenges.
6) In the district cricket tournament’s final, when everyone lost the hope of winning, it was him and me who chased that big target and won the match.
7) In state level to play competition, everybody in our class rejected the role of “Alauddin Khilji” but he took the challenge to play the role of Khilji.
8) His best acting in that play made our school, the winner of the state level competition; it was the first time our school won that competition.
9) He has lots of friends in the class but also has competitors who try to compete with him.
10) He doesn’t care about his competitors; he believes that he has more friends than rivals in the class.

5 Lines on My Best Friend
1) My best friend is Nikita.
2) She helps me in every work.
3) We always play together.
4) She helps me make decisions.
5) She accompanies me everywhere.
20 Lines on My Best Friend
1) My best friend is like a brother/sister who always stays with me in happiness and sorrow.
2) Time flies like anything when I am with my best friend and play, study or simply chat.
3) I and my best friend often spend good time together- cracking jokes, playing sports, games etc.
4) We help each other in studies and together we attend the lectures, raise questions in class.
5) Though we like each other’s successes; nevertheless, we also compete for better exam grades.
6) My best friend is decent, intelligent and inquisitive, as me; therefore, we gel up together so well.
7) My parents and classmates say that I and my best friend complement each other.
8) My best friend always informs me about an important school announcement, in case I missed any.
9) My best friend stays just a stone’s throw from my house, and we meet each other every evening.
10) My best friend stays in a joint family and his/her family makes me feel like a part of their own.
11) No matter how complex the situation is; my best friend is always there to bail me out.
12) I often go places with my best friend, during weekends, festivals or summer and winter vacations.
13) I and my best friend might have dispute over an issue, but we never let it go beyond a limit.
14) My best friend and I have together taken part in many sports competitions in school and community.
15) We both are like each other’s best friend, teacher, guardian, supporter and care taker.
16) My best friend always persuades me to put an extra effort, to improve myself in studies and sports.
17) My best friend hates to see me sad and s/he starts cracking a joke as soon as s/he senses the mood.
18) We might have several cultural, religious and ethnic differences, but they don’t bother us at all.
19) Together we like to engage in social work, like- teaching poor kids, arranging funds for the poor etc.
20) We have a secret plan of staring a school for under privileged children, when we grow up.
A best friend helps us to perform better in life, be it studies, sports or co-curricular activities. He inspires us to take part in the sports and extra-curricular activities of the school. A best friend is such a kind of a person which helps you to improve yourself. Spending time with your best friend always makes you happy. He is the one with him with whom you can spend a lot of time without getting bored.
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