Though the human follows many relationships throughout is his life, only a few last with for a long time. One of them is the relation of friendship. The friendship does not need any kind of description, but we have provided some sets of 10 lines on it to make you ready for any quiz or essay competition on the topic. You should check them right now.
Ten Lines on Friendship in English
Some well worded sets of 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Friendship for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are given below to help them in their study , exams and school assignments. Just go through these lines and select the one of your choice:
10 Lines on Friendship
1) Friendship is the mutual bond between individuals who might share the same mindset or thoughts.
2) A good friend is the one with whom you can share your thoughts which you can’t share with others.
3) Friendship deepens with the passing of time and converts into a strong relationship.
4) In a true friendship, each person tries to bring a positive change in others and always shows the righteous path.
5) A sense of sacrifice is one of the most important characteristics of true friendship.
6) A true friend is always ready for sacrifice for the sake of the betterment of his friends.
7) Friendship also helps in providing care and support to friends during their bad times.
8) There is always a sense of respect and responsibility in true friendship.
9) ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’ signifies the essence of true friendship.
10) The friendship of Lord Krishna and Sudama is an example of a selfless bond of friendship.
10 Lines and Sentences on Friendship
1) Friendship is a selfless relationship between two or more person with a sense of affection and esteem.
2) Friendship can happen between any individuals irrespective of their geographical boundaries or nationality.
3) Two friends generally keep their heart open for each other and don’t keep anything secret.
4) Many people befriend rich individuals for the sake of money and escape the vicinity whenever their friend is in a difficult situation.
5) A true friend will never leave his friends whatever be the situation, and will always stand strong beside them.
6) The friendship acts as a balm on the pain of sorrows, grieves and suffering of life.
7) Friendship can also prosper with animals since they are the one who will never betray you.
8) The adverse condition helps to test the authenticity of friendship.
9) True friendship is rare to find, but if found, it needs to be preserved and nurtured throughout the life.
10) Friendship is a bond which heightens our happiness, lightens our sorrows and brightens our lives.

5 Lines on Friendship
1) Friendship is a bond between two people.
2) Friendship is essential in life.
3) A true friend always supports you.
4) Friendship means trusting each other.
5) Friendship is a beautiful gift of God.
20 Lines on Friendship
1) Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection, care and concern among two or more people.
2) Friendship is essential for human beings as a social animal.
3) A good friendship establishes moral values and infuses the feelings of sharing and caring.
4) Friendship ensures that there is always someone by your side in need and despair.
5) Friendship gives you an opportunity to interact and socialize with others, besides your family.
6) Friendship is a tool to be happy in sorrow and to stay joyful while feeling happy.
7) Friendship is a wonderful relationship which lessens your sorrow and multiplies your happiness.
8) Friendship is not limited to humans only, but it can also establish between human-animal and animal-animal.
9) Friendship is like lending your shoulder to someone to cry on and holding his/her hand through the pain.
10) If you are comfortable in someone’s company and always want to be with him/her – It is friendship.
11) Friendship is a cordial and trust-based relationship between two or more people.
12) The friendship that exists between two persons for mutual benefits is a friendship of utility.
13) Friendship in which two or more people enjoy each other’s company is the friendship of pleasure.
14) Friendship mutually provides emotional, psychological and financial support to friends.
15) Centuries-old, human-dog relationship is a fine example of human-animal friendship.
16) Friendship is also not age bound and even exists between adolescents and the elderly.
17) Friendship is a blessing in the form of love, care and concern which stays with you throughout your life.
18) Friendship gives a reason to smile even when all the doors shut down on your face.
19) A friendship, based purely on love, is the best form of friendship.
20) True friendship and friends are rare to find, and we should preserve them at any cost.
Friendship is one of the most precious relationships we have in our lives. True friends are the assets that we should always nurture and preserve. Friendship is like a plant which grows by time and matures to become a tree of a strong bond of mutual affection and care. The true friendship should always be away from the termites of ego and self-respect so that the fruits of friendship can make our life sweeter and healthier.
More Links:
10 Lines on A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
10 Lines on Best Friend
10 Lines on Friendship