10 Lines on Dog

Dog is a domestic animal and not of wild nature, it is the first animal which is living and tamed by the humans for a very long time. A dog resembles very much to wolf and was originally bred from it. In today’s time they are considered as popular pets of humans because they are playful, friendly, loyal and listen to his owner. They assist humans in their day to day works. Nowadays, in many societies having dogs of foreign breed is considered as status symbol.

Dogs is omnivorous i.e. it eats both meat and other food items. Their closeness and association with humans have made them accustomed of human behaviour. Dogs are very useful animals and considered as the protector of households wherever they are kept.

Ten Lines on Dog in English

We are providing 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on dog in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, after going thorough you will know about the importance of a dog and its qualities. You can add these lines in your essay and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in various school competitions.

This will be useful if you have to write simple sentences on dog, essay on my pet dog, my favourite animal, few lines about dog etc. These lines will also help you to answer most common questions like why dog is called as man’s best friend, can dog see colours, what is the average life of a dog, what is a group of dogs called, how many breeds of dog exist in world, what is female dog called, what a dog eats, what are baby dogs called, how a dog shows its affection, what are stray dogs etc.

10 Lines on Dog

1) A dog is a domestic animal which is tamed by human being and is the most common pet of man.

2) The loyalty of dog makes it a “man’s best friend”.

3) They are playful, friendly and loyal to humans and they listen and understand them.

4) They have four legs and one tail and they produce a “bark”, “woof” and “sniff” sound.

5) They can smell and hear better than humans however they can’t see colours as they are colour blind.

6) Dogs eat both meat and also other food items; hence they are called as “omnivores”.

7) The female dogs are called as “bitch”; they give birth to their offspring called as “puppies”.

8) On an average, a female dog can give birth to 3-6 puppies at a time.

9) The average life of a dog is 10 to 13 years.

10) Approximately there are 800 breeds of dogs in the world.

10 Lines and Sentences on Dog

1) By waging its tail, a dog shows its love and affection towards its owner.

2) Dogs help in many roles to human in hunting, protecting, assisting police and army etc.

3) People love to go on a walk with their dogs and play with them in gardens.

4) It is also believed that petting a puppy can lower your blood pressure.

5) They act as guard of the house because they do not let any unknown person to enter the house.

6) Stray dogs are not tamed by anybody; they roam on the road and lead a miserable life.

7) Stray dogs are caught for “dog-meat” and people from different parts of the world eat them.

8) People from north-eastern part of India are fond of dog- meat.

9) Generally, they are friendly in nature but they can also attack anyone if they are sick.

10) Stray dogs are caught by the local municipal authority and are vaccinated and sterilized.

10 Lines on Dog

5 Lines on Dog

1) Dog is a domestic animal.

2) They are very loyal animals.

3) They have strong smelling power.

4) They are of different colors.

5) They are also used for guarding.

20 Lines on Dog

1) Dogs have been one of the earliest animals domesticated by humans.

2) They have been the man’s best companions since millenniums and are called “Man’s best friend”.

3) Dogs are referred to as the man’s best friend because the friendly and caring relation they both share.

4) Dogs accompanied ancient men in hunting expeditions and also guarded their houses/territories.

5) Dogs are very protective of their masters and are known to defend them bravely.

6) Dogs are known to be involved from wolves some twenty thousand years back.

7) Dogs have been domesticated for their acute hearing and smelling abilities as well as physical agility.

8) In the world there are nearly 339 breeds of dogs; hugely varying in shape, size and behaviour.

9) Domestic dogs can moderate their bites, which plays an essential role in their socialization.

10) Some specific breeds of dogs have long been used by police as well as by military in warfare.

11) Dogs are highly capable to fit into human household and social structure.

12) Dog warns its master of strangers and intruders, using its exceptional hearing and smelling abilities.

13) Ancient nomadic groups taking dogs on hunting expedition had more chances to be successful.

14) Apart from domesticated dogs, there are also stray dogs found near human settlements in the world.

15) Dogs are trained and used by humans for various purposes like herding, guarding and hunting etc.

16) In countries like South Korea and China dogs are used and even domesticated as a source of meat.

17) Bite from an unvaccinated dog could lead to a serious life threatening infection called rabies.

18) A dog’s life span in domestication ranges from 12-14 years while stray dogs live much lesser.

19) About 60% of the world’s estimated dog bites occur in children below the age of 15 years.

20) Removing the reproductive organs of the street dogs will help keep their population in control.

Dogs are very loyal creature made by god; they are the best friends of human beings. Due to their qualities and functions they are considered as best pets of human. They help people in many household works. When assigned, they can accomplish difficult works which is not possible without their assistance like police and military operations as police dogs, sniffer dogs and army dogs etc. Due to their presence no one could break into the house.

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