Food waste refers to the food which was thrown away, since it was not needed because when you take extra food in your bowl or plate without knowing your capacity to eat, then wastage of food happens. Wastage of food can occur at any stage whether in production, processing or packaging, as it has to go to the market for sale and consumption, which is known as food supply chain.
This food waste may be accidental i.e. unknowingly or sometimes intentional but both ways it leads to scarcity of food to other people. The problem of food waste can arise at any stage of food supply chain consisting harvesting, storage, packing, transportation, situation of market i.e. infrastructure. This is not a problem of a single country but this is a problem which is worldwide and still increasing.
Ten Lines on Food Waste in English
We are giving 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on food waste in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 so that you can understand what actually it means. You can also use it in your essay and paragraph in your exams and competitions especially on the occasion on “World Food Day” on 16th October.
10 Lines on Food Waste
1) When the remaining food which is not eaten and is thrown away is called food waste, it is a worldwide problem.
2) According to FAO (Food and Agricultural Organisation), one-third or 1.3 billion tonnes of food which was produced for human consumption is wasted annually.
3) The initial stage of food production happens in preliminary stage i.e. during agriculture, due to storms, rainfall etc, from factors that influence the growth of crops.
4) When the food is stored, then wastage also occurs due to pests and other microorganisms.
5) When food is kept in storage, due to bad temperature and weather conditions, nutritional value of food gets wasted.
6) In market, most quantities of food are thrown away when they exceed their expiry date or best before date.
7) Now it’s the consumer who waste their food in huge quantities due to lack of self-knowledge regarding intake of food.
8) The global value of the wastage of food accounts to one trillion dollars and its weight is up to 1.3 billion tonnes.
9) Cutting global food waste by just a quarter will save enough food for everyone on planet.
10) In developed countries, more than half of all the food waste starts from their home.
10 Lines and Sentences on Food Waste
1) The FAO (food and agricultural organisation) in 2017 estimated that 190.7 million people are undernourished in India; they don’t receive even one time food.
2) According to the estimates by the UN, approximately 40 percent of food prepared in India is wasted and this accounts to one lakh crore rupees loss every year.
3) Hotels, restaurants, weddings, receptions, events and festivals in India largely contribute to food wastage.
4) Government policies are also responsible for food waste, without proper procurement and storage, food grains gets rotten in open, kept outside the Godown.
5) India ranks in 63rd position among 88 countries in the Global Hunger Index, where 20 crore Indians doesn’t get a proper meal even for one time.
6) Food waste increases the chance of global warming, after being dumped in wastelands it emits methane gas which is absorbed in nature and causes global warming.
7) “Gurudwaras” in India are ideal examples of zero food wastage by organizing “Langar”; system of serving food free to every human being whoever comes to gurudwara.
8) In order to preserve the food we should start shopping in smart manner i.e. what quantity we need, we should buy only that.
9) We must store food in correct way, ex- in refrigerator and eat it timely before their perishing.
10) “Roti Bank” in India is being operated by some volunteers who collect the leftover food from households and try to feed the hungry ones.
5 Lines on Food Waste
1) It refers to the food that is thrown.
2) Food waste is a global concern.
3) Food is wasted due to improper management.
4) It is the loss of labor, energy, resources, etc.
5) Extra food should be used to feed the needy.
20 Lines on Food Waste
1) Food wastage is referred to as the spoiling of food either during production or consumption.
2) Food waste during production causes a great economic loss.
3) Climate variability is a major cause of the wastage of food during production.
4) The percentage of food wasted globally is about 50% of all food produced.
5) The percentage of food wasted is sufficient to feed the entire world.
6) The leftover food we throw in our houses after eating is also the wastage of food.
7) The amount of food wasted in China is enough to feed 30 million people.
8) There is a lot of food wastage in developed countries at the consumption level.
9) The major population of poor and hungry people resides in developing countries.
10) The reduction of food wastage can feed a number of hungry people.
11) Food wastage is a significant issue in the entire world.
12) The improper management of food waste poses a great threat to the environment.
13) Food is an organic waste that releases greenhouse gases on decaying.
14) It is also the wastage of the energy and resources that were used during its production.
15) Millions of people starve and die in the world because of food scarcity.
16) We noticed massive food wastage in celebrations, parties, and weddings.
17) The leftover food at the wedding and parties must be distributed to needy people.
18) We should develop the habit of buying foodstuff according to our needs.
19) The reduction in food wastage will result in achieving the SDG Goal 2-Zero Hunger.
20) 29th September is observed as International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste.
Food is an important substance which gives nutrition to all living beings on the earth. If maintained and distributed properly, everybody can take the food without getting hungry but the human tendency of wasting the food doesn’t let this happen; leaving half of the world hungry. In order to combat this grave problem and raise consciousness, UN decided to observe 16th October as “World Food Day” worldwide.
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