As waste management is one of our country’s most important concerns these days given the fast pace of growing population and increasing wastes, the environmental risk factors have also increased. The indisposed waste causes a lot of harm to our environment and breeds various diseases. Though the government is trying to sensitize people on this issue through its “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan”, as a citizen of this country it becomes our responsibility too to actively participate in this campaign and make our country clean and attractive. So if you need to address public or students at any institution, then our speech on waste management will certainly be of great help to you. Our both short speech on waste management and long speech on waste management are written from the point of view of everyone; hence these are comprehensive and easy to understand. You can use them as a reference point anytime.
Long and Short Waste Management Speech
Waste Management Speech – 1 (500 Words, 5 Minutes Speech)
Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Respected Colleagues and My Dear Children! Everybody is heartily welcomed at our school’s waste management program.
As a social science teacher of the senior secondary classes, I have been given this privilege to host this program and enlighten our students on various ways of managing the wastes of our homes and surroundings so that cleanliness can be encouraged amongst our young generation too.
Before I discuss various aspects of managing wastes, let me first ask you what waste management is all about?
Waste management is that branch of science that looks into the prevention and supervising of wastes. We all should owe some responsibility towards our environment and put every bit of efforts towards preserving it. Always remember that a clean and attractive environment will encourage a healthy lifestyle in the people. This is mainly because of the fact that a healthy and clean environment will not become a breeding place of mosquitoes and diseases and hence people living in those areas will remain immune to the diseases caused by waste.
The best possible method of managing solid waste is to reuse or reduce them. There are various ways of waste reduction. Firstly, manufacturing companies are bringing products with an innovative packaging which doesn’t harm the environment and create less garbage to be disposed in the environment after the consumption of that product. In fact, there are some manufacturing companies that encourage their consumers to carry their own reusable packaging item. And as responsible citizens of our country, we should encourage the use of reusable products in our family and people living in our surroundings.
As far as disposing waste is concerned, there are many ways of doing it – landfills, combustion/incineration and composting, to name a few. Disposing garbage or daily waste in the landfills is the most common method of waste disposal since a long time. This method of waste disposal involves burying the garbage in the land. In order to eliminate foul smell and risks caused to health some processes are involved. Even though it is true that landfills are the highly sought after method of waste removal, it is certainly not successful amidst space constraint.
Next comes, combustion or incineration, which is yet another method of waste disposal where solid wastes are made to burn at high temperatures so that it can be transformed into gaseous products or a residual form. The biggest benefit derived from this type of waste disposal method is that it has the capacity to reduce the amount of solid waste to 20-30 percent of the actual amount, thereby decreasing the space required to dispose them and bring down the burden from landfills.
Composting is a hassle free and natural process of bio-degradation that makes use of the organic wastes, i.e. remnants of kitchen, plant and garden waste and transforms it into nutrient-rich food for the plants. Clearly, composting is one of the finest methods for the disposal of waste as it can convert risky organic products into safe compost. However, it’s a slow method and requires a lot of space.
Since there are a lot of ways of waste disposal, you should look for a method that best suits you and allows you to maintain a clean environment without any struggle.
Thank You!
Waste Management Speech – 2 (500 Words, 5 Minutes Speech)
Respected Senior Managers, Managers, Colleagues and My Dear Friends – hope you all are doing good! I welcome everybody to the annual festival of our club and I am extremely pleased at the incredible performance of my team members. Of course, credit also goes to our respected senior manager and manager for dexterously delegating the responsibility and personally involving themselves in each and every project.
However, one issue with the team that management has come across is the lack of attentiveness towards maintaining a hygienic work condition. Garbage, especially packaging wrappers are strewn on the floor, empty tea cups are seen on the work table, etc. So today on this occasion since each one of us is present under one roof, I considered it wise to share a few concerns with you and waste management being one of the key areas.
It is clear that if we remain indifferent towards the unclean and unhygienic environment in our office and we are likely to have this same attitude at our home and in fact anywhere we go. But as a responsible global citizen, it becomes our responsibility to preserve our planet earth and keep it away from every possible threat, be it the threat of growing waste with the ever growing population on our planet.
With the growth of human population, new places for human settlements are required and more industries in order to fulfill the basic requirement of the growing population. Then, different means of agriculture are adopted through the use of pesticides and fertilizers in order to raise the productivity level. There is so much more that is done to have a comfortable lifestyle. But do you realize what our environment receives in return on which we are dependant so much for our daily sustenance? Unfortunately, it’s waste and only waste from both industrial as well as domestic sectors!
Our domestic and industrial wastes heavily affect the environment and increase the pollution level. So in order to cause reduction in waste and effectively manage it, a couple of things can be done. Primarily, we should ensure that garbage is only thrown into the dustbin and not anywhere. And if the waste is a recyclable material, then put it into the recyclable bin and not in a garbage bin. Let us ensure from our end that both the bins are clearly labeled. This way reduction in waste can be made possible and waste material can be recycled for the next use; hence using it as a valuable resource.
In fact, at your homes too old material can be recycled, such as bags and jars; whereas broken items can be repaired to minimize waste. And as far as recycling old or discarded items are concerned, it can prove to very helpful for our environment, i.e. in bringing down the level of land, air, water, and soil pollution. By recycling old waste means we’ll not have to depend quite a lot on natural resources, which have become exhausted through the continuous use. Thirdly, it requires a lot of energy to furnish a new item using raw materials than from recycling old items. This would imply that we can become more efficient in terms of energy, conserve it and it will also help in bringing down the price of products.
Managing waste is not impossible, provided each of us should get involved and save our environment from major catastrophic disasters.
Thank You!
Waste Management Speech – 3 (500 Words, 5 Minutes Speech)
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen!
Today, this event has been organized in this locality for the discussion over the issue of the waste management and I would like to thank all of you for showing your interest towards the responsibility of waste. As a host of today’s discussion, I would like to explain you that what waste management is about and its issues that are related to it?
Managing waste has been a leading problem from many years and this problem is getting bigger from time to time since the period of industrialization in the country. It has many harmful effects on the environment and atmosphere. The gasses which came out of these unmanaged wastes are very harmful for the environment and thus it creates air pollution due to which many people suffers from respiratory problems. One of the reasons for the global warming is this unmanaged waste. There are many industries that are located near the rivers or oceans and dispose their waste into these water bodies and hence it creates water pollution. They do not realize that disposing these harmful wastes such as chemicals etc can lead to many diseases and also can be harmful for the creatures living under water. To overcome these problems we need to follow proper waste disposing methods.
The meaning of waste disposal or waste management is quite simple. It means to dispose the material which is used, excreted or not usable. There are many methods of disposing waste in the right way and they are not harmful for the environment such as recycling- reuse of the useful part from the discarded item, Landfills– to throw the daily garbage in the landfills, Combustion or Incineration – To burn the waste material and convert them into gaseous products, Plasma Gasification – To break down the molecular bonds of the waste through the immense heat created by the plasma which is an electrically charged gas, Waste to Energy – To convert non- recyclable waste into useful products such as heat, electricity or fuel through different processes, Composting – To convert biodegradable waste such as kitchen or garden waste into nutritional food for plants, Waste Minimization – the best method to cut down the creation of the waste is by avoiding plastic bags and using the reusable products.
These methods can be useful only when we will try to initiate them in our daily life. If we want to do something for the global warming then this is also a way to help.
Now it is the high time when we need to do something regarding waste management and we should understand that what we are going to throw is actually a waste or may be recyclable. There should be rise of the latest waste disposal machines and technology that are centered in the municipalities.
On this note, I would like to end my speech and extend special thanks to the event organizers for organizing such an inspiring event.
Thank you and I wish you all a great day ahead!
Waste Management Speech – 4 (500 Words, 5 Minutes Speech)
Good Morning Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Friends!
As we all know that today is World Environment Day and on this beautiful occasion our school has organized a social event for spreading awareness among young generation and people about the problems of environment and its solutions. As a head girl of this school, I am feeling very fortunate to host this program and before the event begins, I would like to deliver a speech on waste management because it is one of the major environmental problems from many years.
We all are aware of the bad condition of the waste management and there are barely some places in the country that are using the correct method of waste disposal. Unmanaged waste that is not disposed in a correct way gives birth to many diseases and pollution. There is an urgent need of proper waste management. There are many problems that are rising from improper waste management.
The sewage that is getting drained into the water bodies is creating water pollution. Many rural areas do not have the access to proper toilets and those who have access are leaking in the proper sewage system. There are many problems regarding the unmanaged waste such as the rise of different kinds of harmful mosquitoes like malaria and dengue. There are many cases of deaths of people due to dengue and malaria that are rising due to improper waste management. It also creates harmful bacteria and viruses that lead to many diseases.
If we want to get rid of all these problems then there are many ways by which these problems could be solved. There are many new technological inventions of waste disposing machines that are used by municipalities but there are some techniques through which we can help in solving this problem at our level such as recycling, landfills, combustion, plasma gasification (an electrically charged gas), to convert waste into energy (electricity, heat, fuel), compositing, etc.
There are some policies and operations that are framed by the Indian government for waste management. In September 2000, Solid Waste Policy was framed and it specifies the duties and responsibility towards the hygienic waste management for cities of India. It was based on the report of the Committee for Solid Waste Management to the Supreme Court given on March 1999. In India, plastic bags are used on daily bases and thus in most Indian landfills they are dumped and it is dangerous for the environment. According to the policy, they provide a daily doorstep collection of biodegradable waste for compositing because in India we need manures for maintaining soil fertility.
Also, there is a campaign that was launched in recent year was Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. It was launched on October 2, 2014 at Rajghat, New Delhi by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Around three million government employees and students around the country are participating in this campaign. The main aim of this campaign is to provide facility of toilet in rural areas and maintain cleanliness around the country.
On this note I would like to end my speech and extend special thanks to our honorable principal ma’am and managing committee for organizing such a wonderful event for social awareness.
Thank you and I wish you all a great day ahead!
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