Noise pollution is emission of loud sound which can harmfully impact the humans as well as animal activities or health. The sources of noise pollution produced outdoor are generally machines, transport vehicles etc. industries and residential buildings and apartments also create noise pollution in residential areas. There are some sources which create noise pollution in residential areas like- loud music, transport vehicles, construction going at some nearby places, shouting in enthusiasm during playtime.
Noise pollution is responsible for the damages caused in brain and hearing capability of human beings and animals. It is also responsible for creating troubles in nervous system; several mental ailments have been observed which are caused due to noise pollution.
Ten Lines on Noise Pollution in English
We are giving 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on noise pollution in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. After going through it, you can become aware of noise pollution and its effects. Further, you can add these lines in your essay and paragraph, in your exam as well as in any school competition.
10 Lines on Noise Pollution
1) The propagation of noise from different sources such as loud speaker, transport vehicles etc which have negative impact on our health.
2) Noise pollution can badly affect our ears and can lead to deafness, either partial or full especially in older people.
3) Noise pollution creates trouble in residential areas also, sounds from loudspeakers, vehicles, construction in nearby place, shouting while playing outdoor games etc.
4) It is also responsible for affecting our nervous system; there have been several mental ailments occurred to the people due to this.
5) Average noise level increases up to 97.60 decibels against recommended level of 50 decibels by WHO for residential complexes.
6) Experts say that the level of noise pollution is higher in developing and underdeveloped countries than in developed countries.
7) It also creates problem in concentration in schools and colleges; besides, roads are worst affected with noise pollution.
8) Students of either schools or colleges also feel the problem due to noise pollution; they are not become able to concentrate on their studies.
9) It also increases the chance of heart ailments, blood pressure of a person can either increase or decrease due to noise pollution.
10) Noise causes serious health concerns in the children; it hampers their physical and psychological growth and development.
10 Lines and Sentences on Noise Pollution
1) Noise pollution affects health and behaviour of humans as well as animals both; it damages the psychological health of both.
2) Sound becomes irritating when it exceeds the capacity of listening of anybody. It destroys sound sleep; persons can have the problem of sleeplessness due to this.
3) Those people who are admitted to hospital suffer from serious brain related problems due to noise.
4) Noise can pose a serious threat on animals too, it can increase the chance of their death, it also causes hindrances in their communication.
5) Houses which are close to airports face lots of noise, when airplanes land and take off, huge sound is produced and this can happen anytime even during late night hours.
6) In cities the sound of buses, trucks, cars and other vehicles start producing sound especially during traffic jams, it mentally and physically disturbs the people on the road.
7) During marriages in India people play DJ in huge volume and celebrate on the music played by it, the high volume of DJ can cause heart attack to anyone having heart issues.
8) As India is a land of festivals, playing DJ has become common method to celebrate, especially in holy festivals; also, this creates noise pollution on large scale.
9) The railway engines, while giving signals produce huge volume of sound, after crossing the corners; again contributing noise pollution.
10) Noise pollution has the capability to collapse building located nearby, several old buildings which are declared dangerous, collapse due to this.

5 Sentences on Noise Pollution
1) Unwanted noise creates noise pollution.
2) Noise pollution is created by humans.
3) It is harmful to human health.
4) It can cause loss of hearing power.
5) It also affects other living species.
20 Lines on Noise Pollution
1) Noise pollution is the pollution caused by high and unsafe levels of noise in the environment, which causes many health disorders to humans.
2) Common problems caused by noise pollution are stress related illnesses, anxiety, hearing loss, sleep disruption, headaches, irritability etc.
3) Constant exposure to high levels of sound causes permanent damage to the eardrum.
4) The main sources of noise pollution are road traffic, air craft noise, railroad noise, noise generated by construction sites, loudspeakers etc.
5) Regular social events such as weddings, parties, pubs, clubs, discs or places of worship, temples etc. create nuisance in the residential areas.
6) The increasing level of noise pollution has created an urgent need for general awareness about the sources, effects and preventive measures of noise pollution.
7) High levels of noise should be prohibited in areas such as work places, educational institutions, residential areas, hospitals etc.
8) Youth and people should be motivated not to engage in high sound production tasks.
9) The use of high level sound generating crackers should be reduced during occasions like festivals, parties, weddings etc.
10) Topics related to noise pollution should be added in textbooks and programs such as lectures, discussions etc. can be organized in schools.
11) Noise pollution is caused by high levels of unwanted sound in the environment which causes stress.
12) The high level of noise reduces the quality of work and thus reduces the concentration level.
13) It causes various diseases such as high blood pressure and mental disorders to people as it disturbs peace of mind.
14) This may cause temporary or permanent deafness as the noise level of 80 decibel to 100 decibel is unsafe for humans.
15) Unwanted sound usually interferes with activities of daily routine such as sleep at night, conversation, ability to listen etc.
16) Common sources of noise pollution are domestic gadgets, transport vehicles, jet planes, helicopters, industrial machines etc.
17) The new generation of people plays music in loud sound till late night causing nuisance for the neighbors.
18) Section 133 of Indian constitution, empowers human beings to remove public nuisance on conditional or permanent orders.
19) The Noise Pollution Control Rule, 2000; under the Environment Protection Act, 1996 includes controlling the growing problem of noise pollution.
20) According to the World Health Organization, industries should limit their sound production to 75 decibels.
Sound is a good thing, if heard in low and light frequency, it gives the feel of melody but severely exceeding volume of sound which is considered as beyond the level of listening is known as noise and it is intolerable,, whether it is a human being or an animal. There are several health hazards which show their impact both physically or mentally. Excess of sound can even cause death of a normally healthy person. Hence loud noise must be avoided and melody should be encouraged.