Yukon is a major North American river which flows through the central Yukon Territory in the North-Western Canada to the central region of Alaska in United States hence it is also called as the trans-boundary river. Yukon River is the third longest river in North America. The lower half of the river lies in the state of Alaska.
The source of Yukon River is in British Columbia as from there it flows through the Canadian territory of Yukon which is named after the river. The meaning of Yukon is “Great River” in the local Gwich’in language. It was called as Kwiguk, or “large stream” in Yupik and the upper course of river is known as Lewes.
Ten Lines on Yukon River in English
We are providing here 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Yukon River in English Language for students of Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Students can get help in their studies from these sets of lines and complete their home work, assignments, project work and can get knowledge within less time also. So, let’s start:
10 Lines on Yukon River
1) Yukon River is a major watercourse which flows in north-western part of America.
2) It is a trans-boundary river which flows into United States and Canada.
3) Yukon River is the longest river flowing between the city of Yukon and Alaska.
4) The source of Yukon River is in British Columbia which is located in Canada.
5) Yukon River gets emptied into the Bering Sea at the Yukon- Kuskokwim Delta.
6) The length of Yukon River is 3190 km and the catchment area is 832,700 square km.
7) Out of 832,000 sq. km drainage area, the 323,800 square km area is alone in Canada.
8) During Klondike Gold Rush, Yukon River was the primary means for transportation.
9) The tributaries of Yukon River are Teslin, Big Salmon, Pelly, Takhini, Klondike etc.
10) The cities located on the banks of Yukon River are Whitehorse, Holy Cross, Nulato etc.
10 Lines and Sentences on Yukon River
1) Yukon River is one of the major North American rivers and the longest river which flows between Yukon Territory of Canada and Alaska in United States.
2) The meaning of the name Yukon is “Great River” in the native Gwich’in language and it was called “Kwiguk” or “large stream” in Yupik.
3) The source of Yukon River is British Columbia in Canada from where it flows to Yukon Territory.
4) Yukon River discharges into Bering Sea after flowing north-westwards and flows into south-westwards through a low plateau which slopes across Alaska.
5) “The Thirty Miles” section from Lake Laberge to the Teslin River is a national heritage river and a unit of Klondike Gold Rush international historical park.
6) Yukon River passes through the cities of Whitehorse, Carmacks just before the five finger rapids.
7) In the north of Lake Laberge, Yukon River flows through a broad and generally on flat bottom valley where the riverbanks are not high.
8) The volcanoes in Yukon River basin are part of the Circle of Volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean and it includes more than 100 separate volcanic centres.
9) Fiver Finger Rapids are located on Yukon River where four islands which divide the river into five narrow channels where only eastern channel is passable.
10) There are several bridges which are built on Yukon River viz. the Lewis Bridge, the Robert Campbell Bridge, Yukon River Bridge in Carmacks and Fairbanks.
5 Lines on Yukon River
1) It emerges from the coastal mountains of Canada.
2) In Canada, it is the second longest river.
3) Its length is about 3,190 km.
4) It is the longest river between Alaska and Yukon.
5) It is the major watercourse in North America.
20 Lines on Yukon River
1) Yukon River emanates from the northwestern portion of North America.
2) It is stated among one of the major rivers of North America.
3) The river traces its course in the United States and Canada.
4) Llewellyn Glacier in British Columbia is the originating place of the river Yukon.
5) Yukon River is 3190 km in length.
6) The area of the drainage basin of river Yukon is 854700 square km.
7) The river basin till mid 19th century was inhabited by North American Indians
8) White, Tanana, Innoko, etc are the left bank tributaries of river Yukon.
9) Tagish, Teslin, Pelley, etc. are the right bank tributaries of river Yukon.
10) Yukon River finally terminates into the Bering Sea via the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta.
11) Yukon River is a vital river of North America.
12) Uug Han, Yuk Han, Chu Niikwan are other names of the river Yukon.
13) It is regarded as the longest river in Alaska and Yukon.
14) Yukon province of Canada has got its name from the river Yukon.
15) The average flow of the Yukon River is 6400-7000 cubic meters.
16) The forests of Black Spruce are found in the upper slope of the Yukon River basin.
17) Yukon River is recognized in the whole world for having different varieties of salmon fishes.
18) People use salmon fish for consumption as well as commercial purpose.
19) Lewes Bridge, Yukon River Bridge, Robert Campbell Bridge, etc. are the bridges built on the river Yukon.
20) The waste dumping, industrial discharge, and other sources are resulting in Yukon River pollution.
The plenty of mineral wealth is the main attraction of the Yukon River Basin. Other economic activities are done in a very small scale. Fur trapping has been a traditional livelihood for the native people but the low monetary benefits along with the attraction of much better earning have made the natives to migrate from their home to other better places. Though, the vegetables, pasturage and coarse grains can be grown but only in small scale.