10 Lines on Violence against Women in India

Women in India through ages are prone to humiliation, violence and other atrocities by man. As we know that India has a patriarchal form of society where all the decisions are taken by men and women have no say in the family. It is considered in India as men will do the outside work and they will earn money and women will do household chores and will take care of family.

The violence starts before their birth where her family wants to kill her in her mother’s womb. Situation in India has become so worse that the women are not safe either in house or outside.

Ten Lines on Violence against Women in India in English

We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Violence against Women in India in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exams as well as in the school competitions. It can also be used during debate competition, speech narration or to write some lies on this topic, etc.

10 Lines on Violence against Women in India

1) Physical and mental abuse to a woman generally by men is violence against women.

2) Common forms of violence to women are domestic violence, murder, dowry death etc.

3) Any kind of violence can happen with women in office, outside, home etc.

4) Violence makes the women unsafe and insecure outside as well as inside their home.

5) Violence against women prohibits their mental and physical growth and development.

6) The act of violence performed by men is due to the long existing gender inequality.

7) There is perception in the society that men are superior and women are inferior.

8) Discrimination of women starts from their own home which she faces outside also.

9) Rape, acid attack, dowry death, female foeticide etc are some examples of violence.

10) Judicial courts, civil societies and police have major role in preventing violence against women.

10 Lines and Sentences on Violence against Women in India

1) Violence against women in India is a very old and a common issue which is deeply enrooted in the Indian society.

2) There are many kinds of violence in India because the Indian society is male dominated and women have no say in the society.

3) Women in India mainly face the crimes like eve-teasing, molestation, rape, dowry death, female foeticide, harassment at every place etc.

4) People think that violence is always physical abuse, but psychological, verbal abuses are also the part of violence.

5) We can feel the traces of violence from the post medieval period to British rule in India where ‘sati’ system was heavily practiced.

6) Violence against women has increased so many times in present scenario that it has made them insecure both inside and outside the home.

7) No one can forget the horrific crime of 16th December 2012 when a 23 year old woman was brutally raped and murdered on the streets of Delhi.

8) “Protection of Children from Sexual Offences” (POCSO) act was passed in 2012 which saves children especially girls from sexual offences.

9) Nowadays, law and order, civil society, people, courts as well as government all are working together to give justice to women.

10) ‘#MeToo’ campaign was launched recently where lots of women lodged complaints against their culprits who harassed them.

5 Lines on Violence against Women in India

1) In India, women are the victim of domestic violence.

2) They can suffer physical or mental harassment.

3) Rape, murder, etc crimes are becoming common.

4) Women also suffer dowry death in India.

5) They are not treated equally to men.

20 Lines on Violence against Women in India

1) Violence against Indian women is a blot on the nation and society.

2) Incidents of domestic violence, sexual harassment and other similar crimes on women continue to harm Indian society and hinder national progress.

3) Violence against women in India refers to physical or sexual violence on Indian women.

4) Most such violent acts are committed by men, or in rare cases a woman may also be involved.

5) Most common forms of violence against Indian women are domestic violence and sexual assault.

6) “Violence against women” is widely prevalent in India, mainly due to gender inequality that has existed for centuries.

7) In Indian society, women have always been considered as an object of enjoyment since ancient times.

8) Violence against women has increased to a large extent in India.

9) At the time of marriage, if a bride does not bring enough things (dowry) with her, then she will actually be at a higher risk of post-wedding abuse.

10) Other common violence against women in society is domestic violence, acid attack, rape, honour killing, dowry murder, kidnapping and cruel behavior by husband and in-laws.

11) These days, many crimes are being committed against women.

12) Problems such as rape, domestic violence, assault, harassment at workplace, harassment by the in-laws for dowry, sexual harassment still persist in India.

13) The capital of the country, Delhi has become the capital of rape; women are not at all safe there.

14) According to an estimate, 1 rape is committed every 18 minutes in Delhi.

15) Today, scandals like Nirbhaya, Kathua, and Bulandsahar has become a blot on our society.

16) Women are molested in public places like buses, trains, metro trains etc.

17) Domestic violence involves beating, coercing and coercing any kind of pressure from a woman, which is done by a family member or relative.

18) Women are physically and mentally abused in domestic violence.

19) Many people torture women with greed for dowry and educated people do not lag behind in committing this crime.

20) Women themselves are also responsible for promoting domestic violence because they do nothing against it.

In the Vedic period, contrary to present time the condition of women was very good. They had all the rights and were considered equal with men but with the passing time their condition became worse and lots of restrictions were imposed on them. In order to lower their self-esteem, activities of violence was done upon them.

With advent of globalization and technological revolution, women are breaking all barriers and becoming capable in every field and now everybody is supporting them.

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