10 Lines on John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill has been a very prominent person in political economics. We must read his biography to know the things he had gone through. For it, we have created some sets of 10 lines on John Stuart Mill and provided below. Reading them will help you a lot and will also save your time providing you with enough information.

Ten Lines on John Stuart Mill

Set – 1

1) John Stuart Mill was a famous political personality of Britain in the 19th Century.

2) He had born on 20 May 1806 in Pentonville of London, England.

3) He was a studious child since his childhood.

4) He wrote the book ‘A System of Logic’ in 1843.

5) In 1853, he wrote a book ‘On Liberty’.

6) Throughout his life, he supported Freedom of Speech as a barrister.

7) In his essay ‘The Subjection of Women’ in 1869, he spoke against slavery.

8) Most of his writings were based on political theories.

9) Many educational institutions and other monuments worldwide are named after him.

10) He died of erysipelas on 7 May 1873.

Set – 2

1) John Stuart Mill had born in a middle class but educated family.

2) He married Harriet Taylor in 1851.

3) While writing principles, Mill was much influenced by David Ricardo.

4) He was the Member of Parliament for City and Westminster.

5) He held the office from 25 July 1865 to 17 November 1868.

6) He always spoke in favour of the right for women.

7) He had suffered a nervous breakdown in 1826.

8) He was also a great supporter of the philosophies of Adam Smith.

9) Before marrying Harriet Taylor, he had gone through a 21 years’ relationship with him.

10) He was a very influential political personality.

Mill was an avid reader since early his childhood. He was also a good learner and learned German and French at the age of only 12. He frequently talked about the rights of women and other socially ignored people. It was the result of his study that he provided us with many principles and theories in politics and economics.

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