Standing tall on the northern border of the Indian subcontinent the Himalayan range has a very special place amongst people of the Indian subcontinent. The Himalayan range provides monsoon, drainage basin, which is home to over 500 million people. Apart from its physical significance, the Himalayas hold special cultural significance amongst the people of the region. For Hindus, Himalaya is considered the father of Holly Ganges; in Jainism, Ashtapad Mountain is a sacred place because Rishabhdeva attained salvation there; Paro Taktsang in Bhutan is the holy place for Buddhists as Buddhism started from here. Lake Mansarovar near Mount Kailas is a sacred place for the followers of four religions – Hindu, Bön, Buddhist, and Jain.
Ten Lines on Himalayan Range
10 Lines on Himalayan Range – Set 1
1) The name Himalaya is derived from Sanskrit Himā-laya; himá meaning “snow” and ā-laya meaning “dwelling”.
2) The Himalayas separate the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan plateau.
3) The mountain range has many of Earth’s highest peaks including Mount Everest.
4) Over 50 mountains in the Himalayan Range have height exceeding 7,200 m in elevation.
5) The Himalayan range is 2,400 km long and is the sixth-longest mountain range in the world.
6) The width of the Himalayan range decreases from 350 Kms to 150 Kms, moving from west to east respectively.
7) The Himalayas inhabits 52.7 million people from Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan.
8) The Himalayas are one of the youngest fold mountain ranges in the world.
9) The Himalayan range is mainly consisting of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
10) The Himalayas hold the third-largest deposit of ice and snow in the world.
We are providing another set of ten lines on the Himalayan Range in English for class 9, class 10, class 11 and class 12. After going through these few points you will know the Rivers system of Himalayas, the extent of the range, its vital role in Indian monsoon and origin of the Himalayas.
These special lines about the Himalayan range will help you memorize an answer to questions in your board exams. You can use these lines to write an essay on the Himalayan Range and the Significance of Himalayas. These lines will increase your knowledge on the topic and will help you in competitive exams and quiz competitions.
10 Lines on Himalayan Range – Set 2
1) The rivers of Himalayas are classified into two large river systems: the Indus River Basin and the Ganges-Brahmaputra River Basin.
2) Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, and Sutlej are main rivers from the Indus River Basin.
3) The Ganges, the Brahmaputra, and the Yamuna are main rivers of the Ganges-Brahmaputra River Basin.
4) The Himalayas runs from Nanga Parbat in the west to Namcha Barwa in the east in an arc-like shape.
5) The Karakoram and the Hindu Kush ranges act as a north-western border for the Himalayan range.
6) The Himalayas extends the widest in western Kashmir (400 km) and narrowest in Arunachal Pradesh (150 km).
7) The Himalayan range acts like a barrier for monsoon winds; causing heavy rainfall in the Terai region.
8) The Himalayas also restricts northern frigid, dry winds from entering into the subcontinent.
9) The Himalayas were lifted by subduction of the Indian tectonic plate under the Eurasian plate.
10) The Indian plates are still moving which makes the Himalayan region prone to seismic activities.
10 Lines on Himalayan Range – Set 3
1) The Himalayan Range passes through the nations India, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, China, and Pakistan.
2) Some important peaks of the Himalayan Range are Karakoram (K2), Kailash, Kanchenjunga, Nanga Parbat, Annapurna, and Manaslu.
3) Some major rivers from Himalaya are Ganges, Indus, Yangtze, Mekong, and Nujiang, etc.
4) Siachen Glacier is the largest glacier of Himalayan Range with a length of 72 km.
5) Due to the heavy tectonic motion, Himalayan Range experiences a high number of earthquakes.
6) The total area covered by Himalayan Range is about 595,000 square km.
7) It can be divided into 4 parallel belts as the Siwalik Range, the Lower Himalaya, Great Himalaya, and Tibetan Himalaya.
8) The Kailash Range of Himalaya is considered sacred and worshipped by Hindus globally.
9) The snow-capped mountains, glaciers, valleys; rivers and rich vegetation make the Mountain a symbol of beauty.
10) Himalaya is geologically alive as it moves about 20 mm. every year.

5 Lines on Himalayan Range
1) Himalayan range covers an area of 2,400 km.
2) It is home to the world’s highest peak – Mount Everest.
3) It is the source of many rivers.
4) It stretches across India, Nepal, Bhutan and China.
5) It is the youngest mountain range.
20 Lines on Himalayan Range
1) Himalayan Range is the result of the motion of Tectonic Plates.
2) The Himalayas is the third-largest snow and ice reserve in the world after Antarctica and the Arctic.
3) There are about 15000 glaciers located in Himalayan Range.
4) Himalaya is the source of the Ganga-Brahmaputra river system.
5) The 75% of Himalayan Range is the part of Nepal.
6) It is said that an ape-like monster ‘Yeti’ roams around in the Himalayan Range and is spotted many times by the local people and visitors.
7) The Himalayan Range has only two seasons summer and winter.
8) K2 is the 2nd highest mountain peak of Himalaya having a height of about 8611 meters.
9) According to the Hindu scriptures, Himalayan Range is the home of Lord Shiva and many other Gods.
10) Himalaya is not less than the ‘King of the Mountains’.
Geographically and Geo-politically the Himalaya play a very significant role in the Indian subcontinent. On one hand, it acts as a barrier and keeps monsoon winds from going further north; on the other hand, it keeps northern cold winds from entering the subcontinent, keeping the region warmer in winters than other temperate regions. The Himalaya also acts as a border wall in the north making it significantly harder for foreign invaders to attempt invasion from the north.
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Himalayan Range
Ans. There are numerous endangered species living in the Himalayan Range including snow leopards, black bear, red pandas, Wild Water Buffalo, etc.
Ans. Mount Everest was named after Colonel Sir George Everest, a British surveyor working in India in the early to mid-nineteenth century.
Ans. The climate in the Himalayan Range is very dry and cold due to its high altitude. Temperatures can drop to -20 degrees Celsius, particularly in the winter months.
Ans. In Nepal, Himalaya is known as Sagarmatha Himal.
Ans. The best time to visit the Himalayan Range is in the summer months (March-May), when the weather is warm and the views are clear.