Disaster is a serious damage to the environment and ecosystem which not only destroys a place’s beauty and natural vegetation, but also takes the lives of many people. It can be either natural or man-made. Natural disaster includes earthquakes, floods, drought, cyclones, landslide etc and man-made disaster is climate change, deforestation, poaching and hunting, war which includes explosion of nuclear bombs, pollution etc. Both types of disasters are sufficient for mass killing of people.
Disaster management is done in order to manage the resources in order to reduce the effects of disaster on the people. Disaster management aims to protect people and send them to safe places.
10 Lines on Disaster Management in English
We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on disaster management in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. After reading these lines, you will know what is a disaster, what is disaster management, what is the aim of disaster management, what are the two categories of disaster, what is natural disaster, what is man- made disaster, what are pandemic emergencies, what is disaster prevention, what is disaster preparedness and relief etc.
You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in the school competition. It will also enhance your knowledge on disaster management and help you to write essay on disaster management or speech on disaster management:
10 Lines on Disaster Management
1) Disaster relates to some uncertain calamities which causes a huge loss of lives and property.
2) There are two categories of disaster, one is natural and another is man-made.
3) Natural disasters are caused due to natural reasons and cannot be controlled, like floods, earthquakes, droughts, cyclones etc.
4) Man-made disasters are those which are caused due to some major man-made activities like atomic war, pollution, climate change, major accidents etc.
5) Pandemic emergencies in which an infectious disease spreads in a larger region resulting in high death also come under disaster.
6) Disaster management is the management of resources so that it could reach to those who are affected by disaster.
7) Disaster management can be said as the preparedness, quick response and fast recovery for reducing impacts of disaster.
8) Disaster prevention is the component in which preparation is done in advance to prevent or avoid bad effects of disasters.
9) Disaster preparedness is the effort which is made to reduce the adverse effects of a disaster.
10) Disaster relief is the component which gives support to the people affected by the disaster.
10 Lines and Sentences on Disaster Management
1) Disaster management is the management of resources and responsibilities by which we can reduce the impact of disasters.
2) Disaster management plans are multi-dimensional and are aimed to address the disasters like floods, earthquakes, droughts landslides, cyclones etc.
3) India is also vulnerable to many types of disasters like earthquakes, floods, droughts, landslide etc which claims lot of lives.
4) It is understood that growth will not be sustainable unless disaster reduction is included in the growth process.
5) It is also observed that spending in disaster reduction is more economical as compared to spending in relief and rehabilitation.
6) Government has taken several steps by creating many organisations in order to reduce the hazards of disaster.
7) One of the organisations set up for disaster management is NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority).
8) NDMA was established by “Disaster Management Act 2005” and is headed by the Prime Minister.
9) NDMA runs several programs for reduction and avoidance of the disaster within best possible time for the people.
10) The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) was also set up under NDMA to provide aid and assistance to the people affected by a disaster.
5 Lines on Disaster Management
1) Disaster can be natural or man-made.
2) Disaster Management means preparing for disasters.
3) It helps in faster recovery from disasters.
4) Different disasters require different management.
5) Disaster Management helps to reduce the hazards of disaster.
20 Lines on Disaster Management
1) Disaster is a situation in which the normal pattern of life is disturbed and immediate involvement is needed to save and preserve life and the environment.
2) Disaster management is a well-planned strategy to reduce the hazards caused by disasters.
3) Disaster management does not avoid or eliminate hazards but it focuses on preparing plans to reduce the impact of disasters.
4) Disaster management is a system to make efforts to minimize the damage caused by disasters.
5) For India, the major threats are earthquakes, landslides, droughts, cyclones, floods, forest fires, fire accidents etc.
6) India has taken several steps and formed several organizations to mitigate and avoid the hazards of disasters.
7) In India, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has been established to coordinate responses to natural or man-made disasters across the country.
8) The NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority) runs various programs for mitigation and accountability for specific situations.
9) In fact, society as a whole must strive to cooperate with central and state agencies with collective response to deal with disasters.
10) More sustained efforts are needed to come up with a deliberate strategy and response to mitigate the widespread damage caused by the floods and other disasters.
11) Disaster management is the management of resources and responsibilities to reduce the impact of disasters.
12) A natural disaster is a natural process or event that may lead to the loss of life, injury or other health effects apart from the loss of property.
13) Some of the examples of natural disasters are earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, floods, blizzards, tsunamis and cyclones.
14) The direct or indirect effects of disasters have always been fatal, destructive and harmful.
15) They cause loss of life to humans as well as livestock.
16) India, due to its geographical locations and geological formations, is a highly disaster prone country.
17) India has faced many disasters ranging from floods, earthquakes, cyclones, tsunamis, droughts, landslides etc.
18) In India, many forums, funds and organizations are working to mitigate the effects of disasters.
19) National Disaster Management Authority, National Remote Sensing Center, Indian Council of Medical Research, and Central Water Commission are some of them.
20) To handle the situation efficiently, these organizations must be well equipped with the latest technologies.
Disaster causes a huge loss of lives and property and disaster management helps to deal with the situation. It is also observed in meetings and discussion that spending on disaster prevention is economically more suitable than relief and rehabilitation. Disaster management helps to mitigate the effects of disaster and makes the system ready through proper administration, policy and planning.