You must have gone through the words ‘Simple Living’ and ‘Technical Living’. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Here we will discuss the difference between them. For it, we have created some sets of 10 lines on Simple Living vs. Technical Living. You should check them at once, and they will entertain you.
Ten Lines on Simple Living vs. Technical Living
Set – 1
1) Simple Living is living without modern technology and technological gadgets.
2) Technical Living refers to the use of modern technologies for most of the operations.
3) In simple living, people remain close to nature.
4) In technical living, science plays the most important role in one’s life.
5) People with simple living depend on physical activity for most of the work.
6) Technical Living people depend on mental activities for most of the work.
7) Those who live a simple life live a healthy life.
8) People with technical life are prone to be unhealthy and fall sick.
9) Technical living leads to good mental growth.
10) Simple living provides with comparatively lower mental growth.
Set – 2
1) Simple living makes people physically active.
2) Technical living makes people lazy.
3) In technical living, works complete faster.
4) In simple living, works take a longer period to complete.
5) A person with simple living values of nature.
6) A person with technical living understands the value of science.
7) Technical living saves our precious time.
8) Simple living maintains our heartbeat and blood circulation.
9) Simple living is mostly found in rural areas.
10) Technical living is mostly found in urban areas.
Set – 3
1) In simple living, a person uses the natural form of an object.
2) In technical living, a person modifies things as per his need.
3) Simple Living existed in ancient times.
4) The present era is of technical living.
5) Under simple living, a person avoids unnecessary luxury items.
6) Technical living inspires to use technologies to get ease in life.
7) Simple living is based on necessities only.
8) The use of technologies in technical living leads to mental growth.
9) With time, it would become harder to adopt simple living.
10) The future of the world would be based on technical living.
Set – 4
1) Simple living lets you use your physical strength.
2) Mental capability values the most in technical living.
3) Simple living is often associated with joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction.
4) Technical living is all about curiosity and desire.
5) Simple living stops you from discovering new things.
6) Technical living leads to environmental degradation.
7) Under simple living, people get space to work.
8) Technical living has replaced people with machines.
9) Simple living is useful for the environment.
10) The human will be forced to live in technical living in the future
Simple living and technical living both have their advantages and disadvantages. None is better over others. The excess of any of them is harmful to us. Now it is on us. We have to depend neither on simple living nor on technical living. We should make a proper balance between them.