Poverty is a deteriorating socio-economic condition that prevents a person to access the basic facilities of housing, clothing, and food. Poverty also indicates the economic condition of a nation. It also describes that how much a human is developed in a particular nation as the human development index consists of health, life expectancy, education, jobs, house, etc. Poverty also shows the real terms of GDP i.e. gross domestic product growth of a nation. Reducing poverty means an increase in GDP and as a result nation is achieving growth.
Poverty in any country halts its growth and development. As resources are scarce it also makes the government to face problems in equitable distribution of resources.
Ten Lines on Poverty in English
We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Poverty in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in the school competition. These lines will be very helpful in writing Poverty essay, article on Poverty or delivering a speech on the topic.
10 Lines on Poverty
1) Poverty is an important issue in the world.
2) It is the condition of having a very low income.
3) Poverty is the scarcity of food and shelter.
4) It makes the life of people full of misery and pain.
5) Poor people cannot send their children to schools.
6) They cannot afford medicine and hospital when they fall ill.
7) They die because of inadequate nutrition and treatment.
8) They are exploited by the wealthy people of society.
9) The rising crime rate is the result of poverty.
10) Population growth is the main reason for the rising of poverty.
10 Lines and Sentences on Poverty
1) Poverty is the situation in which people are unable to fulfill their basic needs.
2) Poverty is the lack of food, shelter, medicine, and treatment.
3) It is very difficult for poor people to arrange their everyday meal.
4) Poverty is measured by the income of a person.
5) It deprives the students from getting education.
6) The lack of education gives rise to illiteracy.
7) Child labor and criminal activities are increasing due to poverty.
8) Fewer employment opportunities are causing a rise in poverty.
9) The poor condition of agriculture and farmers is also the cause of poverty.
10) Poverty is the major concern in developing countries rather than the developed ones.

5 Lines on Poverty
1) Poverty means a lack of money.
2) It means being unable to fulfill basic needs.
3) It can cause many deaths.
4) It negatively affects the nation.
5) Poverty is a serious issue in the country.
20 Lines on Poverty
1) Poverty is the lack of certain number of things which are necessary for normal human survival.
2) Poverty is critical phase where a person struggles hard in order to arrange his basic needs.
3) Poverty lacks the basic requirement of life i.e food, clothing and shelter.
4) Poverty is a multidimensional concept which includes social, political and economical factors.
5) Absolute poverty is a phase where a person has no resource by which he can fulfil his basic needs of food, clothing and shelter.
6) Relative poverty occurs when people do not enjoy the other level of living standards as to the people of other countries like health, education etc.
7) The issue of poverty is high in underdeveloped and developing countries.
8) Poverty also occurs in developed countries when a person cannot meet the needs like food and housing.
9) As per the report of World Bank, extreme poverty can be defined when a person earns less than 1 dollar per day.
10) Moderate poverty could be defined as when a person earns 2 dollar per day.
11) Poverty is a social condition when a person does not have money to meet the basic standards of life acceptable by the society.
12) People who are facing poverty do not have enough money to avail the facility of food, clothing and housing for them.
13) Major factor responsible for poverty is population growth where people lack equitable resources distribution.
14) Another factor is lack of education which prevents people from getting better employment opportunities.
15) Corruption is one of the main factors which steal the benefits provided by the government.
16) Inflation and price rise reduce the purchasing power of an individual resulting in poverty.
17) Poverty causes lack of medical facilities leading to spread of diseases and increasing deaths.
18) Poverty also gives birth to various criminal activities like theft, murder, robbery, prostitution etc.
19) It also forces children to work in dangerous professions in order to earn a living for their families which sometime proves fatal for them.
20) Inclination towards terrorism rises in the youth due to poverty as they fall prey to the anti social elements who pay them good money.
Poverty is a dent to the growth and development of a country. When poverty rises then economic growth and development decreases. Poverty itself is a big problem which gives birth to so many other issues like corruption, crime, anti-social activities, child labour, terrorism etc.
Government must take some actions and try to reduce poverty and bring those people into mainstream of economic growth and development so that they could not become the burden on the nation rather they could become helpful in overall growth of the country.