Labour Day is celebrated all over the world to respect the contributions and dedication of labourers. It is held in 1st may every year but some countries have different days of celebration. Labour Day is also known as international workers day and this day has been declared as a holiday for all the workers and professionals of the world whether working in government or private sector.
As we know that labourers are the key components of a growing economy, labourers work hard, tooth and nail for their companies and due to this nation grows and develops. Labour Day is also celebrated in India with much enthusiasm. There are several labour and trade unions which struggle for the rights of labour welfare along with the government.
Ten Lines on Labour Day in English
We are providing 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Labour Day in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. After reading these few lines you will know that when Labour Day is celebrated; how labourers are important to us; how laborers help growing the economy; how Labour Day was started; how industrialists were behaving with labourers; what serious conditions labourers were facing; and how they got their demands fulfilled.
You can add these important lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in the school competition. It will also enhance your knowledge on Labour Day; the information can be used in putting on your notice board under the topic ‘labour day’ or can be used in the assembly discussions.
10 Lines on Labour Day
1) Labour Day is celebrated on 1st of May every year in many countries to mark the importance of labourers in nation building.
2) Labourers are the one of the key contributors for the growing economy of a nation.
3) Labourers do hard work throughout the year in order to make smooth running of the factories and industries.
4) Labour Day started with the beginning of industrialization where the industrialists exploited the labour class.
5) Those industrialists took 24 hours non-stop works to the labourers but in return they paid only a small amount to them.
6) Those labourers who were working in mines, chemical and radiological factories, power plants etc were prone to injuries.
7) Lots of labourers while working in the risky industries either fell ill or lost their lives.
8) Getting fed up of these situations all the labourers stood together against this injustice and started agitating.
9) The labourers also formed trade unions to carry out their protests and ultimately, they got victory.
10) Governments heard their appeal and their working time was reduced to 8 hours a day with a holiday.
10 Lines and Sentences on Labour Day
1) Labour Day is observed to celebrate the hard work and contributions of the labourers in nation’s growth and development.
2) Labour Day is celebrated to honour the hard work and dedication of labourers for proper running of industrial units and other economical sectors.
3) Labour Day starts with giving tribute to those labour leaders who struggled for the rights of labourers.
4) On Labour Day processions are carried out to show the labour strength and unity to the society and nation.
5) Speeches are given by the senior labour leaders to promote unity and spirit of struggle among labourers.
6) Now the government has also started providing facilities and carried out welfare works for labourers.
7) Labourers have got the facility of medical, schooling for their children, residence with suitable work time and holidays.
8) Government has also started providing insurance, financial and pension services for their better future.
9) Their salary as well as different wages has been increased by the government and regular counselling sessions are provided to them.
10) There is a separate department called as ‘Ministry of Labour’ which takes care of all labourers and sort out their grievances.
5 Lines on Labour Day
1) Labour Day is observed on 1st May.
2) It is a tribute to the workforce.
3) It highlights the importance of workers.
4) Senior leaders address the labours.
5) In many places procession is carried out.
20 Lines on Labour Day
1) The International Labor Day is celebrated worldwide on 01st of May every year as a tribute to the workforce.
2) The day is also observed as International Workers Day, May Day or Labour Day in few countries.
3) The day was chosen to commemorate the Haymarket Affair in 1886 which witnessed the casualties of labors demanding for 8 hour workday.
4) There are various countries which celebrate Labour Day on different dates depending on the days important to them.
5) United States of America celebrates the Labor Day on the first Monday of September every year as a national holiday.
6) In India, International Labor Day is celebrated as ‘Antar-rashtriya Sharamik Diwas’ on 01st May every year as a holiday.
7) Maharashtra and Gujarat celebrate May Day as ‘Maharashtra Divas’ and ‘Gujarat Divas’, respectively, as they got their statehood on 01st May, 1960.
8) The day is also seen as a platform to highlight the issues and problems faced by the workers and the ways to resolve them.
9) It also helps to improve the working condition of the workers especially employed in the high risk industries like mining and chemical factories.
10) International Labor Day celebrates the importance and pays tribute to the workers and their contribution in a country’s development.
11) Labor Day is celebrated to pay tribute to the struggles of the workers across the globe and how historic labor movements changed the face of modern workforce.
12) International Federation of Socialist Group and trade unions designated 1st May to be celebrated as Labor Day as a solidarity towards the workers.
13) Canada also follows America in celebrating Labor Day on first Monday of September every year as a public holiday.
14) It is believed that Peter J. McGuire, an American labor leader suggested to celebrate a day dedicated to the workers of the world.
15) The first Labor Day in America was celebrated on 05th September 1882.
16) The day is celebrated with great zeal and zest by the trade unions across the world by sensitizing workers about their rights.
17) Labor Day is also an occasion when the industries felicitate their workers for their contribution in the organization’s growth and development.
18) Labor Day also acts as an instrument through which the rights of the workers are allotted to them and efforts are made for their upliftment.
19) Various rallies, events and discussions are also held on Labor Day with a focus on providing a better workplace environment to the workers.
20) The workforce is the one of the most essential components of a country’s development and Labor Day helps to reiterate it by paying them a tribute.
Labourers are the helping hands of another person, be it an individual labourer helping a person to lift burden on his shoulders or labourers in a group which helps to run a factory and an industry. Without them manufacturing of goods is impossible as they are the main persons who make production possible.
These days many companies are adopting electronic automation where machines and robots are working in an industrial unit with the help of computers. This is not possible in country like India where population is large and labour cost is low.
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