10 Lines on Good Governance

Good Governance is a special feature of the government of a nation that decides the future of its people and the nation itself. It is a very broad term that we can understand through some sets of 10 lines provided below. It will take you comparatively less time to get the whole concept if you go through all of the sets below.

Ten Lines on Good Governance in English

Children and students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 can find here 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Good Governance in very easy and simple language to get some help in their studies.

10 Lines on Good Governance

1) Good governance is the efficient functioning of public institutions for developmental and welfare programs.

2) It eliminates corruption and improves transparency.

3) It also ensures that the benefit reaches to the lowest section of society.

4) Good governance ensures participation by all in the process of policymaking.

5) A transparent process is accessible to the general public.

6) It makes the government accountable to the general public for its decisions and policies.

7) Ancient Hindi term Raj Dharma may define good governance.

8) Right to Information Act (RTI Act) 2005, by the government of India is a step towards good governance in India.

9) National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) 2005 is a step to good governance by ensuring health care to people.

10) India celebrates good governance day “Sushashan Divas” on 25th December.

10 Lines and Sentences on Good Governance

1) Good governance is the key to the development of any nation.

2) It needs the participation of each section of society in the socio-political decision.

3) The law should be equal for everyone.

4) There should be transparency in decision making and enforcement.

5) The Government institutions, public and private sectors should be responsive and accountable for their functioning.

6) Good governance requires a framework which helps in protecting the human rights of the people.

7) Effective and efficient planning with great results is an example of good governance.

8) Good Governance day is the birth anniversary of the former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

9) It should especially work for the upliftment of underprivileged societies.

10) Good governance helps the government work for its citizens with the overall development of the country.

5 Lines on Good Governance

1) The advancement of a country depends on good governance.

2) It highlights how everyone is treated equally under the law.

3) Decision-making is more autonomous with good governance.

4) Good governance day is marked on December 25 each year.

5) Good governance is a necessity for the better development of the country.

20 Lines on Good Governance

1) Good Governance is a concept of promoting peace and justice among people.

2) It ensures the participation of every individual in various government programmes.

3) Under Good Governance, laws protect human rights and civil liberties, especially of minorities.

4) The government under good governance works with transparency and all plans and actions opened to the citizens.

5) Responsiveness is the most important factor in good governance.

6) All the people, communities, religions etc have equal importance in good governance.

7) It is when people make sustainable use of the resources to make them available for the welfare of the others.

8) The government under Good Governance bears the quality of accountability.

9) Good Governance treats men and women equally from every aspect and provides them with equal rights.

10) One of the main features of Good Governance is the fair conduct of election and representation.

11) In Good Governance, the government is accountable for its every decision towards the citizen.

12) The objective of good governance moves around attaining the maximum social welfare.

13) Under Good Governance, the government becomes more innovative, working for globalization and liberalization.

14) Good Governance is to stand on the moral of true democracy.

15) The Independence of Judiciary and making of Law indicates the proper practice of Good Governance.

16) Good governance works its best to remove corruption and its bad effects from society.

17) Investment in people rather than investment in profit is another feature of Good Governance.

18) The “Good Governance Day” on 25 December in India has started since 2014.

19) Only good governance can make the all-round development of the nation.

20) Empowering Women in society is a key objective of Good Governance.

It is the responsibility of every democratic government to ensure good governance by implementing a set of rules aimed at the development and progress of the citizens. The government must also ensure transparency, accountability and participation by all the sections of society in the process of governance.

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