Human Rights are the rights of human. India provides a set of rights to every citizen of it. It is very important for every Indian to have knowledge of his rights so that he/she can live a better life. Below sets of 10 lines will provide you with complete information about human rights and I am sure that they will help you somewhere someday.
Ten Lines on Human Rights in India in English
Children and students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 can find here 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Human Rights in India in very easy and simple language to get some help in their studies.
10 Lines on Human Rights in India
1) The Constitution of India guarantees basic human rights to Indian citizens.
2) The politics can not influence human rights.
3) Supreme Court of India is the highest body for the protection of human rights.
4) It can help us in keeping a check on police atrocities.
5) It provides help to the victims of communal violence.
6) Human Rights is important to prevent the misuse of the Armed Forces Special Power Act.
7) It ensures freedom of expression as guaranteed by the constitution.
8) NHRC (National Human Rights Commission) constituted on 12th October 1993 for protection of Human rights.
9) ANHAD (Act Now for Harmony and democracy) is an organization for protecting civil rights and promoting communal harmony.
10) MASS (Manab Adhikaar Sangram Samiti) is an NGO in Assam to prevent atrocities by armed forces while exercising AFSPA.
10 Lines and Sentences on Human Rights in India
1) Human rights are the guiding principles to protect the natural and legal rights of people.
2) National Human Rights Commission of India is an autonomous body to protect the rights of the citizens.
3) It constituted on 12th October 1993 under the Protection of Human Rights Ordinance.
4) The National Human Rights Commission’s Chairperson is a retired judge.
5) The human right commission ensures the protection and promotion of human rights in India.
6) The independent Judiciary system in India helps in protecting the rights of every citizen.
7) Article 23 and 24 of the Indian constitution deals with the right against exploitation as labour and trafficking.
8) Article 21 emphasizes the Right to Life and Personal Liberty.
9) Many NGOs are working for the protection of human rights like Chetna, Arth India, Aarzoo and Save Life foundation etc.
10) We need to spread awareness so that every individual can fight for his rights.
5 Lines on Human Rights in India
1) Human rights are basic rights provided to every Indian citizen.
2) Human rights make every citizen equally important for the nation.
3) Human rights commission is incorporated for hearing problems of the citizens.
4) Human rights day is celebrated on 10th of December every year.
5) Weaker communities get benefitted from the human rights.
20 Lines on Human Rights in India
1) Protection of Human Rights is very important for a civilized society to function properly.
2) Human Right bring ease in living for a citizen.
3) Human rights mean rights to our life and honour.
4) Without the protection of human rights, social, economic and political freedom is hollow.
5) The Human Rights Commission provides a free, informal inquiry and complaint service to deal with discrimination and sexual harassment.
6) Human Rights prohibit any discrimination or exploitation of a single citizen of the nation.
7) Under this rule, people can complain and lodge a criminal offence against the police.
8) We can complain to the judiciary for the violation of any human right.
9) Many non- government organisations are helping people to solve their problems with the coordination of concerning bodies.
10) 10 December is an observation of World Human Rights Day.
11) In 1948, 48 countries, including India, signed a charter explaining the fundamental rights of human.
12) The National Human Rights Commission sends its recommendations to the governments in the context of human rights.
13) Human rights are the natural rights of every person.
14) The right to life, liberty, equality and respect comes under its purview.
15) The Human Rights Declaration of UNO says that the basic rights of people are irrespective of any difference.
16) The National Human Rights Commission is the apex body and the Lokpal of Human Rights in India.
17) Section 12 (h) of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 envisages that NHRC will spread human rights literacy among various sections of society.
18) This Commission has made regular recommendations to the Government to protect the rights of ordinary citizens.
19) NHRC works to raise awareness related to human rights among various sections of society.
20) To promote human rights in India, NHRC covers researches in the field of human rights.
Indian constitution guarantees some fundamental rights to its citizens, the exercise of which cannot be restrained by the government. Human rights must be protected at any cost to ensure the progress of a Nation and communal and social harmony among its people.