A ‘right’ is a kind of permission granted to a person or a community vice versa. Practising something is one’s right is always legal unless it is creating a disturbance in someone other’s right. The Indian Constitution provides its citizens with some fundamental rights about which you can read in detail through the sets of 10 lines below. Do check them right now if you want to enhance your wisdom.
Ten Lines on Fundamental Rights in English
Below we are providing 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Fundamental Rights in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can use these lines in your essay and paragraph to get good marks in exam as well as win prizes in competitions.
10 Lines on Fundamental Rights
1) Fundamental rights are the basic rights imparted to each and every citizen of India.
2) These are available at an individual level; hence it is not transferable.
3) Every citizen gets it irrespective to caste, creed, sex, religion, race, ethnicity etc.
4) These rights come under part 3 of the Constitution of India.
5) Article 12 to 35 of the Indian constitution envisages fundamental rights.
6) These rights for every citizen of India are under the notion of “All are equal before the law”.
7) The Indian Constitution included it for the personality development of every individual.
8) These rights not only protect human dignity but also defend the person from his human rights violation.
9) Because India is a democratic country, therefore imparting, preservation and safeguarding these rights are essential.
10) The fundamental rights make our nation a welfare state where every scheme of the government reaches to every person.
10 Lines and Sentences on Fundamental Rights
1) The fundamental rights in part III of the Indian constitution ensure civil rights of every citizen.
2) There were initially seven fundamental rights in the constitution, however one later scrapped.
3) Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights and Right to Constitutional Remedy are the fundamental rights.
4) Right to Property was the Seventh fundamental right which scraped off through the 44th amendment in 1978.
5) Right to Equality in Articles 14-16 emphasizes equality before the law without discrimination.
6) Right to Freedom in Articles 19-22 includes freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of movement etc.
7) Right against Exploitation in Articles 23-24 mentions about equal pay for equal work and prohibits bonded labour.
8) Right to Freedom of Religion in Articles 25-28 gives freedom to practise religion, as India is a secular nation.
9) Cultural and Educational Rights in Articles 29-30 protect Cultural, Linguistic and Religious minorities.
10) Right to Constitutional Remedy in Article 32 provides citizens with access to the court of law in the case of violation of their fundamental rights.
5 Lines on Fundamental Rights
1) It is the basic right of Indian citizens.
2) It gives freedom to the citizen.
3) India’s constitution specifies these rights.
4) There are 6 fundamental rights.
5) It is given irrespective of caste, sex, and religion.
20 Lines on Fundamental Rights
1) The Fundamental Rights are from Article 12 to Article 35 in the Indian Constitution.
2) The fundamental rights are a set of rights provided equally to every citizen of the nation.
3) The Fundamental Rights have categorized under six types of rights.
4) The Fundamental Rights are available to every citizen of India belonging to any region, caste, creed, colour and sex etc.
5) The provision of Fundamental Rights has come from the Constitution of the USA.
6) The Prohibition of Child Labour falls under the ‘Right against Exploitation’.
7) The government can suspend some parts of Fundamental Rights in the case of National Emergency.
8) The Financial Emergency puts no adverse effects on Fundamental Rights.
9) The President of India holds the power to declare National Emergency and suspend Fundamental Rights.
10) ‘The Right to Privacy’ has recently been added in Fundamental Rights by The Supreme Court of India.
11) These Fundamental Rights serve every citizen in Territory of India without any discrimination.
12) ‘The Right to Exploitation’ assures the prevention of exploitation of any individual by any other individual or organisation.
13) These fundamental rights are not available for foreign tourists who are on a visit to India.
14) The Right to Constitutional Remedies is popular as “The heart and soul of Indian Constitution”.
15) ‘Right to Equality’ provides equality before the law or the equal protection by the law to every citizen within the territory of the nation.
16) ‘Right to Freedom’ is available in six different manners as Freedom of Speech and Expression, Freedom of assembly without Arms and Weapons, Freedom of Association, Freedom of movement within the Territory of the Country, Freedom of residing in any part of the country and Freedom of performing any occupation within the country.
7) Cultural and Educational Rights ensures education is necessary for everyone regardless of their caste, religion, gender or any other form of difference.
8) ‘The Right to Freedom of Religion’ provides the freedom to people of any religion and maintains a state of secularism.
9) ‘The Right to Constitutional Remedies’ is a weapon by which any individual can stop any exploitation against him.
10) The Supreme Court has the right to issue five types of writs to protect the Fundamental Rights of Citizens.
Fundamental rights are the heart and soul of the constitution as well as of the nation. These rights not only provide active participation of Indian citizen in nation-building but also they give us a chance to express and raise our voice against the odds and also in favour of the good works which are going on in India. It makes our nation democratic in a real sense, where the final verdict is in the hands of the people of India.