World Thalassemia Day is celebrated every year on 8th May to raise public awareness about the inherited blood disorder, thalassemia. The day is celebrated by organizing global campaigns through print and electronic media about the causes, prevention and treatment of thalassemia. Thalassemia is a curable disease and the person suffering from it can lead to a quality life similar to normal healthy people with proper medical treatment. The day is celebrated by many health organizations around the world by conducting free health screening or check-up camps.
Ten Lines on World Thalassemia Day
Set 1
1) World Thalassemia Day is celebrated on 8th May every year to raise awareness about thalassemia disease.
2) Thalassemia is an anemic blood disorder caused due to insufficient or damaged hemoglobin.
3) World Thalassemia Day celebration helps in preventing the disease to spread worldwide by running global health awareness campaigns.
4) The day is a global health awareness program focusing on thalassemia an inherited blood disorder.
5) Every year, government, NGOs and civil communities jointly hold an awareness programme on thalassemia on the occasion of World Thalassemia Day.
6) 90 million people worldwide are suffering from beta-thalassemia.
7) Around 60000 individuals born globally every year inherit thalassemia disease.
8) Some of the cures available for the treatment of thalassemia include blood transfusions, blood and bone marrow transplantation.
8) Every year, World Thalassemia Day is celebrated with the theme to highlight the harmful effects of inherited blood disorder worldwide.
9) World Thalassemia Day 2018 theme was “Thalassaemia Past, Present and Future- Documenting Progress and Patients’ Needs Worldwide”.
10) Nations around the globe organize various events like health check-up campaigns, discussions, seminars etc to celebrate World Thalassemia Day.
Set 2
1) World Thalassemia Day celebration stresses the importance of local and national health administration in treating thalassemia disease.
2) Photography contest, story and video challenge, documentary screenings are some of the activities which are planned on the occasion of World Thalassemia Day.
3) Science and medical advancement aided by technology have turned thalassemia from a fatal disease to a curable one across the globe.
4) World Thalassemia Day celebration motivates youth for blood donation in order to treat the people suffering from thalassemia.
5) Health sessions are organized in order to educate medical professionals about their roles and responsibilities in handling thalassemia.
6) Thalassemia International Federation, a non-profit NGO that has a presence in 55 countries works for improving the quality of life and health of thalassemic patients.
7) The day is celebrated every year in order to make the public aware of the treatment of the disorder by raising awareness through a worldwide media campaign.
8) Various posters along with fact sheets about thalassemia are distributed in schools, education institutes, and civil communities on World Thalassemia Day.
9) Many events like awareness walk, question and answer session, presentation session with health experts mainly doctors are organized on World Thalassemia Day.
10) The school students, teachers, health experts, the general public participate in the event being organized at various places in the country to celebrate World Thalassemia Day.

Set 3
1) World Thalassemia day is also known as International Thalassemia Day.
2) It is organized by Thalassemia International Federation.
3) It is being organized every year since 1994 with different themes every year.
4) The theme for 2021 was “Addressing Health Inequalities across the Global Thalassemia Community”.
5) The theme mainly focused on creating awareness among people to understand how severe the disease is.
6) Over 10,000 children are diagnosed with Thalassemia every year in India.
7) Asymptomatic parents can be a carrier as they develop 25% chances of carrying the disease.
8) The disease impacts especially on children.
9) The patients are supposed to go through blood transfusions as treatment.
10) The full recovery needs a blood stem cell transplant.
Set 4
1) Thalassemia can cause Anemia, Tiredness and Fatigue which needs prolonged medical therapy.
2) The patients are supposed to go through blood transfusion every 2-3 weeks.
3) India has one of the highest numbers with a total of 100000.
4) The disease can commonly be observed in parts of North India, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka.
5) During the treatment, children might face problems related to immunity, delayed puberty, HIV etc.
6) Awareness camps are set up to ensure awareness among people to prevent thalassemia.
7) Many doctors and health specialists share their views on the topic with aware people.
8) Screenings are conducted for vulnerable communities to identify thalassemia and take preventive measures.
9) Posters and Flyers are advertised on this day to inform students.
10) Hemoglobin electrophoresis is conducted to diagnose thalassemia.
World Thalassemia Day is one of the famous health events celebrated every year in order to promote global awareness about chronic inherited blood disorders of thalassemia. Every year approximately 1.5 percent of the total global population is getting impacted by an inherited blood disorder called thalassemia. The government, civil communities and NGOs should work in collaboration in order to prevent and control thalassemia so as to help the thalassemic patient.