World TB Day is celebrated every year on March 24th to raise public awareness about tuberculosis which is top of the most infectious killer worldwide claiming 1.4 million lives every year. The day is celebrated by organizing various campaigns and health awareness programs through print and electronic media with an aim to prevent and treat the deadly infection of tuberculosis. Nations around the globe in collaboration with UN have launched various ambitious projects to eliminate TB (tuberculosis) by 2025.
Ten Lines on World TB Day
Set 1
1) World TB day is celebrated on 24th March every year to raise awareness about the global tuberculosis epidemic.
2) World TB day is a global health awareness program focusing on efforts to eliminate TB worldwide.
3) The celebration is promoted every year by the World Health Organisation, the health authority of the United Nations.
4) Every year, government, NGOs and civil communities jointly hold awareness programme on tuberculosis on the occasion of World TB Day.
5) Approximately 10 million people worldwide are suffering from tuberculosis.
6) Almost 1.6 million deaths have been recorded per year due to tuberculosis.
7) A healthy lifestyle and awareness about TB infections can prevent the onset of tuberculosis.
8) Every year, World TB Day is celebrated with the theme to highlight the harmful effects of tuberculosis worldwide.
9) World TB day 2019 theme is “It’s Time… to get ready for World TB Day 2019!”
10) Nations around the globe organize various events like health check-up campaigns, discussions, seminars, etc to celebrate the occasion.
Set 2
1) World TB Day was first observed in 1982 by IUATLD (International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease).
2) TB is an airborne disease that has a devastating effect on lungs causing fatigue, fever, and swollen lymph nodes.
3) TB can have an impact on other body parts too including kidneys, brain, and spine.
4) BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) is the vaccine recommended for babies against TB.
5) On World TB Day, health sessions are organized in order to educate medical professionals about their roles and responsibilities in handling tuberculosis infections.
6) The celebration stresses the importance of local and national health administration in controlling TB infections.
7) World TB day is celebrated every year in order to reduce the chances of TB infections by raising awareness through a worldwide media campaign.
8) Various posters along with fact sheets about TB prevention and causes are distributed in schools, education institutes, and civil communities on world TB day.
9) Many events like awareness walk, question and answer session, presentation session with health experts mainly doctors are organized on the occasion.
10) Teachers, health experts, students, and the general public participate in the event organized at various places in the country to celebrate World TB Day.
Set 3
1) World Tuberculosis Day or World TB Day is celebrated every year on 24th March worldwide.
2) World Tuberculosis Day was first celebrated on March 24th, in 1982, on the 100th anniversary of Dr. Robert Koch’s presentation, who discovered the Tuberculosis Bacillus virus.
3) The purpose of celebrating this day is to raise awareness about tuberculosis in the world.
4) This day emphasizes finding solutions to end the disease.
5) The importance of this day is to accelerate and change its stages in global efforts to eradicate TB completely.
6) Through World Tuberculosis Day, we get help in talking about the problem of tuberculosis and how to avoid it.
7) Various activities are organized by health organizations, government, and NGOs to spread awareness about TB in the general public across the world.
8) These activities include seminars on the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis all around the world in different nations.
9) Award ceremony to reward organizations involved in the prevention of tuberculosis and photo exhibition to raise awareness about tuberculosis are also organized.
10) According to the World Health Organization, 9 million people suffered from tuberculosis in the year 2019, of which 1.5 million died.
Set 4
1) Tuberculosis or TB is a contagious disease and proves fatal if it is not stopped in the initial stage.
2) Every year 24th March is celebrated as World Tuberculosis Day by the World Health Organization to create awareness about it.
3) The purpose of celebrating World Tuberculosis Day is to make people aware of the consequences of this serious disease.
4) On this day, a seminar on Tuberculosis is organized at several places.
5) Measures to expand and avoid tuberculosis are also conveyed by senior doctors in medical seminars.
6) Tuberculosis or TB is a contagious disease, causing approximately 1.5 million deaths every year.
7) The importance of this day helps in ending TB completely and is accelerating global efforts and changing its stages.
8) The WHO has called on the government, community, civil society and private sectors to be united and end TB.
9) On this day many hospitals organize free camps for people to check their health with respect to tuberculosis.
10) Many NGOs and clubs also organize blood donation camps and free distribution of medicines of TB.
World TB Day is one of the important health events celebrated every year in order to promote a healthy lifestyle for the prevention of TB infections. The TB infection around the world has affected more than 10 million and every year almost 1.3 million people are dying due to it. It is the leading killer of persons affected by HIV around the globe. The government NGOs and the general public should work in collaboration in order to raise awareness about preventive measures that should be adopted in life against TB infections.