Sun is a yellow dwarf star comprising 98% of the total mass of the entire solar system. The bright hot ball in structure with hydrogen and helium gases as the main component, the sun is crucial for sustaining life on planet earth. Solar energy helps in growing vegetation and plants on the earth crucial for the survival of living creatures like animals and human beings. Sun has very strong magnetic field because of the presence of the charged particles electrons and photons popularly known as solar winds.
Ten Lines on Sun in English
We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Sun in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. After reading these given lines you will be able to write or speak about Sun in your exams, few lines/essay/paragraph writing competitions or debate, etc. Also, you can add these lines in your essays and paragraphs writing on Sun or related topics in your exams as well as in the school competitions. So, go ahead:
10 Lines on Sun
1) Sun is a yellow dwarf star positioned in the center of our solar system.
2) Sun is the source of light and energy to our planet earth.
3) Many scientists claim that the sun is supposed to be 4.603 billion years old.
4) Sun is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium gases.
5) Sun orbits the solar system at the speed of 820,000 km an hour.
6) Sun takes almost 235 million years to rotate one complete orbit around the solar system.
7) Sun surface temperature is around 5800 K and at the core, it is 15 million degrees.
8) Sun is a perfect sphere in shape and is 109 times wider than earth.
9) Sun is currently at its middle age and would remain fairly stable for the next 5 billion years.
10) Sun has been also regarded as a deity in Hindu culture.
10 Lines and Sentences on Sun
1) Sun is the vital component for the survival of life on earth as it provides the energy needed for the vegetation to grow.
2) A nuclear fusion reaction is the primary source of solar energy and the radiant and heat light from the sun.
3) Sun accounts for 99.7% of the mass in the entire solar system as 70% of sun composition is hydrogen and rest is helium gas.
4) The UV radiation from the sun is very harmful in nature as it may cause skin cancer.
5) Solar energy on earth is one of the most abundant natural resource which can be utilized for the benefits of mankind.
6) Sun will become a white dwarf star after 5 billion years burning up all of the hydrogens.
7) Sun rotates in the direction opposite to the earth.
8) Sun generates solar wind which can travel through the solar system with a speed of 440 km per second.
9) The entire sun comprises mainly three layers, i.e. photosphere, the chromospheres, and the corona.
10) A solar eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs when the moon comes in between earth and sun.

5 Lines on Sun
1) Sun is a celestial body of our solar system.
2) Sun is made of Helium gas.
3) Sun is an extremely hot celestial body.
4) Planets revolve around the sun.
5) Sunlight is a natural resource for us.
20 Lines on Sun
1) The sun is placed in the center of our solar system and is a dwarf star that gives us light.
2) The light of the sun includes infra-red energy, ultraviolet light and other radio waves in it.
3) The source of the sun’s energy is the reaction in the star which turns Hydrogen into Helium.
4) Sun also releases a stream of particles that reach earth as the “solar wind”.
5) The existence of the sun can be traced back approximately 4.5 billion years ago.
6) Sun was made from a very large cloud of dust and some bits of ice 4.567 billion years ago.
7) Size of the sun is a hundred times wide than earth and earth can fit in the sun 1.3 million times.
8) The sun moves at a speed of 820,000 km per hour, it takes 230 million years for a full orbit.
9) The sun in the middle and everything else is part of the galaxy called ‘Milky Way’.
10) Since the sun is made up of gas; some properties of its surface usually come and disappear.
11) Sun is a star that is present in the solar system and the most important source of energy for the earth.
12) The diameter of the sun is 1.39 million km or it is 109 times bigger than the earth and mass is about 330,000 times more than the earth.
13) Approximately, three-fourth or 73% of the sun’s mass contains hydrogen and the remaining 25% of the mass contains helium and rest other gases like oxygen, carbon, etc.
14) Several layers make the sun’s atmosphere viz. the Chromosphere, Transition Region and Corona are the major layers.
15) The minimum temperature zone is the coolest surface of the sun and is 500 km above the photosphere having 3826 degrees Celsius temperature.
16) The Chromosphere is the first layer of the sun which is viewable especially during the solar eclipse when the moon comes between the earth and sun.
17) The ‘solar transition region’ is the part of the sun’s atmosphere which lies between the Chromosphere 1and the outer part is known as Corona.
18) Corona is the outer atmosphere of the sun and its size is much bigger than the sun and it continuously expands into the surface and forms the solar wind.
19) The Heliosphere is the thin and outer atmosphere of the sun-filled with the ‘Solar Wind Plasma’ where it extends up to the orbit of Pluto.
20) A time will come when the sun will cease to expand further and lose its layers forming a ‘Planetary Nebula’ and then the sun will shrink into a ‘White Dwarf’.
Sun has been worshiped as a deity in our Hindu culture since ancient times. Without the sun we can’t imagine life on planet earth as solar energy helps in sustaining life in our ecosystem. Solar energy can be utilized for a variety of purposes by generating electricity and thermal power through solar heating. The government and civil communities should be encouraged to promote the use of solar energy as it is a renewable source of energy and is present in abundance.
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Sun
Ans. The Sun is essentially all colors combined together that seem white to our sight.
Ans. Surya is the name of the Sun god in Hindu mythology. He is thought to be the one who made the world and gave all life.
Ans. Light from the sun takes approximately 8 minutes and 20 seconds to travel from the sun to the Earth.
Ans. The sun emits a variety of types of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation, and x-rays.
Ans. The sun rotates at a speed of about 2,200 km/h near its equator.