Secularism can be defined as any country which doesn’t endorses, supports or favors any religion but understands, respects and treats every religion as equal is called as a secular state.
Secularism focuses on people first i.e. all people of the nation will be treated as equal. No discrimination will be done on the basis of religion. Religion will be the personal matter of every individual and no questions will be asked from him regarding religion. India is also one of the nations which practices secularism. It is the world’s largest democracy which considers her citizen equal and does not discriminate them on the basis of religion.
Ten Lines on Secularism in English
We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on secularism in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in the school competition. It will also help you in writing secularism essay, speech on secularism, article on secularism, essay on secularism and few lines on secularism etc.
10 Lines on Secularism
1) Secularism is an idea of not being religious or associated with any religion.
2) If theocracy means rule of religion, secularism advocates about rule of the constitution.
3) The best example is democracy which does not associates itself with any religion.
4) Secularism allows people to adopt or not to adopt any religion.
5) Secularism advices the nation to become neutral in religious matters.
6) A secular nation considers every citizen equal irrespective of his religion.
7) Secularism helps in fair decision making without any religious pressure.
8) Secularism empowers people to express their thoughts freely on any religious issue.
9) In a secular country, no government can favour or impose any religion on citizens.
10) Many countries in the world have endorsed secularism like America, India, Britain etc.
10 Lines and Sentences on Secularism
1) Secularism is practiced in India as it is a democratic state where all the citizens are treated equal.
2) As India is the home of various religions, in order to avoid any religious conflict concept of secularism was given.
3) Secularism was adopted in Indian constitution via 42nd amendment in 1976, where the word “secularism” was added.
4) Secularism in India means equal treatment of all the religions existing in the country without any discrimination.
5) During British regime, policy of “divide and rule” was imposed which was used to shatter the trust among people of different communities.
6) After independence, to regain the trust among all the religion, India decided to go with secular democracy.
7) This inclusion of secularism in constitution gave many other fundamental rights to the citizen of India.
8) Nowadays secularism is under constant threat because of the religious riots and other incidents initiated by some anti social elements.
9) Social media is also responsible to spread fake news which creates communal tension between two religions.
10) Police, government and news agencies must unite together to investigate the case of religious hatred and activities.
5 Lines on Secularism
1) India follows secularism.
2) It means separation of religion from state.
3) It gives freedom to choose religion.
4) It helps in maintaining unity in society.
5) It allows different religions to live peacefully.
20 Lines on Secularism
1) Secularism refers to the concept of state independence from the religions prevalent in that country.
2) The concept of secularism focuses on equality of all religions and ensures equal and fair treatment for all.
3) There are many advantages to living in a secular state and religious freedom is one of them.
4) People are free to follow the religion of their choice.
5) The ideology of secularism also enables people to express their opinions and beliefs freely.
6) Secularism makes it sure that everyone enjoys equal status in the society and there is no discrimination based on caste, creed or religion.
7) In many parts of the world, secularism is often misunderstood with atheism.
8) Secularism does not mean the absence or invalidation of any religion or religious remains.
9) It refers to the independence of government and religious groups where no one can pressure or dominate the other.
10) Secularism is one of the foundations of independent India.
11) The history of secularism in India dates back to 1976 when it was declared a secular state during the 42nd amendment of the Indian Constitution.
12) The leaders of independent India had dreamed of a country where religion is not binding on the people and the state does not support or accept any religion.
13) The inclusion of the ideology of secularism in India promotes the co-existence of all religious groups.
14) Secularism in the Western countries believes that every citizen has the right to follow any religion of his choice.
15) But in India every religion should be equally protected by the state and given equal respect.
16) One of the major challenges for modern-day secularism is the lack of education.
17) When people are not provided proper education about the importance and of this ideology, they follow traditions and reach people on the basis of their caste and religion.
18) Proper education and clarity among future generations will make fair and clear decisions in the future as far as religion and state are concerned.
19) The government should work together with scholars on the subject to ensure that the message of secularism is delivered loudly and clearly to one and all.
20) Secularism is an ideology that not only ensures the freedom of religion but also helps in the peaceful functioning of the state.
Secularism is the main component which is still binding the society as a whole nation. It has brought unity in diversity in the blood of every Indian. Secularism treats people with equality and fraternity.
But there are some threats also which are affecting secularism such as communal riots, religious hatred, religious extremism and terrorism which must be dealt with full force to curb all these issues so that they couldn’t raise their heads again.