Road accidents are increasing day by day with rising in population and vehicles causing maximum deaths in India nowadays. A road accident is a collision between vehicles like cars, trucks, or pedestrians crossing the road. It could result in severe injuries and damage to the property and in extreme cases, deaths also. Road accidents are happening due to the sheer ignorance and avoidance of traffic rules by the people while riding a vehicle on the road.
This is the underlying fact that the number of people dying in road accidents every year is comparatively more than the number of people dying in any war or natural calamities like floods or an earthquake. Road safety campaigns and spreading awareness of following traffic rules can greatly help to reduce road accidents.
Ten Lines on Road Accident in English
We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Road Accident in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essays and paragraphs writing in your exams as well as in the school competitions. It will support you to complete your assignments related to this topic.
10 Lines on Road Accident
1) Road accidents are the leading cause of death all over the world especially in India
2) Road accidents are so scary that leave a scar and pain forever in someone’s life.
3) A road accident is so unfortunate because it is risky for one’s life and his/her family.
4) A number of cases are increasing day by day in India as well as the world.
5) People aged between 18-25 years are more affected by a road accident.
6) Drunk and drive and overspeeding are the two main reasons for road accidents.
7) Other reasons for road accidents are avoiding safety measures, overtaking, etc.
8) Use of defective raw materials in road-making also causes road accidents.
9) With every passing day, there is an increase in the number of road accidents in India.
10) India ranks highest in the world in terms of road accidents.
10 Lines on Road Accident
1) Local bodies of an area own a duty to take steps to both reduce and prevent accidents.
2) Ministry of road transport and highways issues the report of road accidents.
3) Due to vision problems sometimes people while night driving also face road accidents.
4) Overtaking is also one of the reasons for road accidents especially practiced by youth.
5) Poor quality manufacturer of vehicles sometimes becomes the reason of road accidents.
6) Each and every person should follow the traffic rules to avoid road accidents.
7) Educating and Awaking people are the two main weapons to control road accidents.
8) Parents should be aware the youngsters of the cons of riding bikes at high speed.
9) Cities that have narrower roads need to be broader to avoid road accidents.
10) The Government is bound to work on road accidents and get rid of it.

5 Lines on Road Accident
1) Road accidents are dangerous.
2) It can cause death or severe injuries.
3) It mainly occurs due to careless driving.
4) Road accidents are increasing rapidly.
5) Road safety is necessary to prevent accidents.
20 Lines on Road Accident
1) It is very difficult to cope up with the tragedy of the sudden loss of the life of someone very close to us in a road accident.
2) The family faces a serious condition if the person died in the road accident was the sole bread earner of the family.
3) Road accident is one of the major causes of increasing death tolls of people in India.
4) Road accidents are caused due to sheer negligence and not following the traffic rules.
5) Nowadays it has become a fashion to violate the traffic rules and to show stunts on roads.
6) The violation of road rules is done mostly by the youths, adults and teenagers.
7) Most of the age group people know the rules very well but they feel the pride to violate it.
8) Research says that many accidents could be avoided by just taking proper precautions.
9) To make the people understand traffic rules, an effective campaign, and awareness program should be organized.
10) Awareness programs of print and electronic media advertisements can also become helpful.
11) One of the major sources of road accidents in India is corruption as roads are of not good quality and that may lead to major accidents.
12) According to a report, more than 2.5 lakh people die in road accidents per year in India alone where many accidents are avoidable.
13) Violation of traffic rules leads to punishment even then the frequency of road accidents is more in India.
14) One of the main sources of violation of traffic rules is the movies and television which shows personalities indulged in irresponsible behavior.
15) People, especially youths and teenagers get attracted to the stunts done by the actors in movies and try to imitate them.
16) Lack of discipline is one reason for road accidents as we all know the rules and regulations but don’t try to impose on ourselves.
17) Sometimes some natural conditions such as bad weather, bad roads, and stray animals also become reasons for road accidents.
18) Road accidents can be avoided with some precautions as we must not increase the speed of our vehicles and follow the “Better Late, Than Never” policy.
19) We must avoid drunken driving as drinking makes our senses feeble which means we are not able to decide what is right or wrong.
20) We should learn to drive properly and should do tough training before coming on the road so that we can drive in a proper way.
India is prone to frequent road accidents and many people die in these accidents every year. Government and civil communities, NGOs should undertake an awareness program for educating the rules and regulations to be followed while driving. Even celebrities, sports stars, and politicians have reached out to the masses with different media campaigns on road safety guidelines. It is in the interest of society that one should follow rules and regulations of traffic effectively with discipline in order to avoid chances of accidents.