Paraguay is a major river which flows in south-central part of South America. It is a trans-boundary river which flows through Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. Paraguay River flows from north to south dividing the country Paraguay into two regions viz, the western region is known as Chaco-Boreal and the eastern region is known as Paranena. Paraguay River originates in Diamantino which is situated in the state of Mato Grosso in Brazil and gets drained into the Parana River.
The river along with the other two, the Parana and Uruguay Rivers makes the second most important drainage system in the world which covers up to 1.6 million square miles. The river is a major source of fishing and provides irrigation to the nearby agricultural land and livelihood to the people living on its banks.
Ten Lines on Paraguay River in English
10 Lines on Paraguay River – Set 1
1) The Paraguay River is one of the major rivers in south-central South America.
2) It is the trans-boundary and the fifth largest river of South America.
3) Paraguay River flows through four countries viz. Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina.
4) The river originates in the south of Diamantino in Mato Grosso state of Brazil.
5) Paraguay River takes the south-western direction passing through Caceres, Brazil.
6) It makes the border between Paraguay and Brazil, at Puerto Bahia Negra.
7) Flowing to south-western direction before draining, Paraguay River joins Parana River.
8) The length of Paraguay River is 2695 km and the catchment area is 1,095,000 square km.
9) The tributaries of Paraguay River are Rio Negro, Miranda River and Cuiaba River etc.
10) Cities located on the banks of Paraguay River are Ciudad Del Este, Encarnacion etc.
10 Lines on Paraguay River – Set 2
1) Paraguay River is one of the major rivers flowing in South America through the states of Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina.
2) In Spanish, Paraguay River is called as ‘Rio Paraguay’, in Portuguese it is called as ‘Rio Paraguai’ which means “Big Mirror of Water”.
3) The Paraguay River was discovered by ‘Sebastian Cabot’ in 1526 and served as a main route to Paraguay along with Parana River.
4) It is the fifth largest river of South America which runs through Brazil and Paraguay.
5) The source of Paraguay River is the south of Diamantino in the Mato Grosso province of Brazil and flow south-west through Brazilian city of Caceres.
6) Paraguay River runs from north to south and gets divided into two sections; the western region is called ‘Chaco Boreal’ and eastern region is called as ‘Paranena’.
7) The Paraguay River with Parana and the Uruguay form the second most important drainage system of the world covering up to 1.6 million square miles.
8) Paraguay is the second major river of Rio de la Plata basin and covers a vast area of Argentina, South Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay.
9) The Paraguay River basin has around 350 fish species comprising of Black Phantom Tetra, Golden Dorado etc.
10) Paraguay River is the main source for trade and commerce by the means of fishing and providing irrigation facilities for agriculture and navigation.
10 Lines on Paraguay River – Set 3
1) Paraguay River emanates in south-central South America.
2) It is regarded as the fifth largest river in South America.
3) It traces its course through Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia.
4) Parecis plateau in the Mato Grosso state of Brazil is the originating place of river Paraguay.
5) Paraguay River is 2695 km in length.
6) The area of the drainage basin of the Paraguay River is 1095000 square km.
7) The average discharge of river Paraguay is 2700 cubic meters per second.
8) Rio Negro, Miranda, Apa, etc. are the left bank tributaries of river Paraguay.
9) Jauru, Pilcomayo, Bermejo, etc are the right bank tribuatries of river Paraguay.
10) Paraguay river finally unify with river Parana in Argentina.
10 Lines on Paraguay River – Set 4
1) Paraguay River is an important river in South America.
2) Rio Paraguay and Rio Paraguay are the other names of river Paraguay.
3) Sebastian Cabot explored the Paraguay River in the 16th century.
4) This river is a major tributary of the river Parana.
5) River Paraguay divides the country of Paraguay into two parts.
6) It forms a semi-arid region in the west and a forested region in the east.
7) There are no dams built on the Paraguay River for harnessing hydroelectricity.
8) Paraguay River provides the facility of irrigation to people residing on river banks.
9) The river is of commercial importance as it benefits people with fishing.
10) Paraguay River is blessed with natural beauty and hence is a good tourist spot.
Paraguay River is the second major river source of Rio de la Plata watershed which covers a vast area of northern Argentina, Southern Brazil, Uruguay and some parts of Bolivia and whole of Paraguay. There is no dam constructed on Paraguay River. It is mainly used for navigational purpose and helps for the commercial and trade activities in nearby areas and since it is linked to Atlantic Ocean, international trade is also possible.