Darling River is the third longest river of Australia and is the part of Murray-Darling River System. One of the largest river of the world which drains the whole new South Wales, West of Great Dividing Range, most parts of Northern Victoria, Southern Queensland and parts of South Australia. The Darling River along with Murray River covers approximately 1,061,469 square km of the total area of Australia, making it as one of the longest river system of Australia.
Division of Darling, Division of Riverina Darling, Electoral District of Darling, Electoral District of Lachlan etc are named after the Darling River. Pollution and overuse of its water have degraded the quality of the river making it more saline and drop in its flow.
Ten Lines on Darling River in English
10 Lines on Darling River – Set 1
1) The Darling River is the third longest river in Australia.
2) Darling River is a part of Murray-Darling River System, one of the largest in world.
3) The river rises in several headstreams located in the Great Dividing Range.
4) The main originating place of the Darling River is considered to be the Severn River.
5) Many areas from which Darling River flows are plain and are relatively flat.
6) The length of Darling River is 3735 km and its catchment area is 1,061,469 square km.
7) Darling River flows through South-West to join the Murray River at New South Wales.
8) Darling River doesn’t flow all the seasons and it sometimes dries up and sometimes gets flooded.
9) The tributaries of Darling River are Balonne River, Macintyre River, Macquarie River etc.
10) Cities which are based on Darling River are Menindee, Wentworth, Louth, Bourke etc.
10 Lines on Darling River – Set 2
1) Darling River is the third longest river of Australia and the longest river in the Murray-Darling River System which is one of the largest systems of the world.
2) The river covers whole of the New South Wales located in the Great Dividing Range as well as most parts of Northern Victoria, Southern Queensland and South Australia.
3) When the Darling River is measured along with its tributaries, it becomes Australia’s longest waterway.
4) The river starts in between Brewarrina and Brouke where the Culoga and Barwon rivers meet and flows through extensive saltbush pastures.
5) An explorer named Charles Strut discovered the river in 1829 and named it on the governor Sir Ralph Darling.
6) In 1860, Darling River was used by the farmers of New South Wales to send the wool by the paddle steamboat from Brouke and Wilcannia to South Australia.
7) Great Australian poet Henry Lawson has mentioned about the Darling River in his compositions “The Union Buries its Dead” and “Andy’s gone with Cattle”.
8) The Division of Darling, Division of Riverina-Darling, Electoral District of Darling, Electoral District of Lachlan, and Lower Darling were kept on the name of Darling River.
9) The whole Darling River basin system covers 650,000 square km with an average annual discharge of 3600 cubic feet per second at Menindee.
10) Agriculture is possible only in limited areas of the Darling River basin and it favours only fodder cropping particularly at Wilcannia, Bourke and Brewarrina.
10 Lines on Darling River – Set 3
1) Darling River emanates from the eastern region of Australia.
2) It is regarded as the third-longest river in Australia.
3) The river traces its course in the country of Australia.
4) The Great Dividing Range in New South Wales is the originating place of river Darling.
5) The Barwon and Culgoa rivers meet near Brewarrina and give rise to river Darling.
6) Darling River is 1472 km in length.
7) The area of the drainage basin of the Darling River is 609283 square km.
8) Barwon and Little Bogan rivers are the left bank tributaries of the Darling River.
9) Culgoa, Warrego, Paroo rivers are the right bank tributaries of the Darling River.
10) Darling River finally joins River Murray at Wentworth town in New South Wales of Australia.
10 Lines on Darling River – Set 4
1) Darling River is an important river in Australia.
2) Baaka or Barka are the other names of Darling River.
3) It is regarded as the longest river in the Murray Darling river system in Australia.
4) The average rate of discharge of the Darling River is 100 cubic meters per second.
5) The Division of Darling, Electoral district of Darling has got its name from Darling River.
6) Darling River is stated as the most famous waterway in a sparsely populated region called Outback in Australia.
7) The river banks are inhabited by Aboriginal people for thousands of years.
8) Darling River has dried up several times and therefore has irregular flow.
9) It served as a major transportation route during the 19th century.
10) The quality of river water is deteriorating due to an increase in pollution.
Nowadays Darling River is in very critical situation and it is suffering from the overuse of waters. The pollution is caused by the excessive use of pesticides, chemicals and fertilizers and much longer period of droughts. If we look at the flowing records of Darling River then hardly it has flown to its full distance. Darling River has a high salt content and bad water quality, though increased rainfall in recent years has improved the quality of water and the aquatic life in it.