Moon is an astronomical body that revolves around the earth and is the sole permanent natural satellite of earth in the entire solar system. It is the brightest object in the sky after the sun and is the closest celestial body to the earth. As per the astronomical assumption, moon is supposed to be formed from the debris generated through the collision of earth and mars sized body named ‘Theia’ approximately 4.5 billion years ago.
Ten Lines on Moon in English
We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Moon in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. After reading these given lines you will be able to write or speak about Moon in your exams, few lines/essay/paragraph writing competitions or debate, etc. Also, you can add these lines in your essays and paragraphs writing on Moon or related topics in your exams as well as in the school competitions. So, go ahead:
10 Lines on Moon
1) Moon is the natural satellite of the earth.
2) At the distance of 3,84,400 km, moon is closest body to earth.
2) Recently India launched Chandrayaan-3 to safely land spacecraft on the moon.
3) Many scientists claim that moon is supposed to be 4.53 billion years old.
4) The crust of moon is composed of oxygen, silicon, calcium, magnesium, iron, aluminium etc.
5) Moon orbits the earth at the speed of 3683 km an hour.
6) Moon takes almost 27.322 days to rotate one complete orbit around the earth.
7) Moon surface temperature varies between +200 to -200 degree Celsius.
8) Moon is spheroid in shape and is one fourth size of the earth.
9) Moon is dusty ball of rock with a diameter around 3475 km.
10) Neil Armstrong was the first person to land on moon during Apollo 11 mission in 1969.
10 Lines and Sentences on Moon
1) On moon, the sky is always black due to lack of atmosphere unlike earth.
2) Moon gravitational force is one sixth of earth’s gravitational force.
3) Moon’s surface is home to large mountains and huge craters formed due to collision of comet or asteroid.
4) Moon does not have its own light it looks brighter from earth during night because it reflects light from sun.
5) Moon orbits around the earth on elliptical path.
6) Moon results in high tides and low tides on earth because of its gravitational pull known as tidal force.
7) Moon appears to change its shape when it is viewed from earth but it is happening because sun is lighting different parts of it.
8) There is no water and atmosphere on moon hence it does not supports any life.
9) In many ancient cultures and Hindu mythology, moon is worshipped as lunar deity.
10) A lunar eclipse is the phenomena which occur when the planet earth comes in between moon and sun.
5 Lines on Moon
1) Moon is a natural satellite.
2) Moon revolves around planets.
3) Jupiter planet has 16 moons.
4) Moon is a non-luminous body.
5) Moon causes tides in the sea.
20 Lines on Moon
1) The Moon is the only natural satellite of planet Earth.
2) The Moon is the fifth largest satellite in the solar system.
3) It does not shine by itself; rather it is illuminated by sunlight.
4) Gravity on the Moon is 1/6th of that on Earth.
5) It completes the rotation of the earth in 27.3 days and also makes a full circle around its own axis in 27 days.
6) Sea tides and reflux come due to the gravitational pull of the moon.
7) The Moon has an external magnetic field of about 1–100 nanotesla.
8) In 2006, NASA has confirmed the existence of surface water ice on the moon.
9) India has also sent two Chandrayaans to moon but the missions till date.
10) Now ISRO is planning to send another mission on Moon in near future.
11) The Moon has always been an unsolved riddle for scientists, but as science progressed, many mysteries of the Moon were revealed.
12) Due to the absence of atmosphere on the moon, the sun’s ultraviolet rays and cosmic rays reach directly inside, so the temperature on the moon rises to 127 degrees Celsius during the day.
13) Because of lack of environment, the temperature decreases to -173 ° C at night, that is, a cold winter, so the origin of organisms on the moon is not possible yet.
14) In 1950, America wanted to establish a nuclear enabled military post at moon, so that it can show its power to the world.
15) NASA wants to build a space station on the moon so that they can send scientists to the moon again.
16) The beginning of the existence of moon was about 4.5 billion years ago.
17) Some studies showed that when Earth was born, the Earth collided with a body as large as Mars and the moon was formed.
18) Scientists called this object hitting the earth “Thia”.
19) Its crust was very similar to that of the earth because it originated from the earth itself.
20) This process of moon formation was named as Giant Impact Hypothesis by the scientists.
The moon’s beauty has been source of discovery and curiosity throughout the history of mankind. Moon has been the symbolism of rich culture and ancient tradition. In Hindu civilisation moon holds a special significance as people worship it like a god. Poets and great composers invoke the moon’s scenic charm and its darker side in their fictions and composition. The moon which is brightest object in the sky after the sun has encouraged the scientists and astronauts for further exploration as it remains prime destination of human colonisation because of planet’s proximity to earth.