Every Indian, in his/her life, dreams at least once to fly high in the sky but a few of them actually get the chance to fulfill their desire and make their dream come true. Harita Kaur Deol was one of them. She put all her effort to turn her dream of joining the Indian Air Force into reality. She not only joined the Indian Air Force but also became the first female to fly solo in Indian Air Force. Let’s read the story of her success in detail.
Ten Lines on Harita Kaur Deol
Set 1
1) Harita Kaur Deol was the first woman to fly solo in Indian Air-force.
2) Belonging to a Sikh family, Harita Kaur Deol was born on 10th November 1971 in Chandigarh.
3) During her Schooling and College, Harita Kaur was living in Chandigarh.
4) Harita’s mother was very close to Harita and was proud of her.
5) In 1993 Harita was recruited as the Short Service Commission Officer in Indian Air Force.
6) Air Force Academy of Dudigul, Hyderabad is the place where Harita had completed her initial training.
7) On 2nd September 1994, Harita flew “Avro HS–748” at the height of 10,000 feet.
8) Thus Harita Kaur Deol became the first woman to fly in IAF without the support of any Co-Pilot.
9) Harita died in a plane crash in Andhra Pradesh on 24th December 1996.
10) Harita was awarded with the Pride of MCM (Mehr Chand Mahajan) Award posthumously which was received by her mother.
Here we are providing another set of 10 lines on Harita Kaur Deol. The 2nd set of facts and information about Harita Kaur Deol is brought for you to make you completely aware of the life journey of Harita Kaur Deol who has become the inspiration for every youth of India. The users may get these important lines to write the biography, short note, paragraphs etc.
Set 2
1) Harita had a dream of joining Indian Air Force since her childhood.
2) Harita was one of the seven cadets recruited for Air Force.
3) Harita Kaur had joined Air Force through vacancy released in 1992.
4) Among 20,000 applications only 13 candidates were selected and Harita was one of them.
5) Her training officer said that Harita was quite better than male pilots.
6) Harita had also got training from Air Lift Forces Training Establishment (ALFTE) at Yelahanka Air Force Station.
7) At the time of her Martyrdom, Harita was flight lieutenant in Indian Air Force.
8) Harita had written the history at the age of 22 only, by becoming the first female solo pilot in IAF.
9) Harita’s father also belonged defence service and was colonel in Indian Army.
10) It is said that the crash of the plane was due to wing fatigue which took her life.
It is said that good people don’t stay with us for a long period and so happened with Harita Kaur Deol. She joined the Indian Air Force at the age of 22 and died and the age of 26. Unfortunately with the crash of the plane, Harita became the first female pilot in Indian Air Force to die in harness. Although her service in the Indian Air Force was quite small her achievements will make her alive forever and she will always remain a role model for the females in India.