Fox is an animal which can be found, both in the jungle as well as in villages and cities, foxes can be easily seen near farms or the agricultural field. It is the most common animal in European countries. Fox looks like a dog but has the characteristics of a cat. The actions of a fox such as hunting and climbing, all are very similar to a cat. Foxes are fond of eating farm prey like cocks, hens, and chickens from a poultry farm.
Foxes are also known to store food; they store their food in dens or burry it in ground and eat them at regular intervals. Foxes are so quick that they disappear the place before any predator attacks them.
Ten Lines on Fox in English
We have provided ten lines on fox in English. After reading these lines you will know that what is fox, where foxes are found, with which animals a fox is compared, what is the skin colour of fox, what is the colour of fox’s ears and legs, what a fox eats, how many years a fox lives, how many species of fox are in the world etc.
These lines can be used in your essay, speech, extempore or paragraph recitation in class. It can also be used to write 5 simple sentences about fox or a short note on fox. This is also useful if you want to write 10 lines on fox for class 1, class 2, class 3 or class 4:
10 Lines on Fox
1) Fox is a smallest member of the dog family however it has many similarities with cat.
2) Foxes are found in all continents of the world except Antarctica.
3) Fox is a small animal slightly bigger than a cat or a medium sized dog.
4) Fox’s skin is generally reddish in colour but some foxes have brown skin.
5) Fox’s ears and front of the legs are black in colour, throat and belly looks white or grey.
6) Fox is an omnivorous animal, it means it is a flesh eating as well as vegetable and fruit eating animal.
7) Fox also hunts small rats, mice, small animals and other rodents.
8) They also eat grasshoppers, bird eggs, fruits and vegetables, depending upon the types of food available.
9) There are around 37 species of foxes living in this world.
10) When foxes are kept in zoo, they live up to 14 years however in jungle they live only up to 2 years.
10 Lines and Sentences on Fox
1) The male fox is called as “Dog”, “Tods” or “Reynards” and female foxes are called as “Vixens”.
2) A female fox gives birth to its offspring which is called as “Kits”, “Cubs” or “Pups”.
3) Generally, a female fox gives birth to 4 to 5 kits at a time.
4) Foxes move in a group and it is called as a “Skulk”.
5) A fox’s hearing is so sharp that it can hear any voice from 40 yards away.
6) Foxes are also able to hear the things which are moving underground.
7) The speed of a fox is around 50 km per hour but “Grey fox” has the speed of 67 km per hour.
8) Wolves, Eagles and Dogs, all are the natural enemies of foxes.
9) Excessive and regular hunting of foxes have brought the population of foxes down.
10) Foxes are hunted to get their fur and skin for various use and purposes.

5 Lines on Fox
1) Fox belong to the family of dog.
2) They eat small animals.
3) They are very clever.
4) They have a hairy body.
5) They can make different sounds.
20 Lines on Fox
1) A fox is a mammal whose body appearance is like a dog.
2) It inhabits every region of this world except Antarctica.
3) There are about 25 species of fox found on this earth.
4) The red fox is the most common species of fox that is found mostly in temperate regions.
5) A small body with fur, long pointed ears, bushy tail is the body features of a fox.
6) Foxes are of white, black and white, grey, red, body colors depending upon their species.
7) It is an omnivorous animal that feeds on both plants and small animals.
8) The gestation period in a female fox is about 52-53 days.
9) A female fox gives birth to 4-5 young ones at a time.
10) The average lifespan of a fox is 3-10 years.
11) Fox is a forest-dwelling animal that belongs to the family Canidae.
12) Arctic fox, Island fox, Red fox, Gray fox, etc. are names of some species of fox.
13) Fox is very skilled at hunting and can run at a speed of about 35km/hr.
14) It also has the capability of climbing on trees to catch its prey.
15) Fox produces different types of sounds to communicate with each other.
16) It can easily hear very faint sounds because of its excellent hearing capability.
17) Fox tends to live and hunt solitary, except few species that prefer to live in groups.
18) It sleeps during the daytime and is active at night for hunting.
19) Fox is an animal with good intelligence and a clever attitude.
20) Fennec fox having a body length of 30-40 cm is considered the smallest fox species.
Generally, a fox is a clever animal that’s why people use a nickname for a person as cunning as a fox, which means that person’s cleverness is compared with a fox. Nowadays foxes have become very low in numbers due to regular and excessive hunting in the forest and in farms. People hunt the foxes for their recreation and also to obtain their skin and fur for making clothes and other products which have a high price in the market.
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Fox
Ans. Foxes have a wide vocal range, capable of up to 40 distinct sounds.
Ans. Foxes communicate with each other through a variety of sounds, scents, and body language.
Ans. A group of foxes is called a skulk, leash or earth.
Ans. The largest species of fox is the Red Fox which is the most widely distributed species of fox.
Ans. Foxes inhabit a variety of habitats including forests, grasslands, mountains, and deserts.