Central Excise Day is celebrated every year on 24th February in order to commemorate the enactment of the Central Excise Act 1944 by the central government. Central Excise Day celebration encourages the staff member of various excise departments across the nation to perform the duty with full sincerity in order to prevent the corruption in goods manufacturing business.
Ten Lines on Central Excise Day in English
We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Central Excise Day in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essays and paragraphs writing in your exam as well as in the school competition. It will help you to get complete knowledge about Central Excise Day as well as its related topics.
10 Lines on Central Excise Day
1) The Central Excise Day is celebrated all over India on 24th February to mark the enactment of Central Excise Act, 1944.
2) The program celebration aims to infuse the feeling of oneness and sincerity in service among the officers of the excise department.
3) On 24th February 1944 Central Excise Act was enacted to regulate the central excise duty.
4) On Central Excise Day, the government organizes various programs like workshops and seminars for the staff members.
5) The government, as a part of the celebration of Central Excise Day, felicitate companies and staff members for outstanding service towards the nation.
6) Central Excise Day is celebrated by officers of departments by publishing write-ups, journals, and magazines to increase awareness about excise duty.
7) Various cultural programs, public redressal week and arrears clearance week are also organized to mark the celebration of Central Excise Day.
8) The celebration of Central Excise Day every year helps in boosting the morale of the staff members by rewarding them for their excellence in work.
9) The celebration highlights the significance of central excise duty on the tax charged on goods produced within the country.
10) Central excise officers of the government department also organize the trade interactions to mark the celebration of Central Excise Day.
10 Lines and Sentences on Central Excise Day
1) The department of the central board of excise and custom (CBEC) which takes care of policies related to tax collection celebrates the Central Excise Day every year on 24th February.
2) Various excise duty awareness programs are also organized in New Delhi and other states on the occasion of Central Excise Day.
3) One of the objectives of celebrating Central Excise Day is to keep people updated with new excise rules and regulations.
4) The award ceremony, one of the biggest highlights of the Central Excise Day celebration felicitates the outstanding staff with prize money and certificates.
5) Central Excise Day celebration emphasizes collecting the tax from people over the goods manufactured by them in India as per terms of Central Excise Act 1944.
6) Central Excise Day stresses the importance of the central excise department responsible for the physical control process and self-removal process of central excise collection.
7) The physical control process deals with the management of excise duty from the manufacturing of cigarettes across India.
8) The self-removal process deals with the management of excise duty from all types of goods getting manufactured in India except cigarettes.
9) Central Excise Day is also celebrated across the nation by organizing a variety of theme-based programs and competitions on excise duty.
10) The government runs various campaigns through print media and electronic media in order to make citizens aware of excise rules and regulations.

5 Lines on Central Excise Day
1) 24 February is marked as Central Excise Day.
2) This day marks the 1944 Central Excise and Salt Act.
3) It also inspires officers to do their duties honestly.
4) Many excise awareness programs are held on this day.
5) It aware people regarding the benefits of Central Excise.
20 Lines on Central Excise Day
1) Central Excise exists in India for a long time, working since 1855.
2) Central Excise Day in India falls on 24th February of the annual calendar.
3) On this day, in the year 1944, the Central Excise and Salt Law were made.
4) The Central Excise Department has an important role in the industrial development of the country.
5) The department monitors and collects the tax from the people.
6) The Central Excise Day is observed on 24th February by the Central Excise and Customs Department under the Union Finance Ministry.
7) Celebrating the Central Excise Day is mainly for making people aware of its benefits.
8) Excise duty is a kind of indirect tax on goods produced for households in India.
9) The Central Excise tax is paid after the manufacturing of the goods.
10) The manufacturers pay this tax, but the burden falls on their customers.
11) Central Excise Day is celebrated to mention the importance of central excise and CBIC.
12) The central excise day falls on 24 February every year.
13) Central excise looks after the industrial development of the country.
14) The day is celebrated to mark the legislation of the Central Excise and Salt Act, 1944.
15) This day is celebrated to pay respect to the officers and board related to central excise.
16) CBIC stands for ‘Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs’.
17) It plays an important role mainly to reduce corruption in business fields.
18) It also promotes people to pay taxes on time every year.
19) Many programs are organized on this day in form of workshops, seminars, cultural and awareness programs.
20) Formerly the CBIC was known as the Central Board of Excise and Customs.
Celebrating Central Excise Day every year would check the avoidance of the tax payable by manufacturer, producer, broker or commission agent, owner of the showroom, warehouse, dealer, or importer thereby protecting India from smuggling activities. The central excise duty helps in collecting the revenues which would financially support the country in order to promote socio-economic development. The government of India every year should celebrate Central Excise Day by running large awareness campaigns in order to educate citizens of India about the nuances of excise duty terms and conditions for revenue collection.