Beating the Retreat Ceremony in India marks the closure of the Republic day Celebrations. The Republic Day celebrations of India begun on 26th January and ends with “Beating the Retreat Ceremony” on 29th January. It is a celebratory event symbolizing the closure of a war by soldiers. The Beating the retreat Ceremony in India has a Nationalistic fervor associated with it. The events are visited enthusiastically by many civilians as well as policy makers and bureaucrats.
Ten Lines on 74th Beating the Retreat Ceremony in India in English
We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Beating the Retreat Ceremony in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. After reading these lines you will know about Beating the Retreat Ceremony in detail. You can use these lines if you have to write an essay or a short paragraph on Beating the Retreat Ceremony.
10 Lines on Beating the Retreat Ceremony
1) Beating the Retreat is an age old ceremonial event marking the end of Republic Day celebrations in India.
2) It has possibly originated from a 16th century military tradition, wherein the troops would sound retreat before returning to camps.
3) Beating the Retreat ceremony is performed four days after Republic Day, in the evening of 29th January.
4) The ceremony takes place at Raisina Hills, New Delhi, facing the President’s House.
5) All three wings of the Armed Forces – Army, Navy and Air Force, perform in the ceremony.
6) The ceremony begins with the arrival of the President along with his body guards.
7) In 2020, fourteen military bands performed in the Beating the Retreat ceremony.
8) Wing Commander Vipul Goyal took the command of Inter Services Guard in Beating the Retreat ceremony 2020.
9) The Air Force March in Beating the Retreat 2020 was led by the Flight Lieutenant Shrikant Sharma.
10) The Traffic Police Department of Delhi issues advisory for possible traffic diversions due to the celebrations.
10 Lines and Sentences on Beating the Retreat Ceremony
1) “Beating the Retreat Ceremony” marks the end of Republic Day Celebrations.
2) It is celebrated on 29th January every year.
3) The ceremony is conducted 3 days after the republic Day Celebrations.
4) It is an evening event, usually begins at 6 o’clock in the evening.
5) The Ceremony is conducted at Vijay path facing the President House.
6) The air echoes with the sound of bugles.
7) Bugles sound is symbolic of the end of a war.
8) The ceremonial events are witnessed by Civilians too.
9) The ceremony is marked with several musical performances.
10) All the armed forces take part in the Beating the Retreat Ceremony.
5 Lines on Beating the Retreat Ceremony
1) It takes place on 29 January.
2) It marks the end of Republic Day.
3) It is organized in New Delhi.
4) The event begins with the arrival of the President.
5) Indian Armed Forces perform on this day.
20 Lines on Beating the Retreat ceremony
1) “Beating the Retreat Ceremony” is held at Delhi on 29th January.
2) The ceremony concludes the Republic Day Celebrations.
3) The President of India is the main guest during “Beating the Retreat” ceremony in India.
4) National flag is lowered after sounding bugles.
5) National Anthem is sung in musical harmony.
6) Different units of armed forces lively perform in “Beating the Retreat” ceremony.
7) The hymns of the song “Abide With Me” is played by the bands.
8) State police Band also performs in the ceremony.
9) The ceremony concludes with singing of National Anthem.
10) The horse riders move away marking the end of the Beating the Retreat ceremony.
11) Beating the Retreat ceremony is held in New Delhi at Vijay Chowk every year.
12) Republic Day celebrations start with the parade on Rajpath on 26th January and is concluded with Beating the Retreat ceremony.
13) All the functions of Republic Day come to an end with the Beating Retreat ceremony which is held on 29th January every year.
14) The ceremony is celebrated at Vijay Chowk which is located at the back side of the ‘Rashtrapati Bhawan’.
15) This festival of Beating the Retreat ceremony in Delhi is celebrated keeping in mind the age-old tradition of British regime.
16) This age-old tradition was started when soldiers were instructed to end the war in the evening with the huge bugle sound.
17) President of India is the chief guest of this ceremony who arrives to the venue with a cavalry unit contingent of President’s Bodyguards.
18) The bands from the Indian Armed Forces perform various melodious patriotic tunes which fills the environment with patriotic fervour.
19) At 6 PM in the evening, the National Flag is lowered when the bugler sounds the retreat i.e. conclusion of function.
20) National Anthem is played by the bands of Indian Armed Forces which concludes the ceremony.
Beating the Retreat ceremony is an event marking the end of activities regarding the celebrations of Republic Day of India. The custom of Beating the Retreat ceremony dates back to colonial era and is symbolic of return of troops from battle field or calling off a war.
We must observe the events of “Beating the Retreat” ceremony in order to honor the conclusion of a national festival as well as to admire the musical talent of our armed forces.