Each year, tons of dumped plastic reach our landfills and water bodies. In the absence of any effective waste disposal mechanism, it stays there for years, slowly seeping into the soil and washing down into the streams, waterways and soil polluting them and disturbing the eco-system. Few sets of ten lines below discuss the measures which we can use to fight against plastic pollution. It can also help in spreading awareness in your society, or you can also use these lines in your essays or speeches.
Ten Lines on Beat Plastic Pollution in English
Get here some sets of 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Beat Plastic Pollution for children and students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. I am sure, these lines will really help them in their studies:
10 Lines on Beat Plastic Pollution
1) Stop buying a plastic water bottle.
2) Don’t use polythene bags to handle supplies.
3) Don’t drink tea/coffee in those plastic cups instead, use earthen cups.
4) Use recyclable bags to handle supplies from a grocery shop.
5) Leave no plastic litter behind you.
6) Wear recycled and recyclable garments.
7) Go Plogging (means: Jogging with rag picking).
8) Purchase your daily needs items in bulk.
9) Organize gathering for your community cleanup.
10) Aware people of the hazards of plastic pollution.
10 Lines and Sentences on Beat Plastic Pollution
1) Avoid using plastic bags; use paper bags, cotton or Jute bags;
2) Do not throw plastic bags, cups, polythenes etc.
3) Use paper or earthen cutleries in parties or on any occasion.
4) Pick polythene bags on roads and dispose at the right place where it can be recycled.
5) Use and promote more and more recycled items.
6) Spread awareness in your neighbourhood to avoid using plastics.
7) Do not buy food stored in plastic containers.
8) Always dispose of single used plastic water bottles at the recycle hubs.
9) Do not force the vegetable vendors to give you plastic bags; carry one with you.
10) Always dispose of the garbage into the correct dustbin.
5 Lines on Beat Plastic Pollution
1) We can beat plastic pollution by using jute bags.
2) Avoid using plastic bottles, cups, etc.
3) Spread awareness regarding the hazards of plastic.
4) Always throw plastic in suitable dustbins.
5) Maximize the use of recyclable products.
20 Lines on Beat Plastic Pollution
1) Keep plastic bags handy and use them many times.
2) Carry a carry bag made of cloth or paper with you when you go out to buy goods.
3) Avoid using single-use plastic like a thin glass of plastic, liquids drinking straws and similar items.
4) Promote the use of traditional clay pottery despite plastic pots.
5) Try to reduce plastic stuff.
6) Gradually, instead of plastic, replace it with other materials.
7) Choose plastic PETE and HDPE type goods because this plastic is easily recycled.
8) You, at least, try to throw plastic stuff in proper places like non-biodegradable dust bins.
9) Discuss the low use of plastic with people around you.
10) Do not try to eliminate plastic yourself.
11) Do not throw plastic bags and bottles that are fit for use, use them until they go bad.
12) Avoid using items made of plastic, especially those made of single-use plastic.
13) Plastic is non-decomposable and remains for 1000 years.
14) Plastic in the soil makes it less or non-fertile.
15) While purchasing goods from the shopkeeper, ask him to give the same in bags made of cloth or paper.
16) Prefer steel or pottery to store food items.
17) The recycling of plastic is very costly, so use it wisely.
18) We should spread awareness among people about the losses made by plastic.
19) Never try to destroy the plastic on its own because it encourages some kinds of pollution.
20) It is better to give waste plastic to a recycling company.
Plastic pollution is an immediate threat to the environment and the existence of life on earth. It is only through a stern resolve and by applying advanced techniques for waste disposal, that, we will be able to progress towards a more healthy and clean environment.