10 Lines on World Milk Day

World Milk Day is celebrated every year on 1st June to raise the public awareness about the health benefits of the consumption of dairy products. The day is celebrated around the globe by organizing various campaigns and activities like community discussion groups, charity events, awareness programs through radio and TV for drawing attention on “widespread use of milk products and its benefits on health”. Nations around the globe in collaboration with UN body have launched various ambitious dairy farm projects to promote the milk products.

Ten Lines on World Milk Day

Set 1

1) World Milk Day is celebrated on 1st June every year to commemorate the contributions of the dairy sector in livelihoods and nutrition.

2) World Milk Day is a global awareness program focusing on the importance of dairy products like milk, butter, cheese, etc in our daily life.

3) The celebration is promoted every year by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

4) Every year, government, NGOs and civil communities jointly hold awareness programmes on the health importance of milk on the occasion of World Milk Day.

5) The day stresses the importance of the dairy sector which supports more than 1 billion livelihoods worldwide.

6) World Milk Day is celebrated in more than 72 countries every year with an aim to raise awareness of dairy’s part in healthy diets, economy, and nutrition.

7) It acts as a platform in publicizing the activities related with the dairy industry especially milk products across the globe.

8) Every year World Milk Day is celebrated with various themes across the world to highlight the importance of milk as a healthy balanced diet.

9) It is celebrated by organizing promotional activities, games, processions, concerts, seminars, and competitions worldwide.

10) Nations around the globe celebrate World Milk Day by organizing various events like marathons, family runs, farm visits, and demonstrations.

Set 2

1) World Milk Day was first observed in 2001 by the Food and Agriculture Organization.

2) World Milk Day gives the opportunity to farmers, workers, families, celebrities, nutritionists, athletes and politicians to share and promote the benefits of milk.

3) Various posters, fliers, pamphlets are used in worldwide media campaign stating the benefits of milk on the occasion of World Milk Day.

4) World Milk Day celebration stresses the importance of milk and dairy products in different industries employing millions of people worldwide.

5) World Milk Day is celebrated every year in order to advocate the health benefits of milk like calcium, protein, vitamin B12 and potassium to the human body.

6) Rallies, Public marches, demonstrations, electronic and print media campaigns are organized to encourage people to consume dairy products, especially milk.

7) Various posters with factsheets about the benefits of milk consumption are distributed in schools, civil communities, and organizations on World Milk Day.

8) Many events like awareness walk, question and answer session, presentation session with health experts are organized on World Milk Day.

9) In some countries like Afghanistan, the World Milk Day celebration involves promotion and free distribution of milk products in schools and localities.

10) The school students, health experts, the general public participate in the event being organized at various places in the country to celebrate World Milk Day.

Set 3

1) World Milk Day is celebrated every year on 1st June by people all over the world.

2) World Milk Day was established by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

3) It has been celebrated on 1st June every year since 2001.

4) The promotion of milk and milk industry is the main objective of World milk Day.

5) The day provides an opportunity to focus on activities related to the dairy sector.

6) Articles, press releases, news, etc are published to remind consumers of the nutritional health utility of milk.

7) Free packets of milk were distributed among children; camps are organized to distribute free milk at locally famous places.

8) Various other programs like debates, discussion, sports activities, essay writing, etc. are organized in schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions.

9) The first National Milk Day was celebrated in India on 26 November 2014 in which various milk producers from 22 states participated.

10) Children are encouraged to participate in Milk Day so that they can start a good habit of drinking milk from a young age.

Set 4

1) Every year, 1 June is celebrated as World Milk Day.

2) On this day, the contribution made by dairy products in sustainability, economic development, livelihood, and nutrition is appreciated.

3) The main purpose of celebrating this day is to give importance to the nutritional value of milk.

4) There is also a focus on making Milk global food on World Milk Day worldwide.

5) Every year since its inception, new countries join this event and organize events.

6) On the occasion of World Milk Day, different programs are organized to spread awareness about the importance of milk around the world.

7) The theme of World Milk Day 2019 is ‘Drinking Milk: Today and Every Day’.

8) This theme highlights the importance of dairy products and explains how milk should be included in daily diet.

9) In the last few years, some celebrations of World Milk Day have been a number of events such as marathons, field visits, school activities, music, conferences, seminars, etc.

10) Some organizations also contribute to donating milk to schools, contributing to food banks and organizing nutrition conferences.

World Milk Day is a global awareness event celebrated every year worldwide in order to promote a healthy lifestyle through consumption of dairy products. Milk products have been a source of food and employment for billions of people worldwide. Every year the World Milk Day celebration ensures that milk is an integral part of human life as it provides essential nutrients and vitamins to the body which are needed to keep us active and energetic throughout the day.

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