Wolf is the animal belonging to the category of “Carnivora” with presence in all around the globe including Antarctica. As per the fossil records wolves are believed to evolve 400 thousand years ago and are regarded as highly adaptable species. We know that around the globe many people have misconception about wolf and they regard wolves as one of the most deadly and wild beasts. However, in reality wolves don’t create any harm to others (except hunting the prey for food) and show deep love and affection for their family unit due to their highly social nature.
Ten Lines on Wolf in English
We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Wolf in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essay, paragraphs writing, speech narration, in exams as well as in the school competitions.
10 Lines on Wolf
1) Wolves are considered the most intelligent animals of the land species on earth.
2) Wolves are spread across forests, mountain regions, and deserts and found in all the seven continents.
3) Wolves have the long history of association with humans and are considered to be the largest member of the dog family.
4) Wolves are generally carnivorous in nature and usually hunt moose, bull, deer, sheep etc for food.
5) Globally there are two species of wolf, the Gray wolf and Red wolf.
6) Lifespan of wolf lies in between 6 to 10 years.
7) Some unique features of the body part of wolves are winter fur (found in various colours), tall pointed ears, strong jaws, large and heavy head.
8) The length of the body can vary in between 1.2 – 4 m and body weight in between 40 to 65 kg.
9) Wolves generally prefer to have single partner for entire life and their breeding period is in between January to April.
10) Female wolves are pregnant for 65 days and give birth to 2 to 6 wolf pups at a time.
10 Lines and Sentences on Wolf
1) Wolves are the species of dogs which can run up to the maximum speed of 69 km per hour.
2) The wolf pups are blind and deaf at the time of birth and they reach to the age of adult wolf after one year.
3) Apart from howl sound, wolves also use facial expressions for communication and showing anger and emotions.
4) A single wolf can eat up to 10 kg of meat in a single meal that also includes bones and fur of the prey.
5) A group of wolves is called as Pack which may consist of 5 to 42 wolves.
6) Wolves usually don’t attack humans; in fact they have developed fear of hunters and poachers.
7) Wolves have been part of many famous stories, fables and have played the role of villain for centuries just opposite to their nature of being social animal.
8) Wolves are spread all around the globe except hot deserts and tropical rain forests.
9) Wolves have large number of scent glands even greater than human beings which help them in marking territory, expressing aggression etc.
10) Wolves are rarely kept as pets unlike dogs as they need greater territorial space to live and are not comfortable in getting along with humans.

5 Lines on Wolf
1) Wolf belongs to the family of dogs.
2) They are carnivores.
3) They are intelligent animals.
4) They howl at night.
5) They have good hearing and smelling power.
20 Lines on Wolf
1) Wolf is a wild animal that is recognized by its frightening howling sounds.
2) It mainly inhabits the jungle and remote areas of the Northern hemisphere.
3) There are three living species of Wolf in the world.
4) The body coat of wolves is of white, brown, grey, depending upon their subspecies.
5) Wolf is a carnivorous animal and feeds on small animals like deer, moose, rodents, etc.
6) Wolves prefer to mate with one partner in their whole life span.
7) The gestation period in a female wolf is of 2-3 months.
8) The female wolf gives birth to 4-8 offsprings at a time.
9) The offspring of wolves are called pups.
10) The male and female wolf provides good parental care to their born pups.
11) Wolf is a ferocious-looking animal that belongs to Family Canidae.
12) The grey wolf species are most common in the northern hemisphere.
13) Wolves are very skilled in hunting and mainly hunt in groups.
14) They cover several miles distances every day foraging for their food.
15) Wolf can easily survive in diverse climatic conditions because of its body structure and adaptation.
16) The hearing and smelling capability in wolves is excellent.
17) Wolf is a social animal and prefers to live in groups of 6-10 members.
18) The group is called a pack and is lead by a dominant male member of the group.
19) Wolves communicate with each other by producing sounds, smells, scents, and body movements.
20) Wolf has a lifespan of about 14 years of age.
There has been a dramatic decline in the numbers of wolves in the past 3 to 4 decades. Humans have been actively hunting wolves for ages for skin and fur. Wolves are also hunted to protect the live farm stock of many animals like sheep and deer. Shepherd and poachers use guns, traps, sighthounds, and poison to kill wolves.
Though the number of wolves around the world has declined over a period, the IUCN- International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources has classified wolf species as least concerned due to a large number of stable populations of gray wolves. The future of the wolf species would largely depend upon their adaptability to coexist with humans on earth and also whether man is prepared to live with them.