It is said that democracy is a rule of the people, for the people and by the people. So it is very important that government organizations should be very honest and dutiful. To make this concept wider, the government of India has established the ‘RTI Act’. You can read about it through the sets of 10 lines on RTI below. Let’ begin right now.
Ten Lines on RTI
Set – 1
1) RTI is an act by the Government of India.
2) The word RTI stands for ‘Right to Information’.
3) This act empowers the citizens of India to get information from any government or public department.
4) The government organizations must respond to any RTI within 30 days.
5) RTI does not apply in the department related to the security of the nation.
6) RTI Act has been working since 12 October 2005.
7) These are the Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions which govern the RTI.
8) For filing RTI, we have to fill a form and send it to the respective department.
9) RTI Act does not apply on completely private organizations.
10) RTI is an effort to bring transparency to the administration.
Set – 2
1) RTI is applicable all over India, including Jammu and Kashmir.
2) The parliament of India passed it on 15 June 2005.
3) Right to Information is an updated form of Freedom of Information Act of 2002.
4) All the government organizations across India come under this act.
5) Even those private bodies which are funded by the government come under this act.
6) RTI has also a digital medium to apply for it.
7) For applying for RTI, the citizen needs to submit the fee decided by the organization.
8) On the official portal of RTI, we can have complete information about it.
9) RTI falls under the fundamental rights of citizens of India.
10) The underprivileged people in India are exempted from fee payment.
RTI has brought a major change in the administration. It was a need if the time that has improved the system and its functioning. It also has contributed to decreasing corruption and practicing of malign activities. As an aware citizen of India, we should have complete information about the act that is made for us.