Mangal Pandey was a revolutionary freedom fighter of Indian independence. He was the beginner of the revolt of 1857 independence struggle. The struggle which Mangal Pandey started is also known as ‘sepoy mutiny’ or ‘Indian mutiny’. Later on, when he was hanged till death, the effect of this mutiny spread into whole India resulting in a small exchange of battle or big wars that troubled the Britishers, it was Mangal Pandey who awoke this feeling.
Mangal Pandey was a sepoy in the British army held in Barrackpore, but he was the only person who revolted against the Britishers and attacked their two officials leaving one dead.
Ten Lines on Mangal Pandey
We are giving here some sets of 10 lines on Mangal Pandey, hope these will be useful for the students and all of them who want to know facts about Mangal Pandey in less time:
Set 1
1) Mangal Pandey was a revolutionary freedom fighter who fought with the British.
2) All credit goes to Mangal Pandey for starting the revolt for Indian freedom in1857.
3) Mangal Pandey was born on 19th July 1827 in Ballia district in erstwhile Uttar Pradesh.
4) Mangal Pandey joined the British East India Company in 1849 as a sepoy in the British army.
5) Mangal Pandey was very ambitious and took his present profession as a success in the future.
6) Mangal Pandey’s ambition of success and his religious beliefs clashed with each other.
7) The cartridges used by the army were required to be bite off for loading in their guns.
8) There was a rumor spread out that the cartridges of the guns are made up of animal fat.
9) As a result, Pandey attacked two British officials and did a mutiny against Britishers.
10) Mangal Pandey was hanged on 8th April 1857 in Barrackpore after facing the trials.
Set 2
1) Mangal Pandey was a revolutionary freedom fighter who started the revolt of 1857 by doing mutiny in his camp against the Britishers.
2) Mangal Pandey was such a brave person who revolted against the Britishers and killed the two officers while serving in the British army.
3) Mangal Pandey was born in a Brahmin family in Nagwa village located in the upper Ballia district in erstwhile Uttar Pradesh.
4) Mangal Pandey joined the Bengal army in 1849 as a sepoy in the Bengal army’s ‘Bengal Native Infantry’ of the English East India Company.
5) In 1857 Mangal Pandey became a private soldier in the 5th company in the same 34th Bengal native infantry of the Bengal army.
6) Mangal Pandey was very ambitious in his career and viewed his profession as a step towards success and achieving growth in his life.
7) The British army persons were regularly using Enfield rifle where the cartridges which were put inside the gun were bitten off from the teeth.
8) It was rumored that the cartridges which the British army was using contain animal fat of either cow or pig, this incident further escalated tensions.
9) As a result, Mangal Pandey revolted against the Britishers, he also convinced other fellows sepoys and attacked two British officials in which one was killed.
10) Ongoing against the Britishers and killing two officials Mangal Pandey was arrested and faced severe trials and finally, he was hanged till death.

Set 3
1) Mangal Pandey was the forerunner of India’s first freedom struggle.
2) The British rule was badly shaken by the flame of the revolution he instigated.
3) Mangal Pandey was a soldier in the 34th Bengal Native Infantry under the British East India Company.
4) During the revolution of 1857, Mangal Pandey gave rise to a rebellion that spread like wildfire to the whole of North India and other parts of the country.
5) On May 10th, 1857, a revolt broke out in the military cantonment of Meerut as well and this revolt spread across northern India.
6) There was already discontent among the Indian soldiers on the discrimination against the Indian soldiers over the British soldiers.
7) The rumor regarding the new cartridges added fuel to the fire.
8) On 9th February 1857, when the ‘new cartridge’ was distributed to the native infantry, Mangal Pandey refused to take it.
9) As a result, there was an order to take away his weapons and take off the uniform.
10) Mangal Pandey refused to obey that order and on 29th March 1857 attacked the British officer Major Hughson who proceeded to snatch his rifle.
Set 4
1) Mangal Pandey was born on 30th January 1831 in Nagwa village in Ballia.
2) His father’s name was Diwakar Pandey and mother’s name was Abhay Rani.
3) The English rulers called him a traitor and a rebel, but Mangal Pandey is a great hero for every Indian.
4) Born in the Brahmin clan, Mangal Pandey had to join the British army for livelihood.
5) This was the time when India was tortured by the atrocities of the East India Company.
6) At the same time the British in India built a new rifle cartridges for its army, in the context of which it was rumored that pig and cow fat were used to make this rifle more smooth.
7) Mangal Pandey opposed to use the bullets and fired on the British office who wanted to snatch his rifle and uniform.
8) He was sentenced to death on 6th April 1857.
9) According to the verdict, he was to be hanged on 18th April 1857, but the British government hanged Mangal Pandey on 8th April 1857, 10 days before the due date.
10) Due to Mangal Pandey’s important role in India’s freedom struggle, a postage stamp was issued in 1984 in his honour by the Government of India.
Mangal Pandey is considered as the hero of the revolt of 1857, the person who started the revolt against the Britishers which took a large form that the Britishers had to face revolts, wars, and clashes everywhere. The first incident of revolt is known as sepoys mutiny in India. Mangal Pandey was quite a religious person and when the news spread that cartridges which the army personnel bite is made up of animal fat, he took it very seriously did the mutiny.