‘Holika Dahan’ is one of the important Hindu festivals of India which is celebrated in the month of March also referred as ‘falgun’ according to the Hindu calendar. Holika Dahan is closely associated with the prime festival of Holi as it is celebrated one night before the main festival of Holi. This festival is celebrated to symbolize the victory of goodness, righteousness and devotion to god over all kinds of evil and negativity.
It is a traditional festival of Hindus celebrated by organizing a ceremony where people form a circle and light up the fire of Holika and prey to the god for peace, prosperity and health. The burning of effigies, pyres and bonfire which mark the presence of Holika in it tells us that whatever may be the pain in our life it will all burn like the devil Holika.
Ten Lines on Holika Dahan in English
We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Holika Dahan in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essays and paragraphs writing in your exams as well as in the school competitions. It will support you to complete your assignments related to this topic.
10 Lines on Holika Dahan
1) ‘Holika Dahan’ is a ritual of the Hindu religion which is celebrated before Holi.
2) ‘Holika Dahan’ celebrates Holika’s death and safety of Prahalad by organising a ceremony.
3) Holika tried to kill Prahalad by taking him into her lap and sitting on the bonfire.
4) But due to god’s grace on Prahalad, he came out safely from fire and Holika was burnt into ashes.
5) ‘Holika Dahan’ is celebrated one evening or night before the main festival of Holi.
6) The festival falls under the ‘Falgun’ month of the Hindu calendar.
7) In ‘Holika Dahan’ a bonfire is prepared containing wood, tree branches, leaves, dung cakes, etc.
8) People also bring some food prepared from their houses and put it in the Holika bonfire.
9) During evening time people come and celebrate together with dance and music.
10) After that people burn Holika bonfire and throw barley, sesame seeds and other items into it.
10 Lines on Holika Dahan
1) ‘Holika Dahan’ is a traditional festival celebrated to characterise the victory of truth over evil by burning Holika, a symbol of devil.
2) ‘Holika Dahan’ is celebrated when ‘Lord Vishnu’ killed Holika in order to save Prahalad, by which the festival got its name as Holi.
3) Holika was the sister of demon king ‘Hiranya Kashyap’ who wanted to kill his son Prahalad.
4) Holika had a boon from god that fire will not burn her hence Hiranya Kashyap ordered her to sit with Prahalad into the burning bonfire.
5) But the trick of Holika backfired and she was burnt into ashes whereas Prahalad was safe without any physical harm.
6) The festival is celebrated by lighting up a pyre in the night before the main festival of Holi, the festival of colours.
7) ‘Holika Dahan’ is celebrated in the month of March according to English calendar or “falgun” month according to the Hindu calendar.
8) While celebrating ‘Holika Dahan’, big piles of bonfire is prepared consisting of wood, tree branches, leaves, dung cakes etc for burning.
9) This bonfire is prepared at a bigger ground and people from the nearby locality come there, dance and sing folk songs around it.
10) The next day is celebrated as Holi which is named as the festival of colours; people play Holi and apply colours to their friends and relatives.
5 Lines on Holika Dahan
1) A day before Holi is celebrated as Holika Dahan.
2) Holika is burnt on this day.
3) It is associated with the story of Prahlad and Holika.
4) In the evening people gather around the bonfire.
5) It symbolizes good always win.

20 Lines on Holika Dahan
1) The day on which Holika is lit; we call it Chhoti Holi or Holika Dahan.
2) Preparations for Holika Dahan begin 40 days before the festival in which people collect dry twigs and dried leaves and collect on a specific place.
3) Then fire is lit on the evening of Phalgun Purnima and mantras of Rakshagana are recited.
4) On the second day before bathing in the morning, people apply the ashes of this fire to their body, then take a bath.
5) The importance of Holika Dahan is that strong devotion to God can save you from all evil, like Prahalad saved by Vishnu.
6) He was the son of Hirankashyapu and against his father’s will, worship Lord Vishnu.
7) Annoyed from this, once Hirankashyapu called his sister Holika to sit into fire with Prahalad, as she was safe from fire due to a boon granted to her.
8) But the circumstances become adverse and she was died in the fire but Prahalad came out from the fire.
9) From that age Holika Dahan is celebrated as a mark of victory of good over evil.
10) This festival is celebrated in all parts of our country as well as in those parts of the world with Indian Diaspora.
11) Holika Dahan, the first day of the Holi festival, is celebrated on the full moon of the month of Phalgun.
12) Holika Dahan is celebrated as the victory of good over evil.
13) On this day, a branch of Gular (Sycamore Fig) tree is buried in an open place in a village or locality, it is also called as a Holi stick.
14) According to Hindu scriptures and customs, Holika Dahan is said to be done during Pradosh Kaal on the full moon day.
15) Women start making bharbholis for Holika Dahan several days in advance.
16) Bharabholis are made up of cow dung, with holes in the middle.
17) These bharbholis are threaded in a rope of rosary and garlands are made.
18) This garland is put into Holika Dahan after rolling it over the head of the male members of the family seven times.
19) Farmers roast their wheat and gram earrings in this fire.
20) The women sing traditional Holi songs and cook sweet dishes in the homes.
‘Holika Dahan’ is a festival which is celebrated to remember the victory of good over evil. There are various religious folklores and legends about ‘Holika Dahan’. Early morning, people use to come on the spot and collect the ashes of Holika bonfire and bring the ashes to their home so that all the negativity and health related issues could come to an end. People also perform lots of religious rites and rituals before the Holika bonfire hoping to attain prosperity and spiritualism.