The present Prime-Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi is well known for his special attention towards his fitness and activeness. Yoga is one of the daily routines that he never skips, even never by chance. But this time, besides his own fitness, he has talked about the fitness of the people of India as a whole. He urged that most of the population of India is going through a lack of fitness and lack of activeness.
Ten Lines on Fit India Movement
Set 1
1) The Fit India Movement was launched on 29th August 2019, Thursday.
2) It was launched by the Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi.
3) The objective behind launching this Movement is to make Indians fit and healthy.
4) The Prime Minister requested the Indians to use stairs instead of escalators.
5) He also suggested doing exercise on a daily basis to remain healthy and fit.
6) He said that we must walk for short distances instead of taking Rickshaw.
7) We must exercise daily and also motivate our family members to do the same.
8) He further suggested increasing involvement in physical activities and sports on a daily basis.
9) The Prime-Minister requested to spread Fitness awareness as “Jan-Andolan”.
10) Shilpa Agrawal from Nagpur, Maharashtra is appointed the Brand Ambassador of the Fit India Movement.
We hope that you must have acquired enough information on the Fit India Movement launched by the Prime Minister of India. Yet we are providing another set of 10 lines on the Fit India Movement. This set contains few other facts of the Fit India Movement which are equally important. The language of the set is again kept easy and basic so you don’t need to worry about that. Then why to make further delay? Let’s start.
Set 2
1) The Fit India Movement was launched on the occasion of National Sports Day.
2) The Prime Minister launched this movement from Indira Gandhi Stadium, New Delhi.
3) PM said that the launch of the movement is inspired by the great Hockey Player Dhyan Chand.
4) The inauguration of movement was done in the presence of Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju.
5) The inauguration function was attended by many famous personalities belonging to Sports and Fitness.
6) Narendra Modi said, “Fitness has always been an integral part of our country”.
7) The Fit India movement is aimed at including more physical activity in our daily life.
8) A committee involving many Government Officials headed by the Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju will take this movement forward.
9) National Sports Day is the birth anniversary of Hockey Wizard Major Dhyan Chand.
10) The launch of the Fit India Movement has the hope of creating a fit generation and a healthy future.
As we all know that the Fit India Movement is launched to make India Fit and Active but no such movement will be successful until we show our interest in it. Making India Fit is a movement of India but the steps have to be taken by us. We have to remove the excess use of Smart phones and Technologies and must take their help only when it is necessary. Only we can keep ourselves healthy and no one else can. So let’s start making the Fit India Movement true by applying it in our lives.