Easter is one of the main religious festivals which is celebrated by the Christians across the world. This festival is celebrated to mark the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his crucifixion which was done on Friday.
The revival of Jesus Christ happened by Sunday, that’s why the festival is known as Easter Sunday all over the world.
Easter is the mark of happiness among the people who follow Christianity across the globe.
It does not fall on a fixed date but it is celebrated only on Sunday, hence it is known as ‘moveable feast’.
Easter has derived from the word ‘Eastra’ which means goddess of springs.
Ten Lines on Easter in English
We have provided ten lines on Easter in English for class 3, class 4, class 5 and class 6. After reading these lines you will know that what is Easter, why Easter is celebrated, on which day Easter is celebrated, what Easter is called as, who were first to celebrated Easter, when Easter comes, what are the activities of Easter in the churches etc.
You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in the school competitions. It will support your essays on Easter as well as related topics like facts on Easter, Easter celebrations in India, Easter celebrations in the world or few lines on Easter etc.
10 Lines on Easter – Set 1
1) Easter is a major festival which is celebrated by the Christians all over the world.
2) It is celebrated to commemorate the revival of Jesus Christ after ‘Good Friday’.
3) Easter is celebrated three days after the crucifixion of Jesus.
4) It is celebrated on Sunday called as ‘Easter Sunday’.
5) Easter is not celebrated on a fixed day every year and hence called as ‘Movable Feast’.
6) The date of Easter is fixed by the lunisolar calendar and dates vary each year.
7) Jewish Christians were the first who celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
8) Churches all around the world become a main centre of attraction during Easter.
9) The week before the Easter festival becomes the holy week in Christian tradition.
10) Resurrection of Jesus Christ celebrated as Easter gives foundation of Christianity.
We have provided another set of ten points on Easter for class 9, class 10, class 11 and class 12. After going through these points, you will find that why Easter is celebrated, what is the meaning of Easter, from which word Easter has derived, who celebrated Easter first, which festival is celebrated along with Easter, what is the next day of Easter called etc.
You can use these lines in your speeches and extempore in the school competitions. These lines will also increase your knowledge on Easter and it will also be very useful in your seminars as well as in your GK quiz competitions.
10 Lines on Easter – Set 2
1) Easter is a major festival of Christians which is celebrated annually in India and across the world on different dates but same weekday.
2) The festival is celebrated to mark the holy resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his crucifixion which was Friday.
3) Easter is also known as ‘resurrection day’ and the word Easter is derived from the word ‘Eastra’, the name of ancient German goddess of spring.
4) The festival of Easter varies in Gregorian as well as Julian calendar hence known as moveable feasts.
5) The Jewish Christians were the first who celebrated the revival of Jesus Christ, probably around the middle of 2nd century in Jerusalem.
6) Few evidences also show the celebration of the festival commemorating the martyrs on the day.
7) Easter Monday which comes after Easter Sunday is observed as a holiday in some countries and called as ‘Bright Monday’ or ‘Renewal Monday’.
8) Churches across the globe become centre of attraction and are decorated in order to celebrate the Easter Sunday.
9) In Western Christianity, forty days before the Easter Sunday are observed as a period of fasting and penance and it is called as a ‘Holy Week’.
10) The festival of Easter signifies the spirit of victory of truth over evil, symbolizing the resurrection of Jesus Christ after crucifixion.
Another set of Ten Lines on Easter has been created below that will provide you some important information about celebrating Easter in many countries of the world as well as in India.
Going through these points you will know about the tradition and importance of this festival among the Christian community. You will also know about the reasons, objective and activities done during the celebration.
10 Lines on Easter – Set 3
1) Easter is the biggest festival of Christians.
2) In Christianity it is believed that Jesus Christ rose again after three days of death.
3) This festival is celebrated with great pomp in the entire Christian world to commemorate his resurrection.
4) Followers of Christianity believe that the Lord Jesus stayed with disciples and friends for forty days after his resurrection and finally went to heaven.
5) Easter is always celebrated on Sundays between March 22 and April 25 every year.
6) It comes two days after Good Friday and on this day people go to church and lit candles.
7) Although many types of dishes are made on Easter day but Easter egg has its own special place in all these.
8) On the night before Easter, the elders of the house hide colourful and beautifully decorated eggs in their houses and then on Sunday morning children search and find these eggs.
9) Night awakening and other religious traditions are completed in all the churches on Easter Sunday.
10) The next day, on Easter Monday, is a legal holiday in many countries with predominantly Christian traditions.
This fourth set of Ten Lines on Easter will add more to your knowledge to understand why Easter is celebrated, what the main objective is and how it is celebrated by the Christian community.
This set of Ten Lines on Easter will also help the students to know about this festival in detail through these simple points that can be used by them in different kind of assignments stipulated for them by their school teachers.
10 Lines on Easter – Set 4
1) According to Christianity, on the day of Good Friday, thousands of years ago, Christ was hanged on the cross on the hills of Jerusalem.
2) After this, on the third day of Good Friday i.e. Sunday, Jesus was alive again.
3) After this, Jesus stayed with his disciples for about 40 days and then went to heaven forever.
4) The festivity of this festival lasts for about 40 days but officially the festival lasts for 50 days.
5) People of the Christian community celebrate it with full fervor.
6) Churches are specially decorated on Easter day.
7) On this day, prayers are done for the welfare of the whole world in the church.
8) Along with this, candles are lit in the church and at the same time candles are lit in homes.
9) The text of the Bible has special significance on this day.
10) Easter gives a message of forgiveness of hostility and people greet each other on this day.
Jesus Christ is the central figure of Christianity and Easter is a festival of happiness which is celebrated as a day of resurrection of Jesus Christ, three days after his crucifixion. The people from the Christian community go with their family and friends to nearby churches in their cities. They offer prayers to the god and Jesus Christ and also listen to the sermons of the priest of the church on the occasion.