Trains are comfortable and the cheapest means of land transportation for people to travel from one destination to another. Railway stations are meant for facilitating people with trains on different routes. The railway stations are classified further according to specifications into the junction, terminal and central. The terminal station is a type of railway station that facilitates opening in one direction as another side the railway line ends.
The trains can enter and leave the station only in one direction in the Terminal station. Here are sets of 10 lines with precise information on the topic. I think it might be helpful to students and readers in getting quick information on Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminal.
Ten Lines on Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus – Biggest Railway Station of India in terms of Size and height of Architectural Structure and Design
Set – 1
1) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus is situated in Southern Mumbai in India.
2) It was designed by Frederick William Stevens in the Italian Gothic style.
3) The Terminus was formerly known as Victoria Terminus.
4) The terminal was named Victoria terminus on the occasion of the golden jubilee of Queen Victoria.
5) The station was renamed Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in March 1996 to honor Shivaji Maharaj.
6) Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminal serves as the headquarters of the Indian Central Railway.
7) It consists of 18 platforms.
8) The station has multiple tracks and is a terminus for both suburban and long route trains.
9) The terminal building is representing a mixture of western and Indian culture.
10) A memorial is constructed inside Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminal to pay tribute to the victims of the Mumbai attack in 2008.
Set – 2
1) Bori Bunder railway station was rebuilt as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Station in Mumbai.
2) The terminus is a historical structure built-in 1888.
3) The terminus holds the honor of UNESCO World’s Heritage Site of Mumbai, Maharashtra.
4) Earlier the terminus was popularly known as Victoria Terminal.
5) It is a fine representation of the unique Gothic style of building.
6) The entrance gate of the terminal with statues of Lion and Tiger symbolized Great Britain and India.
7) CST is the station code of the Chhatrapati railway terminal.
8) It consists of 7 suburban train platforms and 11 platforms for long route trains.
9) The entire station is built-in area of thirty thousand square meters.
10) The station has a vast network that covers the whole city and facilitates people.
The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminal is an example of historical architecture. Its beauty is fascinating during the day as well as night. It is mostly pictured in Bollywood films. There is a rush of millions of people on the station to start or finish their journey and therefore it is stated as one of the busiest stations in India. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is the symbol of the city of Mumbai in Maharashtra.