10 Lines on Parrot

Parrots are the birds belonging to the category of 392 species with presence in tropical regions around the globe. The scientific name of the species is Psittaciformes. Parrots are favourite pets and as per the statistics there are almost 15 million parrots which have been kept in captivity by people across the America. Parrots are highly intelligent and can eat with their feet. Almost all the parrots have curved beak with strong legs and feet. Parrots have the ability to mimic and can imitate humans.

Ten Lines on Parrot in English

Here, I’m providing 10 lines, 5 lines, few lines and sentences on Parrot for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in form of sets. This topic is very useful for everyone who wants to know about Parrot in detail within less time.

10 Lines on Parrot

1) Parrots have very diverse groups with curved beak and colourful feathers mostly preferring warm tropical regions for the living.

2) Lifespan of average Parrot is around 50 years.

3) Parrots lay 2 to 8 eggs which are white in colour and round in shape.

4) Parrots are omnivorous in nature and their diet includes seeds, insects, fruits, etc.

5) There are about 392 species of parrots out of which 21 species are known as Cockatoos. The other groups of species are New Zealand parrots and true parrots.

6) The colour, size and shape may vary for the different groups of species of parrots. Cockatoos have black, grey and white feathers.

7) The feathers of parrot contain anti-bacterial pigments which produces colouring effect and brightness.

8) 33% of world’s parrot population face extinction.

9) The size of the parrot can be as large as 3.5 feet and an adult parrot can weigh up to 9 pounds.

10) Male and female parrots look alike, however males are vividly green with yellow reddish beak and female are blue in colour with black beak and shining head.

10 Lines and Sentences on Parrot

1) Apart from tropical regions the part of Central America, Australia, Africa, and Asia are the preferred habitat for the Parrots.

2) Parrots can form a flock of 20 to 30 birds and they communicate by shaking their tail in a group apart from making loud vocal sounds.

3) The chick of the parrot might take 1 to 4 years to be a full grown up adult parrot.

4) Parrots are intelligent enough to find their mating partner for life and the pair work together to raise young chicks.

5) The breeding pair of parrots build nests in trees and remain close during the non-breeding season, even after joining other flocks.

6) The fossil record confirms the fact that parrots might have evolved from the category of oviraptorosaur approximately 50 million years ago.

7) Parrots have the higher learning ability unlike other birds and can be trained to count and identify individuals, objects.

8) Parrots might look beautiful but sometimes they become very aggressive in nature and can bite which can cause injury.

9) Since ages parrots have been getting featured in stories, art and religion of many cultures showing the importance of the bird in human life.

10) The colourful feathers of Parrot are used in many ceremonies for decoration across the globe.

5 Lines on Parrot

1) Parrot is a bird.

2) People domesticate parrots.

3) They are mostly green in color.

4) They have a beautiful beak.

5) They can mimic humans.

20 Lines on Parrot

1) The parrot is an attractive bird that belongs to the order Psittaciformes.

2) More than 350 species of the parrots are found in the world.

3) A curved beak, a small body, and elongated claws are the body features of a parrot.

4) It is of different colors and interesting features depending upon their species.

5) Parrot is omnivores in nature and feed on fruits, seeds, nuts, berries, insects, and worms.

6) The average lifespan of parrot is 30-60 years of age.

7) It resides in the nests built by them in the cavities of trees.

8) Parrot is found in almost every region of the world that experiences warmer climatic conditions.

9) The young ones of parrot called chicks are very cute and featherless after birth.

10) Parrot provides good parental care to their offspring.

11) Parrot is a bird that has been domesticated by human beings from ancient times.

12) It is known for its intelligent behavior and attractive features.

13) Parrot uses their beak for eating as well as climbing and holding too.

14) It is a good learner and has the capability of learning from their surroundings.

15) Parrot is very good at mimicking human voices.

16) There are no vocal cords in a parrot.

17) Cocktails, Lovebirds, Amazons, Parakeets, African greys are some of the popular species of parrots.

18) The act of using parrots for entertainment purposes comes under the exploitation of birds.

19) Excessive hunting and habitat destruction are leading to the extinction of several species of parrots.

20) Parrot is the symbol of royalty, good luck, and well-being.

As per the statistics out of 390 species of parrots across the globe 140 are listed as endangered species. Parrots are getting hunted in large numbers for food and colourful feathers. The illegal trade of parrots i.e. poaching and selling of birds, loss of habitat due to agriculture, deforestation are some of the major issues which have made the existence of parrot’s species at risk.

Many countries have enacted laws to regulate the trade of all endangered species including birds, animals, and plants, but still, a lot needs to be done in order to conserve and protect the habitat of Parrots. Governments should give special focus to preserve wildlife by increasing the forest cover by implementing tough laws around the world.

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