We learn basic moral values since our childhood. These moral values help us in becoming a good human being and getting respect throughout life. In the presence of these moral values, society becomes beautiful, but their absence is very disastrous, which we call the ‘Corruption’. Corruption is a broad term, about which we can learn through the sets of 10 lines below.
Ten Lines on Corruption in English
Below are given 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Corruption for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Also, people who want to know some facts on Corruption in short as well as in less time can read these lines. So, let’s start:
10 Lines on Corruption
1) Corruption is an unethical and unfair means of earning benefits.
2) Corruption is one of the biggest hurdles towards the path of uniform growth of the country.
3) According to a survey, 92% of Indians at some time in their life have paid a bribe to a government official to speed up or get the job done.
4) Corruption in India lies at every level of the system, be it a public or a private sector.
5) India ranks top in Forbes list of 5 most corrupt countries of Asia in 2017 with 69% bribery rate.
6) Corruption absorbs a major part of the government’s schemes and benefits and only a little reaches to the beneficiary.
7) According to the World Bank, only 40% of grain intended for poor people reaches them.
8) Many numbers of elected MPs or MLAs have corruption charges against them; still, they can contest elections.
9) Right to Information act is a great tool to fight corruption at every level.
10) Unless we don’t take strict steps, we can’t remove corruption from India.
10 Lines and Sentences on Corruption
1) Taking advantage of own authority to gain personal benefits is Corruption.
2) Corruption causes inequalities in society and may also lead to revolt.
3) Denmark is the least corrupt county in the world as per the corruption index table.
4) Somalia is the most corrupt country in the world, followed by Sudan and Syria.
5) Transparency International ranks India at 81st in the global corruption perception table 2017.
6) Corruption has grown to such a level that it has also given rise to many criminal activities.
7) RTI activists have gone through many attacks for exposing corruption and promoting transparency in the functioning of government offices.
8) Around 65 RTI activists have murdered since the formation of the Right to Information Act, 2005.
9) Apart from strict laws and immediate justice, protection of the RTI activists is also required to fight corruption.
10) A unified collaboration between the government and the society is required to curb out corruption from our country.
10 Sentences on Corruption
1) Corruption is a grave issue affecting India on central, state and local levels of government.
2) Somewhere and somehow, most of the people support corruption at their level.
3) In 2018, India got 81st position in transparency international rankings which shows a fall of two points from 2016.
4) There are many reports which tell about the black money of Indian rich people in the Swiss Bank.
5) Corruption in India is due to several reasons, such as excessive rules and regulations, difficult tax and licencing system, Inspector Raj etc.
6) In India, political corruption is in number one position, followed by the corruption done by the government officials.
7) Corruption occurs in various sectors. Ex – land and property, awarding tenders, hospitals, IT department, mining etc.
8) Black money is the main product of corruption which is earned illegally through unfair means.
9) In 2106, the Indian government did “Demonetization” to destroy black money.
10) CBI, CVC (Central Vigilance Commission) and ED (Enforcement Directorate) investigate corruption.
5 Lines on Corruption
1) Corruption is an illegal act of earning money.
2) Corruption is a crime.
3) Today, corruption is present in every sector.
4) It has a bad effect on society.
5) It restricts the development of the country.
20 Lines on Corruption
1) Corruption is an evil way of earning money.
2) It is the misuse of the power given for the benefit of society.
3) The greediness of people is the main cause of corruption.
4) People give bribes to the officers to speed up their work.
5) A bribe can be in the form of money or gifts.
6) The government should take strict actions against corruption.
7) People who take or give bribe should face punishment.
8) Corruption directly affects the development of the country.
9) Corruption is a crime, and everyone should fight against it.
10) Let us pledge together that we will not give or take bribe and help in the development of the country.
11) Corruption is an immoral, unethical and criminal act of getting illicit benefit from the others.
12) The person who is on the higher position generally indulges in this malpractice to earn more money.
13) In corruption, the benefit is either monetary or in any other commodity such as property, jewellery, or something else.
14) It starts from getting or demanding small favours by some people to the big ones which affect the general law and order of a nation.
15) It poses a serious dent to the economy.
16) “Petty Corruption” is a small type of corruption.
17) “Grand Corruption” is a high level of corruption in which government officials transfer huge funds illegally.
18) In almost every government sector, one will have to support corruption to let his work be complete.
19) In private companies, corruption also takes place in the form of embezzlement.
20) Nepotism is also a kind of corruption promoting or appointing a relative or friend to a higher post.
Corruption is a curse to the nation. It not only hampers the economic growth and development of a country but also gives birth to other heinous crimes such as terrorism, illicit human trafficking, prostitution, extortion etc. It is a result of never-ending expectation as the rich want to become richer and the poor also wants to have money with him. This greediness gives birth to corruption in which those who are in power, influence policies and decisions to benefit themselves or others.