Ashoka The Great, also known as The Chakravarti Samrat Ashoka was one of the greatest and the most powerful king of the Mauryan Dynasty in the history of India. He had five wives in his life in which he loved Rani Kaurvaki the most. He took the crown of Magadha in 273 BCE after the death of his father Bindusara. Pataliputra (now Patna) was the capital of Magadha at that time. He gave up wars and converted Buddhism after the very vigorous war of Kalinga state.
Here we are providing you with the sets of 10 lines that involve the important facts about the great King – Ashoka.
Ten Lines on Ashoka – The Great in English
Set 1
1) The word Ashoka defines, “A” – Free, “Shoka” – Grief or Sorrow, means free from all the griefs.
2) Ashoka was born in Pataliputra (now Patna) around 304 BCE.
3) Ashoka The Great was the son of King Bindusara and Queen Subhadrangi.
4) He was the grandson of the founder of Mauryan Dynasty, Chandragupta Maurya.
5) Ashoka was the only emperor of India to get the title of ‘Chakrawarti Samrat’.
6) The Kalinga State was captured by Chakravarti Ashoka in his eighth year of rajaship.
7) He converted himself to Buddhism after the war of Kalinga.
8) Ashoka The Great ruled India for 273 BCE to 232 BCE.
9) ‘The National Emblem’ and ‘The Ashoka Chakra’ are the creations of Ashoka.
10) According to believes, The Great Ashoka died in 232 BCE in Taxila.
Set 2
1) 50 years after the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Dynasty came to end.
2) Ashoka was considered as the last emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty.
3) Ashoka made several monuments during his life span.
4) Ashoka built ‘The Ashoka Stupa’ at Sarnath which is a national icon.
5) He was the promoter of Buddhism across ancient Asia.
6) Ashoka ruled over almost whole India, Afghanistan & Iran (as of now).
7) Before conversion to Buddhism, Ashoka was called ‘Chandashoka’ (because of his brutality).
8) After converting to Buddhism he spent all his life to serve people.
9) Ashoka made several Hospitals for animals as well as humans.
10) He also banned animal sacrifice in his empire.
Chakravarti Samrat Ashoka was the one of the greatest king of India; he was quite brutal, cruel and furious in his early stage but later as he got his crown. He converted to Buddhism because he decided to lead peace everywhere. After converting to Buddhism his life, behavior got changed totally and he started serving others till his last breath. Buddhism made the brutal Ashoka, very adorable, server, a lover of all forms of life. He died a natural death in 232 BCE.