“Necessity is the mother of invention” is the English proverb written by an unknown author in 1519. It contains the real fact of human living and experiences through the journey of life. Without need, the invention would not be possible and without invention, life would not be so easy and comfortable as it is in the current time. History of human beings since starting includes unlimited inventions in different forms whether it was the creation of fire or the achievement of walking to the moon. Necessity has always inspired humans to invent something for better living. Without invention, we cannot even imagine our world.
Sample Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention for Students
Essay 1 (400 words)
The need for something which does not exist in the world encourages people to find the way and solutions for getting these things and this kind of human effort is called an invention. That’s why someone has introduced this phrase that “necessity is the mother of invention“. From time to time people have invented new inventions as per they needed and created a history of inventions.
It is the 21st century when technology is so advanced and modified that now we can say that nothing is impossible but at the time of beginning of humankind no one expected that someday people will be able to fly in the sky and can talk to someone face to face situated at distance of thousands of miles using technology of video conference.
Initial Inventions
Initially, people were required to invent basic things that were the most necessities of them like tools of stone, fire, clothes, food, house and most importantly alphabets for expressing something to others. By rubbing two stones they produced fire to get rid of darkness, and this was the first great achievement by a human on land after making of stone tools that were made for their safety and other security purposes.
After producing fire, they started cooking meat on fire as their tasty food. When they felt cold or hot, they were inspired to make the house of wood and grasses. The journey of inventions started which is still not ended and going on. Lack of satisfaction is the major quality of human nature and this led to the feeling of necessity and result comes in the forms of new inventions by a human.
Inventions that are good for human:
Almost every invention has importance and advantages in human life. Apart from inventions about that we have talked above, many inventions have proved to be as milestones, these are:
- The invention of the telephone for conversation between two people situated at a very far distance.
- The invention of the printing machine required for printing something on paper by using ink.
- Inventions of a railway engine, inspired by the formula of steam and used for carrying hundreds of people from one place to another in one time.
- Inventions of glider, which fulfils the dream of several people, who wanted to fly in the sky.
- The invention of the rocket that becomes the medium for people to take the first step on other planets.
Inventions that are bad for human:
On one side, most of the inventions are for the betterment of humankind and on the other side, some inventions are too hazardous and dangerous for humankind that they have never expected before inventing like:
- The invention of chemical acids by which atomic and nuclear bombs are created.
- Production of drugs and alcohol which affects many people by damaging their body from inside.
- Inventions of gun, pistol, rifle, and missiles.
- Inventions lead the increment in the environmental issue of pollution due to day by day increased number of manufacturing factories and industries, and population which is attracted to the developed cities or countries and overcrowding become the reason for unemployment, child labor, poverty, and many other problems.
Necessity has always been the cause of new inventions and encourages people to invent and discover the new innovations or inventions. Without expecting something, we will not do the effort for getting that thing and by creating new inventions we fulfill our needs. Desires of humans never end and thus inventions of new things will also be never ended till the end of this earth.
Essay 2 (600 words)
“Necessity is the mother of invention”, is the English proverb written by the unknown author in 1591. It is used by various people in their books with different wording and different language but having the same meaning that necessity compels people to invent new things.
Origin of inventions:
Since the beginning, people are creating and inventing some creations and inventions for fulfilling the basic requirements of them. When people were afraid of darkness they created to fire when they felt hungry started to cook food on fire, when they felt hot or cold started to make a house for shelter, the idea of agriculture led them to build plow and hoe, etc. To reach somewhere faster from one place to another by the way of land, people brought the idea of using wheels and by the way of water, they invented boats. These were the primary inventions for fulfilling the basic needs of people.
Later on, technological inventions were created which have changed the condition of the entire world completely. The invention of the electric bulb was one of the major creations by human beings which led many more creations in the future like gravitational force, the idea of steam behind the making of railway engine and creation of the telephone was some of the biggest achievements by people. Achievement in the technology of photography was the continuous efforts of various people and later this technology became the source for new inventions like television and cinematography.
The idea of going somewhere by air was a matter of laugh at that time but the famous scientists “The Wright Brothers” made it possible by making glider for flying in the sky. Thus in order to fulfill the needs or expectations, people have invented something new and exciting always and made our life full of convenience and smoothness.
Effects and impacts of inventions:
Though each and every invention were created and invented for the betterment of human life and this proved almost in all cases either in the case of face to face conversation between people, who are sitting at a far distance or to reach somewhere in less time covering the distance of thousands of miles. Thus overall there is a positive effect of inventions on our lives but some inventions led people to become lazy and more expected due to the increased number of appliances and machined that helps us in doing our daily routine works.
In spite of above all, many social issues have been raised due to new inventions and technologies. Each technology contains some bad effects too, if not used in a proper way like:
- Pollution: Biggest loss of nature in terms of pollution, due to the increased number of factories, industries, fuel operated vehicles, steamed engines, etc.
- The increased population at a developed place: people get attracted by those places where new technologies and techniques are operated like in Metro cities.
- Child Labour: Advanced technology and an increased number of working places require more man force and that led people to start their professional careers as labor at a very low age.
- Chemical attack: Invention of hazardous chemicals led to the invention of atomic bombs like nuclear and hydrogen bombs which can destroy the major part of the world in a few seconds.
- Increased crime, offense, and violence: Invention of guns, pistol, rifles and other weapons become the reason for increased crime and violence in the whole world.
- Inventions of drugs, alcohol has affected millions of people especially the youth who sometimes forced to do the dangerous crime.
Invention happens to fulfill the need of people in some manner to make them comfortable and to provide them a kind of security in life. Without necessity, inventions are not possible. The use of inventions should be in the right manner so that it can be beneficial for all and does not affect people negatively.
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