Rainy season (varsha ritu) is that season of the month when maximum rainfall occurs. The precipitation that occurs in the rainy season is beneficial to the ecology and the living species. It replenishes the natural resources and provides life-sustaining water. Water is very essential for life on earth and also for vegetation.
Short and Long Paragraphs on Rainy Season (Varsha Ritu) for Students in English
Find here some well written rainy season paragraphs – 100, 120, 150, 200 and 250 Words for Students of all classes:
Rainy Season Paragraph 1 – 100 Words for Students of Classes 1, 2, and 3
The rainy season is that time of the year when the maximum average rainfall of the year occurs. The rainy season lasts for one month to a couple of months depending on the geographical location. The time and intensity of the rains vary according to the winds and cloud formation.
The rainy season is very advantageous to the flora and fauna and also the vegetation. Annual rainfall brings a new lease of life to the earth and its inhabitants. It replenishes our natural water resources which supports life. Rains also provide the much necessary water for crops and vegetation.
Rainy Season Paragraph 2 – 120 Words for Students of Classes 4 and 5
The period of a year when most of the annual rainfall occurs is termed as the rainy season. The duration of the rainy season depends on the geographical location of the place and also the pattern of the winds. In India, the rainy season is called monsoon and it lasts for around three to four months.
The amount and duration of rainfall vary at places throughout the world. Tropical rainforests also called lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest to have rainfall throughout the year. They experience monthly average precipitation of 60 mm throughout the year.
On the other hand, places like the Sahara desert very low or no rainfall at all, throughout the year. In India, the place of highest rainfall is Cherrapunjee while Leh is the place experiencing the least rainfall.
Rainy Season Paragraph 3 – 150 Words for Students of Classes 6, 7 and 8
The rainy season is very beneficial to the earth as well as its inhabitants. In the countries with the agriculture-based economy, the rainy season is very important as it affects the agriculture production and employment of a large population.
In India the agriculture industry contributes 20% to the total GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and employs around 500 million people; therefore, the significance of rains in the Indian economy cannot be undermined. A weak rainy season has an adverse effect on the economy of the country.
The rainy season is also essential for maintaining the groundwater level of natural resources which is essential for supporting life on earth. Every living species, be that of plants, animals, birds or even humans, depend on the natural water resources for survival. Rainy season refills the water reserves to sustain the requirements of flora and fauna through a long and dry summer and till the next rainy season.
Rainy Season Paragraph 4 – 200 Words for Students of Classes 9 and 10
Among all the seasons of India, the rainy season is the most awaited. The maximum summer temperature crosses 40°C at many places, making the rainy season a welcomed delight. The summer season in India lasts from March to May.
All the water reserves almost get dry by the end of summer, making rains not only a pleasure but also necessary. During monsoon – the common term used in India to refer to the rainy season, these resources get refilled and replenished to last till the next summer.
Rainy season brings a respite from soaring heat and cools down the atmosphere. During the rainy season, the sky is overcast for most of the times by dense, black clouds. The rain could occur anytime during the day – in the morning, afternoon, evening or late night. Thunder and lightning is also a common occurrence during the rainy day.
Apart from cooling the temperature, it also makes the air clean. All impurities in the air get washed away over the land as the rain falls, making the air clean and fresh. The rainy season brings a new lease of life on the earth. Many species that have been hibernating during the summers, come to the surface with the first drop of monsoon.
Rainy Season Paragraph 5 – 250 Words for Students of Classes 11 and 12
The rainy season is one of the four main seasons of the Indian subcontinent. It is followed by the summer season and hence is the most awaited season of the year. However, the rainy season has its own advantages and disadvantages. The rainy season brings respite from the scorching heat of the sun and cools down the environment.
One good thing about the rainy season is that the temperature remains comfortable and moderate – neither too low nor too high. Rains help in the growth of trees, plants, and herbs of several kinds. The land that has been lying dry and lifeless during the summer becomes green and covered with life as the rain arrives.
The season is equally beneficial for the birds and animals as it replenishes their food and water resources. The rainy season could also be uncomfortable for an urban or rural dwelling as well. Cities with inadequate or improperly maintained sewage networks may face a flood-like situation during the rainy season.
Without any proper exit passage, the rainwater accumulates over an area causing a localized flood. Situations like this may because of traffic jams for hours in urban areas. I rural areas the road becomes wet and muddy and it also becomes difficult to walk in the fields.
Also during the rains, life in a village comes to standstill. Narrow streets flooded with rainwater make it difficult to walk. Also, the business in the villages comes to a halt. But, despite all the advantages, the rainy season is by far the most-awaited and loved season of the year.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Rainy Season
Ans. ‘Mawsynram’ of Cherrapunji has the highest rainfall in the world.
Ans. The rainy season occurs from the month of June to September.
Ans. Rice, Maize, Millet, etc are the crops that are sown in the rainy season.
Ans. The rainy season is commonly called a ‘monsoon’.
Ans. Mawsynram in Meghalaya receives the most rainfall.