Find here some short and long paragraphs on the importance of republic day of India for the students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Short and Long Paragraphs on Importance of Republic Day 2023 of India
Paragraph – 1 (100 Words)
Republic Day is a national festival in India and we celebrate it every year on the 26th of January. It is celebrated on the occasion of the implementation of our constitution. It was 26th January 1950, when it was implemented.
After independence in the year 1947, on the 29th of August people thought to have their own constitution and a committee was made under the governance of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. The constitution was made within 3 years and was finally implemented on the 26th of January. The historical importance of the day makes it special and we celebrate it.
Paragraph – 2 (120 Words)
India is a republic country and we have got this title after the enforcement of our constitution. It was 26 January 1950, when our Constitution was implemented. Since that day, every year we celebrate this day with a sense of patriotism.
A grand program is organized at Delhi’s Rajpath, where the national anthem and various cultural programs are followed by the hoisting of the flag. It took 2 years, 11 months, and 18 days to complete our Constitution.
We got independence in the year 1947 but in a true sense, it was 1950 when we got free in terms of our fundamental rights. Republic Day was and always will be an important event for Indians.

Paragraph – 3 (150 Words)
It was a pleasant morning of 26th January 1950, when we got our rights, to live independently in this nation. Our Constitution was implemented on this day. A committee was established after independence, naming the ‘Drafting Committee’ to make our Constitution. It was Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, selected as the head of this committee.
The day is important for us because we truly got our freedom on this day, in terms of our rights. India became a republic nation and we are proudly known as the largest democratic nation. Every year on this day our President hoists the flag on Rajpath, Delhi.
On this day a very big event is organized on Rajpath, Delhi and people from various parts of the country take part in this event and represent their happiness for this day. Every year we call a chief guest from another country to witness the rich cultural and social heritage of the nation. It is a very special day for us and we celebrate it with lots of enthusiasm.
Paragraph – 4 (200 Words)
On 26th January, our President hoists the flag on Rajpath, Delhi on the occasion of Republic Day and various cultural events are also organized. We can easily see the glimpses of Indian culture and tradition on Rajpath this day. Students from various states perform on Rajpath. Different military forces also take part in the celebration. Tableaux of various states are the center of attraction this day.
The day is important because of its historical aspect; it was 1947 when the British abandoned us. Although they left us, there were still some rules and regulations in reference to the “Government of India Act, 1935” even after us. A constitution was urgently needed for a new India. On 29 August 1947, a committee was formed with Dr. B. R. Ambedkar as its head. Finally, it took 2 years, 11 months, and 18 days to complete our constitution.
The constitution was completed by 26 November 1949, but it was not implemented immediately and it was decided to celebrate the occasion on 26 January. Finally, on 26 January 1950, our Constitution came into force. Since 1950, we celebrate this occasion with great enthusiasm and thousands of people visit Delhi to see the ceremony.
Paragraph – 5 (250 Words)
India got its Independence in the year 1947. An independent nation has its own constitution which describes some set of rules and rights for the people living within it. Some rules and regulations are necessary to maintain harmony among people. So, in a real sense, we got free on 26th January 1950, when our constitution was implemented.
Historical Significance of the Day
It was 26 November 1949, when the making of the Constitution was completed; still, we waited for 26th January, because of the historical importance of this day. In the year 1930, it was declared to attain Poorna Swaraj and celebrate our independence on 26th January. But we failed to achieve success and got independence after 17 years. So, after independence, we marked to maintain the historical importance of the day and celebrate our Republic day on 26th of January.
How do we celebrate Republic Day?
Every year on this day our President hoists the flag at Rajghat, Delhi. We invite guests from different nations to be a part of our celebration. The program contains tableau from different states, various dance, and other cultural events from students across the nation, a parade of all military forces, some air shows, etc. We can see mini India on Rajpath on this day.
Republic Day in Modern Term
Today India is the largest democratic nation and has the longest constitution with 448 articles describing our rights to live independently and is the subject of the celebration. Therefore, we celebrate this day and it is also a national holiday on this day. People wear new clothes, play patriotic songs, cook delicious food, watch inspiring movies, and celebrate Republic Day. Various cultural programs are also organized in schools and colleges across the nation.
Paragraph – 6 (300 Words)
Republic Day is one of the most awaited national festivals of India. There is a national leave on this day. The entire nation fills with a patriotic feeling and a thought of nationalism can be easily seen everywhere on this day. Markets fill with tricolors and people buy them with joy on their faces. Our President hoists the flag in Delhi and Governors perform this activity in their states.
What does History say About Republic Day?
We celebrated our first Republic Day on 26th January 1950. In the year 1930, Jawahar Lal Nehru promised to celebrate 26th January as a day of Independence and attain Poorna Swaraj. But he failed to achieve Poorna Swaraj and unwillingly have to drop this idea.
After Independence in 1947, there was an urgent need of the Constitution and a committee was made on the 29th of August 1947. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was the chairperson of this committee and it took approx 3 years to complete our Constitution. Finally, it was completed on 26th November 1949 but was not implemented. It was decided to commemorate the occasion and the 26th of January was selected for the implementation of our Constitution. The day was chosen because of its historical importance. From that day we celebrate our Republic Day every year.
Republic Day Celebrate all Over the Country
A very big event is organized in the capital of India, where our President hoists the flag and various programs are organized on this occasion. Beautiful tableaux from different states and ministries showcase their features on the Rajpath. Students from different parts of the country also perform there. Our President also confers various gallantry and civic awards on this occasion. Various armed forces parade on this occasion at the same venue.
A kind of patriotic feeling automatically arises on this day; the entire nation celebrates this occasion. Various schools, colleges, and other institutions celebrate this occasion by distributing sweets and by organizing some patriotic cultural events. In this way every year we celebrate our Republic Day.
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions Importance of Republic Day of India
Ans. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was the chairman of the constitutional committee.
Ans. Our constitution took 2 years 11 months and 18 days to form.
Ans. Indian people celebrate republic day by organizing different types of patriotic programs.
Ans. India’s republic day is important because it marks India’s birth as the largest democracy in the world.