Nationalism is an individual’s bonding and connectivity to his/her nation. The spirit of equality and unity irrespective of caste, creed, gender, religion is important for a nation. Nationalism defines the attachment of a person with his/her country. We have collected some of the important points about nationalism in the paragraphs mentioned below. Kindly read it as per your need.
Short and Long Paragraphs on Nationalism
Paragraph 1 – 100 Words
Nationalism represents unity among people. It is the factor that connects all people in a single unit irrespective of their caste, creed, race, ethnicity or language. India is a country with unity among diversity. Here nationalism is the crucial factor for unifying all of the states and all the diversities present in it.
The feeling among the general public that gives them a sense of attachment with their nation is called nationalism. The spirit of dedication and devotion towards the nation is nationalism. A nation’s prosperity and its growth are connected with national unity and integrity.
Paragraph 2 – 120 Words
The feeling that encourages a soldier to guard the borders of their country is the nationalism. Similarly, the inner motivation that encourages us all to pay respects our National Anthem. Nationalism is the supreme character of a nation that safeguards all its citizens from any external invasion. India is a religiously diverse nation; here the sense of nationalism ties all the religious diversities in one single thread.
Nationalism is that belief that gives recognition to a nation on the world platform. The enthusiasm present in citizens towards their nation is the nationalism. National Anthem, National Symbols, and National Flag represent the integrity of our nation. Nationalism is the share of responsibility that an individual bears for maintaining his/her nation’s pride.

Paragraph 3 – 150 Words
Nationalism advocates that a nation is a topmost priority for its citizens. It says that a nation is represented by the shared identities of its citizens. India has witnessed an external rule for a long period of time. History says that when our country was divided among various states, the greedy invaders use it by taking a charge over our country.
Our great freedom fighters fight for independence, there were many wars taken place. The first revolt of 1857 against British rule is itself telling the story of nationalism among our great legends. Various movements were volunteered by great freedom fighters; they were concerned about our national independence. They want India as an independent country on the globe; they even sacrifice their own life for giving us a free India.
Nationalism secures a country for external threats. The domestic disputes among various states like Kashmir and North-Eastern states can only be solved if the citizens will feel like part of India.
Paragraph 4 – 200 Words
Nationalism is connected with socialism and social Kinship. Nationalism promotes traditional culture. Nationalism aims to gain sovereignty and integrity among the citizens of the nation. The growth of a nation in terms of its social, political, and economic structure of the country is connected with the spirit of nationalism among its citizens.
The ancient Indian texts and mythological tales also depict nationalism. In a democratic country like India, where socialism and secularism are the pillars of democracy here nationalism is the only key that connects all states in one single unit. The glory of Indian history tells that without nationalism and patriotism it was difficult to win over any external power. Nationalism is beneficial in the following ways:
Cordial behavior among citizens of a country: Nationalism helps in maintain cordial behavior among all citizens of a nation. The equal sense of responsibility is shared by all, so the cooperation among them is maintained.
Maintaining harmony in a nation: The equal sense of responsibility is helpful in maintaining harmony among the general public of a nation.
Maintaining peace in a nation: Nationalism is the ideal for any nation, it encourages people to behave cordially and thus a peaceful environment is maintained.
Paragraph 5 – 250 Words
Nationalism is an ideology that connects an individual from his/her nation. Ethnic Nationalism, Civic Nationalism, Expansionist Nationalism, etc are some of the forms of nationalism. The gender and religious equality of a country reflect nationalism.
Nationalism is different from Patriotism
One can seek nationalism for their deep interest in politics or central power but patriotism is a feeling of love and devotion for their nation. Basically, there is a very thin line difference between Nationalism and Patriotism. Patriotism is more lucid and progressive than nationalism. A patriotic and nationalist both love their country but later can opt rigorous way for the development of his/her country.
If we talk about history, American philosopher and great historian Hans Kohn said that Nationalism originated in the 17th century. However, some sources say that the concept of nationalism was conceptualized in the 19th century.
As per sociology, nationalism has the power to gain central supreme authority. Nationalism allows every ethical group to choose its way of thinking and they have the right to rule. Some of the nationalists think that nationalism is a way to preserve the rights of minorities section of our society.
Nationalism depends upon the viewpoint of an individual. In Nazi Germany, The Concentration camps and Holocaust were extreme cases of nationalism. This is the negative side of nationalism. Nationalism is good unless or until someone has not misconceptualized the element of devotion and dedication for the nation in violent or regressive ways.
Nationalism is one’s approach towards his/her nation but it totally depends upon the action of the citizens of the nation when they looking for self-determination.
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
Ans. The affection of one’s towards his/her country is nationalism.
Ans. Nationalism connects a special kind of bond between an individual and a country.
Ans. In the 17th century, the word Nationalism was introduced.
Ans. The Nationality of India is ‘Indian’.
Ans. Nationalism has been discussed in the fundamental duties of Indian constitution.